Author Topic: Introduction to Ariya  (Read 2193 times)

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Introduction to Ariya
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:21:54 PM »
White-walled Ariya, City of a Million Brilliants, is the grandest and fairest of all city-states. Like Zikala and Mesire it was one of the first places to feel the touch of man, as Masetian settlers founded the colony of Saria there, more than two thousand years ago. The city prospered for centuries and became one of the jewels of the Masetian dominion. Sarian ships and sailors were active fighting during the War against Shadow. Afterwards the Masetians dwindled in importance, while the Basarji grew, and eventually the two cultures merged and became one, not only in Ariya, but in the lands around as well. The Brilliant City was one of the few Khinasi cities not to be forcefully subjugated by the Anuireans. It is said that Roele could not bring himself to order the destruction of such fair a city, and instead used threats, subterfuge and diplomacy to bring the city into the fold. It is also said that when Saria finally surrendered to the first Emperor, it did only so after having been promised relative freedom for all Khinasi living under Anuirean rule, freedom to speak their language, worship their gods, and remain true to their cultural heritage. If true it could explain the relative independence of the Khinasi city-states under the Empire. Or maybe its just an old legend with no truth to it.

Ariya is, of course, most famous for being the birthplace of el-Arrasi. After securing the Ariyan throne for himself in a series of clashes with his siblings, he took it upon himself to carry out the will of Avani – the liberation of all Basarji living under foreign rule. El-Arrasi was a cunning politician and statesman, able general, great wizard, and the Chosen of Avani. Those that stood close to him knew that victory was inevitable. After the Empire had been defeated and Emperor Alándalae killed in battle, el-Arrasi made a peace treaty with the new Emperor, Caercuillen, in the year 784 HC. Over the course of then next 12 years el-Arrasi worked day and night to build upon the Basarji Federation he had created. Roads and cities were built, centers of learning sprung up, commerce and trade burgeoned, new lands were tamed. Even the nomadic tribes of the interior felt the impact of el-Arrasi, and in just one generation their ways changed more than they had in five centuries. They became, like the city-dwellers, Khinasi. A new people, united by a common heritage, common faith and common destiny. El-Arrasi became their temporal, spiritual – even magical – leader, taking the title Caliph (meaning for Successor, or in this case, Avani’s direct representative of Aebrynis).

Twelve years, and then el-Arrasi was cut down by assassins in the years of 796 HC. It was a dark day for all Khinasi. His successors would also claim the Caliphate, but none were the equal of el-Arrasi. Eventually the Caliphate began to wither and die as the various city-states and tribal coalitions sought out their own destinies under the sun. The Prince-Paladin of Ariya (so named because of old the Prince was supposed to be a champion of Avani) claims the title of Caliph to this day, to the great annoyance of the rest of the Khinasi world. Today Ariya is but as shadow of its former grandeur. In many ways it is the Khinasi equivalent of the City of Anuire, but in one aspect it differs. It never turned its back to politics, but remained in the game. During the past tow centuries the fortunes of the city have declined greatly. Once it held sway from Zikala of the Zhaïnge, from the Golden Coast to the Tarvanian Hills. Now it is just the city and its adjacent provinces. The rest has been lost to foreign powers, most notably the emerging realm of Aftane.

The Brilliant City came close to defeat in 1527 HC, when a great host from Aftane brushed its way through the outlying defenses to lay siege to the city. With Zikalan ships blocking the seaward approaches things looked grim for the Prince-Paladin. Against all odds the Red King’s army was defeated in battle and routed. In the aftermath the Ariyan forces retook the strategic city of Adaba, killed the reigning Red King, and thus greatly strengthened Ariya’s defensive position. But now they say there is a new Red Champion, a great warrior out to prove his worth to the other Red Kings by taking Adaba back. And if Adaba falls, the way to Ariya is once again wide open.
DM Bjørn