Author Topic: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...  (Read 35650 times)

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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2010, 12:04:41 AM »
At the words Rashid smiles and then open his eyes.

"I wish it were so simple. I seek a place that is barely in this world. For all we know, it may approach only when the time is right, being anchored not in place but in time and circumstance."

"As was our dream adventure. We could, at any time, have been sucked into that world one by one. But it did not happen until we were together and dedicated to it happening."

"Poor planning on the part of our enemies? - Or a sign that certain arcane rules govern our fates?"

"We will march into these hills until we oppose our enemy... And then, hopefully, the time and circumstances will converge and our path will be revealed."
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2010, 12:15:42 AM »
As it turns out the Patriarch is...lost. He knows that he should know they way...but he simply cannot see it. It gnaws at him day and night - there is no respite - and doubt starts to gnaw at him. He MUST find the way soon, or it will all be for naught...

Good then that his wife shoulders some of the burden. When Rashid knows not the way she takes it upon herself to guide the army in his name, letting none know that the Patriarch knows as little of the way as any other soldier...

Yet there is something...a sense that your are going somewhere, rather than nowhere. First there are goblins attacks, then the terrain becomes more rugged and barren...yes, you are on the right path. Even the Pontiff can sense it. Somehow the gods are guiding your steps. 
DM Bjørn

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #62 on: June 04, 2010, 07:03:03 AM »
Which the Pontiff does not attempt to hide but instead loudly proclaim: "Patriarch the gods are guiding your steps. Rejoyce for we are not alone in this venture but have support of the of our gods. Dark the hour may seem but there is hope if we remain on course for thus we will eventually come to our destination. Lets all pray"

And with that the Pontiff lead the soldiers in a prayer
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #63 on: June 04, 2010, 05:51:51 PM »
(waiting for the war moves thread to move (sic) forward)
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #64 on: June 06, 2010, 11:54:27 PM »
With the valley revealed ahead, the Patriarch calls the leaders to a meeting in the command tent.

"The time has come to split our forces."

"We will send scouts and the skirmishers into the valley, and they will seem unsuccessful in finding anything of interest."

"They will then return to the main column, who will continue moving around the valley, to take up position somewhere not too far off, where they can deploy to whether whatever may come."

"Meanwhile, our infiltration team have separated from the scouts, while in the valley, and we will continue alone."

"I need to decide who goes on this final leg of our journey. We can't take too many and I will not take anyone I deem too inexperienced or unwilling to go."

"Therefore, I wish each faction to present whom they wish to go with me and from this pool I will choose the ones I deem will grant out mission the highest likelihood of success."

"We will meet back here in an hour. Discuss internally and come see me if you will. I will listen to any concerns you have, in private."

"When the hour is up, the candidates will meet here and the team will be chosen."

Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2010, 12:00:23 AM »
I offer to come along with my my Lieutenant (lvl 7 minor BS), my personal assistant Rogal Destar (lvl 5 unblooded) , my 20 bodyguards (around level 4) & my special bodyguard Lachlan (10-12?). Please consider it a package deal. These men have been with me to the shadow plane before - my bodyguard twice and none have let me down on those occasions. Either we all come along or none of us come
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 12:46:21 AM by IHH/Pontiff Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) »
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2010, 12:55:04 AM »
"Pontiff Isilviere, less than a week ago I placed one of my own guardsmen in chains to be shipped back to Ansien and await our return," Bellamie says from one corner.  He leans idly against one of the tent supports, arms crossed.  "Marious was my man for fifteen years, seven in my personal guard.  He accompanied me against the wraiths of Ilien and into the Shadow World in pursuit of the Book of Law.  His bladework saved my life from Queen Swordwraith's assassins.  And he was bound to Manethander's service nonetheless.  This task is like none other your or I have seen, and should we carry those unready to withstand its dangers down with us, then we will merely add their strength to our foe's.  And I have no taste for slaying my own men... nor yours, for that matter." He looks to the Patriarch.  "Patriarch Daouta, I am certain, would never question the strength of will of Anuire's priesthood and nobility.  But the soldiers in our employ, even the templars of the IHH, are simply insufficiently prepared to resist the Grey Duke's call.  Bring them into the heart of his power, and you endanger us all.  The nobles of realms, great magi, the chosen voices and swords of the gods, they are what will be required today.  To take others would be to repeat the folly of my last quest after the Book, a folly which nearly cost me my life.  Is that what you would see occur this day?"

Offline DM B

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2010, 09:29:39 AM »

"First of all - the Shadow World draws near. There is something about this valley before us that defies the way things should be - look at how fertile and green it is. Look at the impossible angles of the rock and the sheerness of the faces. Consider the fact that it cannot be more than twenty, thirty at the utmost, miles as the crow flies before you reach the villages of Soileite. I am sure that when we reach the stream it will be clearer than crystal...yes, herein lies the path forward. To the Shadow World and the tomb.

That said I am not convinced that we can leave the army just jet. We have faced some attacks, but consider this - where is the bulk of the enemy's forces? We know that the goblins of Sutren Hills have taken to arms and rebelled. Some of those warriors we have faced - while others are said to trouble Soileite. Does that account for all? Or are there more, waiting for an opportune moment? Or have the gone north instead, to trouble Morcosoer? I do not know. We have also had word from Baron Blaede - he is sure that the attacks on Mholien and Sendouras have been undertaken by Landen Tashalen's men. But there are raids - where are the many strong Osoerdan warriors? Do they lie in wait for us somewhere, or are they content burning fields and raping peasant daughters? And what of the north? What is happening in Mhoried? Where is Archduke William? Where is the Mhor? Where is Marquis Bellamie of Morcosoer? And even if all these were accounted for - what of the ogre and his orogs?

If we leave the army behind now, we may come to regret it later.


OOC Note: In addition to being the NPC Court Mage of Elinie, Kaleiman also has another function - as a way for the DM to repay important (and unimportant ) information IC, rather than restoring to numerous OOC notes. That doesn't mean he's immune to injury or death, nor that he's necessarily more reliable than any other NPC, but whatever information he has to offer is generally worth listening to. Once he starts suggesting courses of action and the like he's no wiser than the next man.

Let me do an example; when he listed out the various strengths/weaknesses of vampires it was really just a compilation of the results of the research actions taken by various domains, plus a few items I felt like adding. But in this post he suggests that bringing part of the army might be advisable - that's not necessarily the case. His analysis of the situation, the enemies that you've faced and have yet to face, those represent a fair and informed view as would be available to the characters leading the army. See the difference?
DM Bjørn

Offline X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2010, 11:50:10 AM »
"Pontiff Isilviere, less than a week ago I placed one of my own guardsmen in chains to be shipped back to Ansien and await our return," Bellamie says from one corner.  He leans idly against one of the tent supports, arms crossed.  "Marious was my man for fifteen years, seven in my personal guard.  He accompanied me against the wraiths of Ilien and into the Shadow World in pursuit of the Book of Law.  His bladework saved my life from Queen Swordwraith's assassins.  And he was bound to Manethander's service nonetheless.  This task is like none other your or I have seen, and should we carry those unready to withstand its dangers down with us, then we will merely add their strength to our foe's.  And I have no taste for slaying my own men... nor yours, for that matter." He looks to the Patriarch.  "Patriarch Daouta, I am certain, would never question the strength of will of Anuire's priesthood and nobility.  But the soldiers in our employ, even the templars of the IHH, are simply insufficiently prepared to resist the Grey Duke's call.  Bring them into the heart of his power, and you endanger us all.  The nobles of realms, great magi, the chosen voices and swords of the gods, they are what will be required today.  To take others would be to repeat the folly of my last quest after the Book, a folly which nearly cost me my life.  Is that what you would see occur this day?"

Wallac discretely reply the Baron - sort of

"Baron Bellamie I value your oppinion more than most men but in this matter we may perceive things differently. Here things seems strange a rather peculiar to me. Ever since I received the desperate plea for help from the Patriarch of Elinie I and my men have been met with suspicion and scorn from the locals. Mind you the good patriarch has not spoken out loud any scorn but I must say the level of arrogance atounds me. I am a guest and as such find little use making a point of it but at the same time I find it rather strange so little information was shared during the last year when the threat was known and as of now they seem to believe we should thank them for the possibility to sacrifice our lives and possible soul in an attempt to save foremost Elinie for what do we know but what they claim? I am not willing to enter somewhere unknown without my trusted men as judged fit by RiD, EL and LPA. While I am a guest in Elinie and as such should live up to that so much the more is it for our hosts to live up to and blatant arrogance is not one of them as far as I am concerned.

So far they have been mostly interested in giving orders and at this point thats not enough for me. If they really want me and my mens unconditionally cooperation they ought to make a real good effort to convince me and a start would be propper respect. We where herded as cattle when we arrived with our best - more than 800 templars all willing to give their life in the name of Haelyn - our standard modus operandi to scout before the army was hindered and with little or no explanation in advance. I would really not like to see a good man such as yourself enter the great unknown without propper assistance but some of the sovereigns involved in the hidden battle against the Grey Duke has been keeping the CoT almost completely out of the loop. I know it not and likely will not find out but taking the suspicion to an extreeme we could all be walking into a big trap to rid some of their respective opponents. Likely that is not the case but the consequences if it is must be weighted against the possible gain.

Convince me Baron if you like but bear in mind some of it is the role of our hosts hardly and something you can change"
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 01:06:40 PM by IHH/Pontiff Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) »
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2010, 06:22:05 PM »
"I'll not take it upon myself to defend Elinie's conduct, nor to argue their perspective, Holiness.  I have neither the need nor the interest.  I was forced to paid gold to a guild already sworn to my own nation's service for knowledge of Tshalen's treason, and been told to my face that Osoerde sought glory over righteousness in this quest, despite the sacrifices we have already made to restore the Book to its proper place."  Bellamie speaks without argument or challenge, coolly reciting his lines.  His face is hard and set.  "I'll not tell you you have no grievances to be addressed, nor that you have been treated as you expected, nor that all has been prepared as it ought.  But the times for these concerns and complaints was either before we set out or after we return - not now."

"Do you believe it upsetting that Elinie saw your presence in their lands as their favor to you, not yours to them?  And well you might, and with many here who would share your feelings.  Do you question why no action was taken until the Grey Duke stood bare weeks from freedom and conquest?  Very well - seek your answers, and tell us of your findings!  Do you wish to have been better informed, to have been courted and coaxed, to have done differently and prepared more and hold now some better chance of victory than to plunge blindly into a lion's den and hope your arm is strong enough?  So be it!  But those things do not, at this time, matter, because at this time they cannot be changed."  Bellamie still speaks evenly, but the intensity in his voice is overwhelming. 

"We stand before the lion's den, with only what and who we have brought with us, and our options and our concerns have narrowed greatly.  You wish your men to enter in for fear of a trap?  Your guards, fell and faithful though they are, will not protect you from the Elinean army you have blithely traveled beside for the past week - if this be a trap, it is long since closed upon us, Pontiff.  Our pride, our dignity, our hopes and fears will not ward us here, nor win us the day; we must set them aside until we are done.  What matters now is what stands directly before us, and in that matter I will tell you, by the dangers you and I have shared, that to carry your men within that tomb is to sentence them to death and worse.  That you will be forced to watch them turned from the service of their beloved god and then to see them slain by your own hand, or your allies'.  And I will ask you, please, do not condemn them, nor give their strength to our foe to wield against us."

"Your concerns, your complaints... return to them when we are finished.  Ask then for an accounting of the respect you are due; decide how you will treat with Elinie and her leader in the future, how you will respond to future threats that here arise.  But for now, Pontiff, there is one foe whom we all face.  Let us not take our attention from him."

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2010, 06:25:45 PM »
"Pontiff, I am unsure of what disrespect you perceive levied against you, yet I can, with all confidence, that no offense was intended and you at least, my apology," he says.

"There so many here who seem to lack, what I would think is critical, in our struggle against the Grey Duke: faith.  Not faith in the god, for which here there is a great abundance, but rather faith in our Anuriean brothers and sisters.  If truth be told, we all have, opportunity, means and motives to be suspicious of one another, but in this hour, before the Shadow are not all men made equal in their opposition of it?"  he says.

"If we cannot meet this challenge to have faith in one another, then I would think that we are already doomed to failure, Pontiff," he continues.

"But nonetheless, I would make clear that before us there is but one enemy - one creature in need of reckoning - the Grey Duke."

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2010, 06:55:25 PM »
Rashid, hearing half of the Pontiff's initial words, and more fully the reply from Baron Bellamie, turns his attention in that direction.

When the High Hierophant speaks his piece, the Patriarch nods and then says;

"Your Holiness, Holy Pontiff of all Anuire. Allow me to regret, that you find Elinien hospitality lacking. I can assure you that you and your men have been treated no less than any of our other guests."

"I am grateful, that IHH has come to our rescue and in such force. This gratitude should be clear for all to see and it encompass all who has made it here. Even Ilien, our fellow in our Khinasi heritage has broken siege to send men on a perilous journey to join us."

"Yes, there are limits to what a visiting army may do or not do in Elinie. These are rules set by law and tradition. Rules that we hold in high regard here in Elinie. If I were lax in their upholding, my vassals and people would fear for their security. One law governs us all. It does not, and should not, overshadow our joy that you came."

"But in this matter, Baron Bellamie says it clear as it can be said. And more, if we bring too many men, we will be identified much sooner and greater force will be brought against us. More men will in the end die."

"When I received word that your host would support us, my heart soared. For your being is powerful and a beacon of hope."

"I can only ask that your Holiness consider our words and choose where the most good can be done for Anuire. It is clear to us all, that Manethander is much more than an Elinien problem."

"The Book of Law was stolen by Manethander across the span of Anuire. He has been using it to weaken his prison further, and it is likely that the Book will be instrumental in closing the prison up again."

"Whom other than the Pontiff can be more appropriate to read from the Book of Law and lay its judgment upon the shadowspawn that Manethander is?"
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 08:02:50 PM by Elinie/RiD (Niels) »
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2010, 07:10:59 PM »
(I'll leave it for you to quibble over the particulars - just try to keep it moving forward a bit; what I need to know is how you proceed. So discuss it, but quickly, so that we might proceed.)
DM Bjørn

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #73 on: June 07, 2010, 07:31:23 PM »
”Baron I know my personal grievances bear no comparison to yours and thus you have a special position to which you deliver this message. I simply fail to see they are right. They have yet to convince me they are as competent as they think themselves. Because WHY has we not heard anything but for this season? I will spare the details but petty bickering has hindered fruitful cooperation and well – the story with the gold stand not alone though not important for the sake of gold. Truly the matter of hurt pride should matter little or not at all right now. The arrogance is just the last drop that is part of a larger picture where arrogance is just part of the overall incompetence if for nothing else incompetence in communicating with those people they so seem is needed to bring the fight to the enemy. Truly I don’t really believe this to be a trap knowingly set by the Patriarch or his people. I just might be a trap though never the less. Similarly I have faith my 4 units could hold back quite the overwhelming number long enough at least some of us to escape had it really been a trap. I thought it not to be so but it has more to do with my faith than anything else.
RiD, EL & LPA simply has not made an effort to convince me what is the right path – they simply claim to know what it is and tell us what do to and thus ask me to have faith in them. Faith they have done little to earn. On the other hand they sure have little faith in our judgment like seen when we tried to exploit the capture of the vampire by the Auxiliary Patriarch Drago Tanar. They even seem to ignore or forget the words of Elinies own court mage.
I think it just might be the number of people will ge kept low better if me and my men don’t attend. “

The Patriarch of Elinie interceding  Wallac seems to stop and wonder if he was mistaken. Baron Bellamie is a man who Wallac places great trust and with whom he has fought against the shadow with before. Now the Patriarch while overdoing it some surely seems to make an effort to convince Wallac
“Patriarch please stop. I am the one that use to do that part of the speech not the sovereigns. Your good will is duly noted and so are the facts of Elinies laws. Laws are important to a land and as such should be kept. You turn the table and I feel shame for the misperception perhaps. Good thing my friend the good Baron Bellamie told me a cold truth or two before I lost site of the goal namely the defeat of the Shadow Spawn and so I was able to hear the words of Your Grace and understand somebody have been playing upon our fears and mistrust all over. Instead of insisting that all my men go I ask if Your Grace and the other noble sires present could please convince me the right action. I may not end agreeing but I will listen and perhaps even bow to reason or just put faith in you are right and I am not. Pride I thought I had shed long ago but perhaps not fully so and what was perceived as arrogance was maybe prudent care.
The request to consider the words of Your Grace for the good of all Anuire is the cue. We are all here because we in the end want what is best for all Anuire.
Now please bear over with me and explain once again why we need and army but don’t need an army? Why is it we cannot use numbers at all? I traveled for weeks through the shadow world with nearly 100 men and they did not turn on me. Many men got killed by the vile beast that lurked the plane. Why is it the Grey Duke will not touch any of us if we enter? Surely he can’t do it on more than a certain number of men? But Baron Bellamie seems to have a relevant experience to share.
I will listen and I will keep my find faith”
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

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Re: Adventure 67: The Bonds Would Break...
« Reply #74 on: June 07, 2010, 07:42:51 PM »
"Thank you Your Holiness, that we can continue this discussion."

"As for the reason, for so much time to pass where apparently nothing has been done by Elinie, that is found in the conflict that was spurred between Osoerde and Elinie."

"We had no choice, but to turn our full attention to the war. Even as I did manage to do some research, and also destroy several vampires roaming in the open, and indeed with the aid of other good souls, destroy one of Manethander's lieutenant, Adaliz my own sister, fallen to Shadow."

"So the battle has been ongoing for a long time. Perhaps longer than we understood who we were fighting. It is certain, that Tshalen's anger and actions in Osoeriene and Chalsedon may indeed have been fueled by Manethander's own desires."

"I believe Maester Kaleiman is wise and I never disregard his advice. In the matter of the vampire however, I deemed it much too likely that our foe would end up knowing more about us, than we about them. Who knows for certain that the master cannot listen through its minions?"

"Not to mention the poison and lies the creature was bound to utter, and the time that would be wasted trying to make sense of it. And the grave threat, that it would break free and take more lives."

"In all things, from who should lead the combined armies to any request or question there might be, my door and ear has remained open. Your Holiness has so far not used that offer."
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 08:01:27 PM by Elinie/RiD (Niels) »
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.