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Historical comparisons
« on: July 21, 2009, 06:18:25 PM »
I'm not really too keen on trying to link various parts of Cerilian history/culture to RW analogues. Takes away some of the uniqueness IMO. That said there is a flip side to it; by comparing, say the Masetian Empire to the Phoenicians, you're also conjuring up a lot of useful associations too.

So here are some of my thoughts:

- the tribes that arrived in Cerilia can be compared to the great migrating tribes that arrived in Europe from the East (in BR they arrived in Cerilia, mostly from Aduria).
- now, within each major group there are lesser groups; the West Germanic tribes vs. one particular West Germanic tribal confederation (i.e. the Franks).
- so we have the Andu (big group) and the 'Houses of the Andu' (particular tribal confederation).
- so lots of room for conflict during those 500 years leading up to Deismaar :)
- then we have the Empire of Roele; I'd compare it to the Empire of the Franks (Carolingian empire (751–843).
- definitely no Roman ties; I prefer to put the classical analogies in Aduria in yonder years

more later
DM Bjørn

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Re: Historical comparisons
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2009, 11:53:58 AM »
- the period after Roele's death was one of unrest and internal strife; which ended with a very feudal arrangement (early middle ages)
- then followed a period (up until around 600 HC) where the Emperor's gradually manage to create a unified Empire, where the Emperor gained in power over his vassals. But still a very feudal society (later middle ages).
- the next couple of hundred years had a truly unified Empire, with centralized power. It expanded into Aduria (early years of the East Roman Empire perhaps). Still a semi-fuedal system though.
- then a period of corruption and decline, leading up to the death of the last Emperor (late Byzantine period?). Feudalism is on the rise again.
- following Michael's death the Empire tears itself apart over a hundred years, central authority is eroded and civilization is pushed back to a lower level.
- the 1060-1209HC period is one of renewed feudalism; the realms we seem on the map still exist in he period, but 'Avanil' is not a major political entity. Rather the focus is on the ceaseless struggle between House Avan and his vassals, and neighboring provinces (for example). Private wars are common, priests rule whole counties as nobles and so on.
- the end of the period sees major kingdoms emerge again, Avanil, Boeruine etc. And the Game of Thrones resumes, with the end result that Anuire is plunged into another dark age
- from the mid-14th century HC this starts to change, peace once gain reigns, there is much progress as lost sciences are rediscovered, kingdoms become centralized and so on. The Anuirean renaissance so to speak.

The end result is that the current situation in Anuire is much like the equivalent situation on Earth during the same time-frame (early 16th century). Not identical mind you, but resembling it. Kingdoms are recognized as political entities, and the King (or equivalent) is the undisputed (yeah right!) leader. There is still a strong nobility and feudalism exists, but in the main this is a struggle between kingdom, not petty knights, or even provincial rulers. Armies are maintained by the King (mostly) from income derived from many sources; taxation and trade tariffs, as well as levies placed upon the nobility (instead of military service). There are warlike knights still, but they are paid for by the King mostly, not summoned from their individual fiefs to fight for the King.
DM Bjørn