Author Topic: Chapter 5: Domain Action - Hurried construction  (Read 3552 times)

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Chapter 5: Domain Action - Hurried construction
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:54:08 AM »
Hurried construction
You can increase the speed of building your fortifications by accepting a higher total cost and difficulty.

Cost: Cost is unchanged.

Difficulty: Increase DDC by 5 when using hurried construction.

Check: The building proceeds smoothly; building at a fixed rate of 5GBs (RoE defualt) or a variable rate of 1d6+2 GBs that turn (not applicable in RoE PbeM).

When paying for this action you must spend 1GB more than was built (6GB is RoE default). This represents the wasteful aspect of rushing the construction effort.

Note: The Construction and Commission Ship actions also have the hurried option. Use the rules presented here.

DM note: This rule will standardize hurried construction and enable it to be used together with normal construction; currently that's not possible. Hopefully it will make things easier for can now either build at the rate of 3GBs or 5GBs (but pay 6 GB)...keeping the total cost fixed.
DM Bjørn