Author Topic: Chat  (Read 5968 times)

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Offline DM B

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    • - Hone of Ruins of Empire
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:29:47 AM »
Char charter:

The community chat is open to all registered members - you don't have to actively play in RoE or anything to chat.

There is only one channel in the chat ATM. It is not possible to send private messages or enter private channels (we have PMS for that).

You are to behave in a polite fashion in the Chat at all times. Offenders will be persecuted to the full extent of Anuirean law.

You are allowed to chat about anything, but do be considerate - don't fill the chat with matters of no interest to the general public, especially when the chat is filled with people.

DM Bjørn