Author Topic: Boer vs. Avan #63  (Read 43363 times)

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #165 on: June 12, 2009, 04:30:58 PM »
OOC: New update.

You receive word that a force of Boer cavalry, irregulars and mercenary ogres have struck against Barisen. They were led by Baron Khaiarén of Rivien. After a short battle the Hill was taken. The enemy captured several knights, including Ser Cereval, as well as several hundred common soldiers.

Not long after the enemy became aware of the force-marched Coere contingent approaching their position. They promptly killed those commoners who did not immediately agree to enter Boer's service, and moved to the north. The Coere contingent gave chase, but without anything to pursue with it was a lost cause against an orge/cavalry/skirmisher force (and anyhow many of the infantry were too weary).

Some Roesone swordsmen were found afterward; they were able to fight their way out and flee.

Detachment (The Hill):
Ser Cereval Shaeme (Commander): Grievously injured; captive of Boer forces.
Balistae Raw Ilien D
Artillerists Skilled Endier D
Swordsmen Veteran Roesone B
Pikes skilled Avanil merc D
Pikes Veteran Ilien D
Lion Crossbows 3rd Ghieste Merc D
Lion Crossbows 5th Ghieste Merc D
Crossbows skilled Avanil merc D

Detachment (Coere)
Archers Veteran Roesone W
Archers Veteran Roesone E
Mounted Armsmen Crack Diemed W
Mounted Armsmen (RCS Templars) Crack Medoere OK

Could not be force-marched...will arrive next move.
--> Regulars Diemed Mercs B (from Hill)
--> Armsmen Diemed Mercs B
--> Swordsmen Veteran Medoere B

Move 10. Orders?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 07:21:03 PM by DM Bjørn »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #166 on: June 12, 2009, 07:58:23 PM »
It was with a mixture of glee and trepidation that Kaven read the reports. To west Diem galleys had been spotted enroute to Ashien. That meant that Baron Bacaele would be stuck in the woods come winter, without any supplies, unless he could find a way across the mountains.

To the south east, Barisen had been attacked, just as Kaven had predicted it would when he learnt of the troop movement from Coere. It vexed the Baron of Medoere to no small end, that even though he had ordered earthworks built, and sent dispatches to prepare the soldiers on the hill, they had still fallen. Not for the first time Kaven silently admonished himself for cursing in the direction of the Prince. How could he expect him to lead a war-effort in the east, if he was not made aware of potential resources the enemy could draw on.
Ogres and Master-Wizards... Kaven shook his head and looked towards the castle through the opening of his tent-flap. Ogres and Wizards. He could have been manning the castle wall, overlooking the pass into the Seamists if not for Ogres and Wizards... or if he had been prepared better for their appearence.

Sighing Kaven began writing his orders to the various detachments. In Barisen he ordered the men to hunker down, trying not to think too hard about the gory mess the ogres must have had left behind when taking the hill.
To General Maelcom he wrote, making sure that the General was aware of the predicament they stood in, and the need to maintain supplies to the field army outside the four walls of the tent Kaven currently was occupying.
To the Duchess, and to whoever led the Diem navy he once more explained the situation, but at the same time encouraging the fleet to stop the supply-ships to Isilien.

As he put down his pen and flexed his hand to loosen muscles cramped from writing, Kaven rose from his chair to adress the commanders of the men serving under him. One more week of rest would be prefered, for the men to regain some of their composure... but still this was the time where the enemy was most likely to move...perhaps even coordinate to strike from several places at once. The perimiter guards needed to be doubled, and the scouts, although near death from exhaustion was urged to continue their duty and fall back as soon as the enemy had been spotted.

Detachment (The Hill):
Same commander as in Coere
Swordsmen Veteran Roesone B
Archers Veteran Roesone W
Archers Veteran Roesone E
Mounted Armsmen Crack Diemed W
Mounted Armsmen (RCS Templars) Crack Medoere OK

Outriders in Isilien:
Merc Officer Dael Nichaleir (Commander)
Lion Outriders 2nd Ghieste Mercs E
Outriders Diemed Mercs E
Dragoons Vet Diemed W
Dragoons Diemed Mercs E

Patrol in easter Brosien: - Fall back at first contact and report
Lion Scouts Ghieste Mercs B
Dragoons Vet Diemed B

- Increase guard around field army
- Write the various commanders with/for updates
- Rest
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 08:15:13 PM by Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) »

Offline DM B

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #167 on: June 12, 2009, 08:10:12 PM »
Dael Nichaleir recons the RCS armsmen are ill suited for recon work, and suggest you find something else for them to do. He has enough men to keep an eye on the enemy.

Templar-Captain Diel, leader of the RCS temples, suggest that you strongly consider leaving them in Barisen, as the combination of heavy armsmen and archers is what caused the enemy to back of rather than press for another battle. With the addition of several militia units, they should be in a good position to defend Barisen from another attack from the north (and he notes, with the arrival of winter the enemy will NOT be sneaking back into Coere!).

The Dieman fleet, though weary, manages a sortie against the Boer fleet, sinking several longships and a capturing a damage Avanese galleon used to ferry troops. Two hundred injured men of Talinie that are being shipped back to the north are promptly thrown overboard and their officers taken for ransom.

Move 11. Orders?
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Boer vs. Avan #63
« Reply #168 on: June 14, 2009, 04:02:30 PM »
The weather took a turn for the worse, as the season draws to a close. It is with bitter resignation that the Baron of Medoere stood outside the opening of his tent, looking at the squared shape of the Caer Brosien before him. Long from the rolling meadows of Medoere, Kaven Enlien contemplated on the choices that led him here.
Responding to a call-to-arms from his Liege Lord, he had led a big portion of troops out from Medoere to join up with Roesonean, Ilineese and Diemean contingent. A lot of those Medoereans would not be returning home again now, it seems.

The first part of the march had seen the Baron of Roesone, whom he had found to be an honourable man and astute strategist, peel of, to take control of the situation in Coere.
Then there had been the hill... with the Archduke ill he had taken it upon himself to devise a strategy to assault that precarious position, opting for an oblique attack at dawn and pressing on, to avoid fighting against Brandon, whom he still dreaded the arrival off.

A meek smile formed on Kavens lips, though it was a smile filled with little mirth. He had pressed for the need for this attack, sacrificing men who could have been alive, had other venues been taken. He had pressed, because he wanted to end it quickly, rather than face Brandon Boer.

... Brandon Boer. The Bloodseeker. The self-proclaimed king of the west. A man, who had won engagements through use of innovative means and a grasp of tactics that left lesser men stranded behind. The Baron sighed slightly. Brandon had the type of leadership he would have prized himself lucky to serve under, had they both served in the Knights of Haelyn.
Brandon Boer... A man who Kaven both revered and despised. The tales of how Brandon had murdered captives in cold blod to recieve parts of their divinity, still sent shivers down Kaven's spine. How any man could choose to do something like that and still believe himself to be a leader of men, was beyond the Paladin-Baron.

Kaven sighed again. Of the Medoereans there where surprisingly few, why even the Diemeans where outnumbered by soldiers of Avanil. Yet here he was, the Baron of a land miles away, vassal to the ally of Avanil, and still the Field Marshal of this ragged army.
He had hoped to lure the enemy to attack him, yet now it seemed that the foe was content with waiting, and he could not help but wonder on what. They held on to hostile soil and had an advantage on that, that much was true... but of the lands belonging to Boeruinean forces just weeks before, more than half had now been liberated, the militia had been mustered, and all in all the Avaneese forces stood rather strong.
They would be better of, though, if not for that blasted castle in enemy hands...

For a long time Kaven stood, willing the walls to crumble to dust, or the defenders to walk out unarmed, but nothing happened.