Author Topic: The issue with Ilien #65  (Read 10486 times)

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The issue with Ilien #65
« on: December 05, 2009, 02:35:11 PM »
In the early part of the turn:

The Dieman fleet continues its stranglehold on shipping to and from Ilien, but as yet no landbased siege has materialized. So Ilien does not starve in terms of food...but for how long can it sit by as it real lifeblood - commerce - is drained from it?

DM Bjørn

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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2010, 03:03:13 PM »
Update pending feedback from involved parties...
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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 10:08:10 AM »
In the early weeks of spring the Countess of Ilien clamps down hard on dissenters - martial law is in effect and soldiers patrol the streets and guard key areas of the city. The assets baron Enlien - and other Medoerans for that matter - are seized. Reparations for the theft of PCE property and embarrassment of the people of Ilien.

RCS temples are not plundered, nor are they initially closed to the public, but they are watched very closely for sings of treasonous activity. When the faithful attempt to form a militia they are quickly and relatively bloodlessly dispersed, the temples are closed, and the followers of Ruornil are forbidden from gathering upon pain of death.

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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 11:49:10 AM »
The Medoeran General Ghant and his men have been in Ilien for a while - terrorizing the peasants for the most part - but they also have another task; keeping an eye out for any reinforcement headed to Ilien from the Roesone guilds.

Unfortunately for the General and his men the Countess is a wily witch, sending a force of her own to take them in the rear at the most opportune moment - as they get ready to attack the Ilienese that have just crossed the Spider River.

Things don't look good for Ghant. The enemy has more than double his number and a flexible force of infantry, cavalry, shock an missile. So he opts to put the Spider River  between his men an this new menace, using his mobile marauders and scouts to keep the enemy at bay while his infantry cross.

He avoids complete annihilation - most of his infantry do get across, but a lot of their gear is left behind on the Ilienese side. The scouts and marauders are badly mauled by crossbow fire - they are simply too few to make an effective rear-guard. In desperation they strike out north, back towards Medoere, their cohesion completely shattered.

Its not all that big a battle or important a victory - but it does wonders for Ilienese morale as they return to their city victorious.
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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 11:53:01 AM »
During war move 6 a mercenary force of 1000 or so heavy infantry arrive before the gates of Ilien. They send word to the Countess that they are here to assist her.

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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 11:43:01 AM »
War move 7:

The men of Ghieste are let into the city's hard to say exactly what then took place. Something along the lines of the Ghiestan commander and his officers being invited to dine with the Countess, then seized and thrown into the dungeons for no reason at all. Or according to another rumor the Ghiestan commander threw himself at the Countess' feet and begged her forgiveness - that he had come her will foul intention, but that upon seeing her beauty and experiencing her hospitality he could not bring himself to raise arms against him. According to which rumor you believe the Ghiestan soldiers have either been butchered or now stand firmly on the walls with the Ilienese. Take you pick.


Duke Diem arrives in Ilien at the head of a mighty host, one that includes men from his vassals as well. Diemed stands united in purpose - Ilien must be brought to heel!

Siege works are begun. Ilien is now surrounded by land and sea.
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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2010, 11:49:46 AM »
War move 8:

An attempt is made on the life of Countess el-Mesir, but the assassin is stopped and taken captive. The Ilienese claim that the SASI is behind it all - and you all know that the SASI answers to Archduke Diem. Assassination are ignoble, but a fact of life - it's just that getting taken alive is simply not the way it should be done.


That very night a ghost is seen walking through the Dieman camp. Needless to say this scares them men half to death - there are even reports about madness, Dieman soldiers turning on one another. That sort of thing. But the Patriarch of the Night Spell, old Altaweir Enlien is there with his priests, and ghost and madness are both banished.  The siege continues.
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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2010, 12:10:29 PM »
War move 9:

The Dieman blockade wards of a sudden attack by unknown galleys; despite losing one ship and damage to several more, the enemy is quickly put down, losing all five ships.


The Dieman force, although several thousand strong, is nowhere near strong enough to take mighty Ilien without a lengthy siege by both land and sea.
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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2010, 12:24:42 PM »
War move 10:

General Ghant and his men return from Roesone to join with the main Dieman force.


A sizable galley force - 17 vessels all told - manage to force their way through the Diemean blockade. The new arrivals have very good cohesion and stay together in perfect formation, denying the Diemans any real opportunity to force a battle.
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Re: The issue with Ilien #65
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2010, 02:42:55 PM »
Turn ends with siege in place.

The naval blockade is more uncertain; the Dieman fleet is certainly large and in charge, but the new fleet that now sits at anchor in Ilien is big enough to break through the blockade at any time. On the other hand the galley fleet lacks the ability to keep open the trade lanes without first breaking the Dieman navy.
DM Bjørn