Author Topic: State faith of the domain  (Read 7961 times)

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State faith of the domain
« on: January 04, 2011, 12:28:24 PM »
So what is a state faith/temple in ROE II?
And, is there any effect of being state faith other then what is written in the individual treaties and that elusive aura of authority?

- Geir / LF
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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 01:59:31 PM »
No; except from a certain amount of prestige.
DM Bjørn

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2011, 02:58:52 AM »
I thought the regent guide somewhere mentioned that state faiths (as well as state guilds) get to add prosperity as a positive modifier (if indeed positive) to their actions, whereas other temples and guilds subtract positive prosperity and add negative prosperity.

Cannot remember where the mention was though, but it sounds like we are not playing with this rule?
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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2011, 08:28:38 AM »
You remember semi-correctly; the state faith was used as an example of who would normally benefit form the same prosperity modifiers a province ruler is subject to. So there you go do a semi-hidden and semi-indirect benefit (usually) of being state faith.
DM Bjørn

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2011, 03:03:49 PM »
I thought Prosperity generally applied to all domains in a province anyway?  ???
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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2011, 03:39:43 PM »
True, but the Default is that everyone hates each other and oppose. With holdings and prosperity levels.
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 06:36:07 PM »
True, but the Default is that everyone hates each other and oppose. With holdings and prosperity levels.

I woudl assume the default is neutral; that other domains don't interfere unless explicitly stating so.
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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 06:43:10 PM »
True, but the Default is that everyone hates each other and oppose. With holdings and prosperity levels.

I woudl assume the default is neutral; that other domains don't interfere unless explicitly stating so.

DM Bjørn

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2011, 07:22:20 PM »
So, the state faith title is mostly something to use for RPGing purposes (which allows quite a lot of avenues into rules-oriented actions), gives your temple prestige (NPC's tend to favour you slightly) and a sort of passive defence is built up around your temple the longer you stay state faith. Eg. foreign temples butting in or displeased rulers removing the title get to feel the brunt of this in the form of events - that you as a state faith can push into existence easier - or NPC nobles generally adhering to your faith giving you unasked for support

Being that the state faith title isn't exactly a rules matter, actually makes it a lot more powerful than mere holding support - IF you use it wisely. Obviously the aid you receive is expected to be reciprocated at some point, helping keep the people happy being the prime activity of the state faith.

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2011, 10:25:28 AM »
What a state faith is?

To me a state faith is the constitutional arrangement and basis for the official recognition of a temple as the primary spiritual source for the realm. This should mean a series of obligations, requirements and responsibilities on both parties to allow the realm to prosper and the spiritual needs of its people to be met. Normally this is done by a contractual arrangement which is acknowledged by the Court of the Realm.

Normally included in such an agreement will be blessings, monetary compensation, hardiness, support and so forth in order to allow for the smooth running of the ship of state.

I would argue that the basis of a state faith is what the temple in question can get agreed. Changing a long established state faith though is going to cause significant stability issues I would say, as well as the ire of the followers of that faith....
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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2011, 09:46:43 PM »
I would argue that the basis of a state faith is what the temple in question can get agreed. Changing a long established state faith though is going to cause significant stability issues I would say, as well as the ire of the followers of that faith....
Normally yes, but what about the situation where the declared state faith does not match that of the majority of the people.

Would you see stability penalties for trying to maintain the long established faith against the desires of the people?
Most Sacred Broker Ruormad Coumain, Patriach of the Celestial Jewel of Sarimie.
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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2011, 09:53:04 PM »
You'd find that the DM would use that for a seemingly endless series of wicked events...
DM Bjørn

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2011, 10:14:10 PM »
Would you see stability penalties for trying to maintain the long established faith against the desires of the people?

that's easy to answer, just look at Elinie  ;D
Robhan Khaiarén
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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2011, 11:15:26 AM »
Was that not mainly due to LPA casting 5th lvl realmspell "Excommunication" in the same province as Elinies court?
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: State faith of the domain
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2011, 02:16:54 PM »
We both took stability hits before that, when things began to get ugly. Or rather, when the LPA began to get ugly. Well, got uglier.
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.