Author Topic: Introduction to Rohrmarch  (Read 3374 times)

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Introduction to Rohrmarch
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:56:25 PM »
Rohrmarch was first (barring a minor Masetian presence) settled by Brechts that found the Khurinlahk and established a presence along its eastern shores. Later they followed the Khurinbyrn to the sea and settled the lands along the coast. Roele passed over the sparsely populated and isolated country, in favor of greater prizes elsewhere. Later Emperors found it of greater interest, for it provided a natural secondary route into Kiergard and the Khinasi Plains. A naval base was constructed in the Brecht city of Kiedel. From here was built an Imperial Road that stretched all the way to the city of Ghoudaïa in Sendoure, incidentally helping cement Anuirean power there and allowing the Anuirean Emperors to move their legions over land, rather than rely solely on ships. From Kiedel it was easy to take boats or barges up the Khurinbyrn or march the dirt road to Khurinlach, and from there it was not so far to Kiergard. That gave the Anuireans the ability to reach their Great Bay possessions, even should the sea route be closed, or the Mur-Kilad road snowed in.
Anuirean influence was strong in Rohrmarch for many generations, but the realm also had much contact with Kiergard to the north and Sendoure to the east, bringing a steady influx of Brecht and Khinasi culture and people. After the fall of the Anuirean Empire and the subsequent malaise of Kiergard and Massenmarch the Brecht influence was weakened (but never severed, for even the awnsheghlien wish for trade). Near the end of the 15th century contact with the rest of Brechtür was partially reestablished by way of Sendoure, up the the Asarwe, and into Rheulgard.

Today the kingdom is an exiting mix of three vibrant cultures. Anuirean is the language of the upper classes, but all Rohrmenn speak both Brecht and Anuirean. The more cosmopolitan Rohrmenn add Khinasi as their third tongue. Religion is also dominated by typically Anuirean faiths – those of Haelyn and Cuiarécen. Secondary faiths are those of Avani, Laerme and Sarimie. Rohrmarch is also notable the original home of the heretical followers of Lyesha, the so-called Goddess of the Dawn. Claiming that their Goddess is the child of Laerme and Belinik they preach a creed that in many ways is an amalgamation of the five main faiths of Rohrmarch. There are few Lyeshans left in Rohrmarch, for the high priests of Haelyn and Cuiarécen managed to convince then King Helmut III, father to Wilhelm I and Alaric I, that they were heretics. Faced with severe penalties if they stayed most Lyeshans chose to seek their fortune elsewhere.

The modern kingdom of Rohrmarch was created in the early 15th century by Helmut of Lecht, a Brecht warrior and adventurer that married into a local scion family and proceeded to use violence and guile to bring the region under his rule. Scions of his dynasty has ruled Rohrmarch ever since. Today Rohrmarch is dominated by the decades-long civil war between King Alaric I and Prince Oden. The war started with the death of old King Wilhelm I in 1518 HC, as the King’s younger brother named himself Alaric I. The King’s son, Prince Oden, refused to accept his claim and fled north with the aid of the church of Cuiarécen. The war raged hotly for some time, but eventually it became clear that neither side could hope to win. By 1530 HC the two contestants for the throne had entered into an armed stalemate, with Alaric I ruling the southlands from the capital of Kiedel and Oden ruling the wilder north from the lakeside town that now bears his name. 
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 10:54:56 AM by DM B »
DM Bjørn

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Re: Introduction to Rohrmarch
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 02:02:09 PM »
Alaric I (b. 1480 HC), King of Rohrmarch: Male Brecht; Noble 1/Fighter 4; Brenna, major, 36; NG; Wis 17. Alaric I is the younger brother of Wilhelm I. When his brother died in 1518 HC he claimed the throne for himself rather than see it fall into the hands of Prince Oden. He has never regretted the choice as he reminds himself of the wickedness of the prince, but in his old age he has grown bitter over his failure to bring and end to Oden and the war.

Ougue Ceq (1479 HC), Magister to the King: Male Brecht; Noble 2; Brenna, weak, 12; N. In line with the traditions of the House of Lechtlen, King Alaric I retains the services of a blooded estates manager, Magister Ougue. Ougue’s family is an ancient one, with roots back to the Masetian settlers that came to Rohrmarch shores long before other men ventured there. Ougue does believe in overseeing things personally and is often found touring the country, which has the added benefit of keeping him (and by extension the king) well informed of developments in the realm.

Delma Fussen (1491 HC), First Captain of Haelyn’s Warriors: Female Brecht; Cleric 6/Noble 1; Haelyn; Anduiras, minor, 23; LG. Leader of Haelyn’s Warriors. Delma is unusual in that she is a Brecht girl that grew up in the Imperial City, where her father served as a broker for a major Müdenite merchant combine. In the City of Anuire she found her calling, and abandoning the faith of her forefathers she embraced the teachings of Haelyn. She became a wandering preacher and by the grace of Haelyn did she end up in Rohrmarch at the time of the death of King Wilhelm I. When she found that Kurt Warkinde supported Prince Oden she spoke out against him. This forced him to reveal his true colors and flee north with the Prince. Unfortunately it also meant that the old ties between the Warriors and Seerbrands were severed. Delma is an old woman now, but she continues to support King Alaric and hopes against hope, that one day Rohrmarch will be united under on just king and one temple under the Allfather.

Siegfried Lessen (1477 HC), Guildmester of the Steelbenders’ Guilden: Male Brecht; Rogue 4; Brenna, minor, 25; NG. The old Guildmeister of the StG has not let age, or his swelling gut, slow him down. He is actually expanding his guild’s operations to this day. He has a personal friendship with Frederick Buchassen which extends all the way back to when they were young and served as apprentices to two guildmen whose houses lay in the same street in Kiedel. This friendship has extended into the guild scene and has the StG and FrF usually cooperating and sharing markets.

Prince Oden (1504 HC): Male Brecht; Noble 4/Fighter 1; Brenna, major, 32; CG. Prince Oden, the son of Wilhelm I, holds sway of the northern provinces of Rohrmarch. He was only 14 years of age when his father suddenly died. But instead of ending up on the throne he had to flee north as his uncle Alaric usurped the throne with the help of Haelyn’s Warriors. It was only through the aid of Kurt Warkinde that he escaped and subsequently set up a new court in the north (even going so far as to rename the city Khurinlen – calling it ‘Oden’ instead).

Eaweu Jupit (1487 HC), Ritter (Knight): Male Anuirean; Rogue 5; Brenna, weak, 14; N. Eaweu is a commoner born somewhere in the Eastern Marches. Fate led him along strange roads and he finally ended up in Oden shortly after the Prince had set up court there. He was eventually knighted and promoted to become estates manager for Prince Oden.

Frederick Buchassen (1477 HC), Waldmeister of the Frodrik Forestannen: Male Brecht; Rogue 5; Anduiras, minor, 25; LN. Frederick is a man under constant pressure from Kurt Warkinde  to lend ever more support to Prince Oden’s cause. Despite a personal friendship with Kurt and deep respect for the Prince - the old king of Rohrmarch intended Frederick's father Frodrik to become Prince Oden’s chief adviser - he has not relented, for he does not wish to become part of any war. He has a personal friendship with Siegfried Lessen which extends all the way back to when they were young and served as apprentices to two guildmen whose houses lay in the same street in Kiedel. This friendship has extended into the guild scene and has the StG and FrF usually cooperating and sharing markets.

Kurt Warkinde (1469 HC), Oberst of the Stormlord Seerbrands: Male Brecht; Cleric 5/Fighter 3; Cuiarécen; Brenna, major, 32; CG. Hails from a local scion clan up in Osternord. As the third son it was natural of him to join a temple. He showed great promise both as preach, warrior and leader. By 1510 HC he was named Oberst (First Captain) of the Stormlord Seerbrands, the militant arm of Haelyn’s Warriors. Later his ambition grew and he backed Prince Oden’s claim following the death of King Wilhelm I. That didn’t work out thanks to Delma Fussen, and Kurt was force to take the Prince and flee north. After some initially successes the using war came to nothing, leaving Kurt increasingly frustrated.
DM Bjørn

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Re: Introduction to Rohrmarch
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2011, 04:49:33 PM »
How well navigable is that river that flows from the lake in north and empties to sea near Kiedel?

Offline DM B

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Re: Introduction to Rohrmarch
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 05:42:17 PM »
Not very. Many rapids. Definitely only river craft can reach the lake.
DM Bjørn