Author Topic: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien  (Read 35330 times)

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Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« on: April 19, 2010, 09:48:51 AM »
WM 1: Nothing happens.

WM 2: Begins
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 10:58:16 AM »
Weeks pass. The siege continues on land and sea.

WM 5 begins.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 12:10:15 PM »
Nothing happens. The siege continues.

WM 9 begins.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2010, 05:36:05 PM »
The arrival of a sizable contingent of Ghiestan troops, bearing the banners of both Duke Hiriele and Marquis Tireseren, arrive at the camp of Archduke Carvaloen Diem. They now have the numbers to try and take Ilien, once and for all. What is more - a dread presence cloaks the Ghiestan troops. Magic most foul the Diemans whisper, the sorceries of the foul Sword Mage no doubt (i.e. The Terrible Army). The Diemans themselves are rather more piously fortified - by the Archbishop Briesen, whose presence is something of a surprise given the schism in the OIT,  walking among them and conferring the blessings of Haelyn upon them (Bless and Aid - with Chant for the actual attack).

Other, more subtle preparations are also being undertaken. The RCS priests are vigilant as ever, ready to repel vile magics (Prot from Realm Magic). The Sea Witch is also there, though she remains apart. She has the power to cloud the advancing army in mist (Obscuring Mists), ward them against arrow fire (Protective Winds) and stop any enemy magics from touching them (Dispel Realm Magic).

In Ilien they really feel the siege now. Food is scarce. People have begun to suffer. There is also the issue of the damaged gate. Repairs have been affected, but it remains a weak point. It is here that the enemy will strike...


It starts at dawn with a heavy artillery barrage. The Dieman artillery has been repaired or rebuilt and has stocked up on ammunition. Soon there are rocks in the air, smashing into the walls. There is some return fire, but nothing like before. Next comes the siege engines. Lumbering towers, scaling ladders, rams and picks. Archers carrying wooden shields. By midday the assault on the weakened gate and adjacent sections are well underway...and the Ghiestan units prepare to storm the walls...
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2010, 06:02:17 PM »
As they wait behind the mantlets the Duke walks his lines, dressed in black and in steel, axes and daggers on his hips, his white lion emblazoned on his chest, as it is on so many men around him. He beams at the masses that serve him now, where once the army of Ghieste was a joke now, and in two wars, it serves with honour and with strength. When at last he is happy and ready he calls the officers forward and speaks allowed so that a large number can hear him.

"We are gathered now for this day. Our alliances, our friendships, our honour and our glory have all called us to this place. We all shall share in the glory of the victory and we shall have to said that it was the good, solid, sensible men of Ghieste who took the walls of once fair Ilien and raised our banner over them. The Countess within has done great evil, consorted with ghosts and sacrificed her own people to her dark and shadowy masters but no more shall it be tolerated! We shall wipe her stain from this place and see friends raised up in her place, friends who shall treat us with honour and not kill those men of ours who came as friends!

We have the honour of leading this assault, the place of pride and of courage! We have already struck fear into their hearts, now let us put terror there instead! Onward! Onward! TO THE WALLS!"

With those last words he gives the final signal and the assault begins.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 06:48:15 PM by Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) »
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2010, 06:40:47 PM »
The boulder sailed through the cold morning air, to slam into the the already damaged walls of the gatesection. The heavy thumps from the other warmachines heralded their immediate release moments later.
"Again!" the officer directed with his deep booming voice, coordinating the efforts of the massive engines, as they kept pounding the walls relentlessly and in concert.

Kaven watched the scene, a frown creasing his brow. "You knew how to set these stones," he stated absentmindedly of whoever had raised the formiddable walls that surrounded the city. "A pity that craftmanship as this must take such punishment in the name of justice."

He looked at the fresh troops from Ghieste. Even from here he could sense the sinister energies surrounding them - he wasn't sure he approved of the magic weaved into their charge, but hopefully it would speed up the assault and lessen the amount of dead as people fleed rather than face whatever gruesome foe the energies sent towards them. He had ordered his General to keep what few Medoereans graced the field amongst thousands of soldiers away from that host, and they instead held a position on the flank, Lord General Ghant taking control of that general area and leading the charge there. The old knight had wanted to prove his worth after the initial defeats of the Ilienese campaign, and Kaven had been more than willing to comply, presenting his case before the Archduke.

From further up he heard the the words of the Duke of Ghieste as they drifted towards them, and Kaven found himself nodding along, a brief smile gracing his lips. While initially more cautious towards the Ghiestean Duke, he had found the man to be honourable and true to his word. A Duke in action and deed, even if his ancestors where naught but commoners. And certainly they would not have come this far without his assistance.
The Duke signalled the charge, and Kaven turned in the saddle and nodded to the men behind him. Twin horns where put to the lips and a series of long clear notes rang across the battlefield to be taken up by other hornblowers further down the line. Signalling the Diemean and Medoerean advance.

He adjusted the massive oaken pole in his left hand slightly and made sure it rested along his side. The night before the Baron had asked his liege to be granted the honour of carrying the Archdukes personal standard during the siege. Too many attempts had been made on the life of Carveloen, and Kaven feelt better knowing he would be nearby to intervene should some manner of foul witchcraft hit them now.
Thus flanking his liege, and with the personal banner of the Archduke unfurled above him, the Baron watched as the massive army of Diemeans, Ghiesteans and Medoereans surged forward. This would be a bloody and grueling affair, and he had no illusion that the scars left from this attack and the siege leading up to it would take years to heal.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 06:42:37 PM by Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) »

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 06:43:13 PM »
Meanwhile the Diemans are launching their very own attack - it's not a diversion as much as it is a second attempt at gaining a have to many units to mass them all against one section of the wall. Besides, it will prevent the enemy from massing their resources. The Diemans are proceeded by great banks of morning mist that only dissipate when they draw near the walls. As they quickly take to their ladders - the preparations here are much simpler, no massive siege towers for example - the enemy pens fire, only to find their arrows blow away by a sudden windstorm. Up the wall they go, bolstered by their faith in Haelyn and singing battle hymns (Chant). Soon a long section of the wall is under attack. The situation is desperate.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2010, 08:49:17 PM »
Inside the walls General Manders is heading the defence.
"Brave men of Ilien! Our enemy has decided to show his true intentions. Under the guise of wanting investigations in our city to ensure no harm is becomming us, her loyal subjects, Diem and his dogs take advantage of our Countess great care. Baronetess Tilgentor is off fighting for the safety of all of Anuire and in disregard for our care they pound on our walls. But we will answer with steel in our hands and through their evil hearts. We will defend the city from this assult and when our Admiral returns victorious from slaying Manethander we will celebrate by breaking the blocade of the see. For Ilien and Glory"

Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
Countess of the Free City of Illien
Guildmistress of Port of Call Exchange,
Mage of Ilien & Protector of her people.

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2010, 08:49:49 PM »
Diem paces in front of his men,

"What has this come to?  Some might say, why are we here?  Is this some pissing match between the nobility?  Should I fight for someone else's honour?"  "No, what that woman stands for inside those walls is an affront to every man, woman, and child in Anuire.  She imprison's her own people in their walls, forcing them to endure her fate for which she is judged.  El Masir desires a world with no gods, and no traditions, and no Anuire.  she invisions a world where men and women live and die for nothing but coin.  She has stooped as far as to sell her soul, which she obviously values very little, and the hearts and minds of the citizens of Ilien, which she no doubtedly cares even less about, to the very depths of oblivion to achieve her goals.  Her ruthlessness and godlessness knows no bounds as she tries to reinvent the world with herself as god and emperor.  No sacrifice is too great for her, no line too taboo to cross.  Diemens, Anuireans all, we have a duty like none other to end her nefarious schemes!  Now join me together, as we race like the wind, strengthened by Haelyn, to scale these walls, and show her divine judgement and the citizens of Ilien divine mercy from their godless tyrant!"

Diem draws his sword and points in the direction of the castle, "Forward! for we will seize the day!  by our hand Ilien will know the freedom of order, and chaos will end!  Let us take the fight to their flanks and lift up our weary Anuirean brethren assaulting the gate.  This is what we have been waiting for.  To the walls Now!"

and with that the Diem forces advance...
--Archduke Diemed

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2010, 10:15:42 PM »
All is not lost for the Ilienese:

As they Diemans try to gain the wall they find that many more defenders have been waiting just out of sight. Among them Ser Estevan, the Green Knight (yes, he's actually fighting FOR Geraldine now - please keep that man locked up...) and a number of black-skinned warriors, some of them learned in the arcane arts. It will be a long and bloody day...will faith and number prevail over tall stone walls?


Further down along the wall there is also a...development. A wizard appears on the wall and calls to him great power...stripping away whatever spells might have been affecting the dogs of Ghieste. Back in the Dieman camp the high priests of the Moon Good are powerless in face of this gathering of arcane might. And so the defenders of Ilien stand firm...but the Ghiestans move forward nonetheless. Forward and to their deaths. From nowhere doom comes - in the shape of a thousand daggers. Daggers that cut through armor, flesh and bone. Hundreds are killed in and instant - nine out of ten among the front ranks. Less so further back...shielded as they are by the bodies of their comrades. They break then and there...their courage gone they begin to waver...if they are not rallied they will disgrace Ghieste and run back home!
DM Bjørn

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 10:24:32 PM »
From his vantage point Ghorien watches his men, the Iron Legion, and the destruction unleashed upon them.

"NO!" he shouts and throws himself upon his horse, charging forwards himself as his guard hurry after him. He rides into the men who are beginning to turn, shouting for them to hold and to push into the gap, to sieze the day and to take this hell cursed place.

"See their tricks and dark magics! We must rid this city of these curses and free the people within the walls! Overthrow the Witch and we shall remember this day with glory! Hold the line and drive them out! Drive them out my boys! For Ghieste! Drive them from their walls for Ghieste!"
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 10:26:43 PM »
"'Tis not the witch Sire. Look upon the gate. The wizard in red - they have the Red Wind! Doom doom. Flee we must!"
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2010, 10:34:13 PM »
With the men of Ghieste running away, Kaven grimaces.
Calling a dispatch-rider over, he sends him on the way with a message. A few minutes after, the first boulder sails from the siege machines again, the machines apparently trying to actually target the small figure of the wizard, attempting to provide very rough cover for the fleeing Ghiesteans, while the Duke tries to rally his men.
Meanwhile the Baron turns in his saddle and calls out to a nearby commander. "Keep an eye on the Roesoneans! Prepare to subdue them, should they decide to join Ser Estevan! And someone bring me a spyglass - I need to know who that Wizard is!"

Offline X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt)

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2010, 10:36:27 PM »
"To flee man is to die. There is no doom here but his. Turn now and face the enemy or you are lost. Turn and face the enemy, or face my Wrath!"
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

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Re: Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 10:46:56 PM »
Diem yells over the Din and carnage, blood on his sword, the few words he can manage without loosing focus... "Ser Estevan! Why dost thou go?"
--Archduke Diemed