Author Topic: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath  (Read 31854 times)

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Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« on: June 05, 2009, 02:20:42 PM »
Your trials are not over...the one priestess and three acolytes are demanding to know what happened...

Those four, the child Maire saved, and three ill sailors who were being tended in the temple are all that remains of a village of near enough 200 souls...what WAS the biggest remaining settlement in Thenial.
DM Bjørn

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2009, 02:24:42 PM »
The Pontiff stirs in his sleep and moan "Commend my Soul". He is tended to by Lachlan who look at Maire every now and then, not saying a word.
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2009, 02:33:39 PM »
Sarae Somellin stays silent, thinking about all of the events happened.

She watches the last undead fading away into the sea and and then she turns her look to the destroyed village, conscious that many of the villagers dead were followers of her goddess.

"I didn't mean to end in a awful massacre like this" she mutters, shaking her head..

Offline X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2009, 02:36:36 PM »
Maire doesn't say anything. She cares to feed and sooth the child. And she is not going to commit suicide either. She knows she has her duties still. To child saved and to her domain. At least to pass it smoothly to new regent.

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2009, 02:42:54 PM »
Lannelach looks up from the Pontiff, who seems to be slowly awakening and answers the high Priestess' words.

"It is the Shadow World. It takes everything you do and twist it into something horrible. It saps your will and takes your resolve. It turns your dreams into nightmares and your belief into doubt."
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 02:53:45 PM by DM Bjørn »

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2009, 02:53:26 PM »
Wallac turns to the priestess and her acolytes.

"I am Wallac Isilviere. High Prefect Impregnable Heart of Haelyn and Pontiff Conclave of Temples. Our story is a long one but I feel you have the right to know what happend, yes even demand it."

Slowly Wallac tells the story from arriving to the Obelisk and to the hordes milling around her village. If noone interrupts he tells everything simply as they where - no making things look better than they are or leaving out stuff putting us in a bad perspective. This is the first day of a life of atonement and so the truth must prevail
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 02:56:23 PM by IHH/Pontiff Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) »
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2009, 03:04:26 PM »
The Governor attends to the priests demanding an answer and pulls them aside.

"I am Governor Arron Vamuel, the others are to traumatized to speak I believe.  I will give you what answers I can, though I am not quite sure what happened to begin with.

"The Red Wind is on the move again in Thenial," he states ominously.  My party was ambushed by a large band of Gnolls and other beasts I have never seen before.  We fled and ended up trapped in the Shadow World where we where hunted by abominations and monstrosities the likes you couldn't dream up in your worst nightmares.

There was an attempt to use magic to have us escape, a foolish attempt as it seems, as it was twisted by the blasted nature of the place.  You have seen the result.  I do not know enough about magic to comment anymore, but you need to be prepared to move. 

The Gnolls that attacked us were large in number and I do not know if they know of this settlement or not.  It is not safe for any of you to remain here, we will escort you back to another village as quickly as possible."
Every man has a price he will willingly accept, even for what he hoped never to sell. 

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2009, 03:09:19 PM »
"It was not just a foolish attempt, it was a reckless one and we all bear part of the blame"
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2009, 03:11:55 PM »
"Anyway words cannot bring back your fellow villagers. Words cannot make the nightmare you awoke to go away. This is the grim truth. I never intended this to happen but it did anyway. I will not ask for your forgiveness but I recognize the need for me to make amends. I failed somewhere between the Obelisk and here and now I have to atone."

"And the Governor is right, you better move to another village."
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-Mieres & SAS/AV (Mark)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2009, 03:15:34 PM »
"It was not just a foolish attempt, it was a reckless one and we all bear part of the blame"

The Governor opens his mouth at the use of the word "we," and looks like he is about to say something.  He thinks better of it though and moves to prepare the men to march and take the injured with them.
Every man has a price he will willingly accept, even for what he hoped never to sell. 

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2009, 03:16:59 PM »
"Lachlan I thought I had escaped your grasp. Know though that I am gratefull that you saved my life by knocking me out cold and bear you no ill will. I could not have hopped to save any but only wasted my own life"  :P

"Eh I did not do it"

Lachlan nods towards the Governor

"He did"

Wallac turns to the Governor
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2009, 03:22:39 PM »
“Glad to see you learn from your past mistakes; next time someone call on the dead please don’t hesitate but give them a chance to reconsider, though but for such dire circumstances please don’t go around knocking the clergery senseless”
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-Mieres & SAS/AV (Mark)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2009, 03:25:58 PM »
The Governor nods,

"I've learned what happens when I don't knock priests unconscious when they are about to do something foolish... A lesson I suppose I should have learned earlier... 

"I won't make it a habit though."
Every man has a price he will willingly accept, even for what he hoped never to sell. 

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2009, 03:30:01 PM »
“Glad you don't plan to"

Wallac turns to Maire

"Maire take comfort that you at least saved the child. Besides I believe the 60-70 men and women of the party count for something as well. It won’t make the gruesome destiny of the villagers go away but you did it for a reason and now I need you to help ensure it was not for nothing.

Before we leave this place I would like for all priests and priestess to gather for a prayer to the death villagers. We must give their gruesome faith meaning by surviving and finish our task.”

Wallac looks to the priestess to see if they come along for the prayer
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor)

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Re: Adventure #63 - Obelisk...aftermath
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2009, 03:45:57 PM »
"Yes Pontiff, lets pray for them. It is the smalest thing we can do. I suggest the local priestess of Nesirie leads the prayer. Hopefully gods will give her an ear, which is not we can say about ourselves."

Then turns to said pristess:
"Will you lead us in a prayer sister, if I may call you such?"