Author Topic: Introduction to the Taelshore  (Read 2277 times)

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Introduction to the Taelshore
« on: January 30, 2011, 09:57:17 AM »
The Taelshore region includes the Rjruik realms around the Tael Firth and some adjacent areas. It enjoys a largely temperate climate thanks to the warm ocean currents that carry the heat of the southern oceans to this distant northern shore. Along the coast summers are relatively cool and moist, and the winters quite mild and also moist. Further inland temperatures are more extreme, both in summer and winter. The terrain along the coast is relatively level and the quality of the soil is quite good, if a little rocky. Deciduous forests once covered these parts, giving way to coniferous types in the more rugged and colder hinterlands.

Given its climate and abundance of resources the Taelshore was the first region extensively settled by the Rjuven. The first arrived around 400 BD, a century or more later than the Anuireans. Unfortunately this once-forested land was also home to many sidhe, who did not like these strangers. By 220 BD tens of thousands of Rjuven had settled the littoral areas and started pushing inland. Bloody war soon followed, with the Rjuven having to fight long and hard to claim the land. Later generations would repeat the cycle, pushing further inland and provoking new wars with the elves, wars which came close to undoing both races. It was only though the intervention of Reynir and his druids, led by the legendary Njal Sunbow, that the humans were able to finally drive out the sidhe and win the coastlands for themselves.

The Rjuven fought bravely during the War against Shadow, doing much to limit the influence of the northern sidhe during the war. After Deismaar Rjuven scions returned home and many of them would eventually come to rule jarldoms and kingdoms. When Anuirean armies arrived in 14 HC, several Rjurik realms, now led by rulers with divine blood, stood ready to fight the intruders, inflicting upon the invaders several humiliating defeats. Not even the presence of Roele himself during the 15 HC campaign could break the Northlanders. War continued for many campaign seasons, until by 25 HC Roele was able to win over the Rjurik leaders with gold and fair words. Rjuven warriors fought bravely for Roele in many lands thereafter. This period also saw the construction of an Imperial Highway (Roeleveg – Roele’s Road) all the way up to Skapa Hjarring, remnants of which can still be seen toady.

The death of Roele put an end to Anuirean influence along the Taelshore for a very long time indeed. Later Emperors would return to the region, seeking to regain ‘lost’ influence, culminating with the violent military conquest of Hjalsone (modern-day Dhoesone) in 370 HC. After that the other Rjurik kingdoms quickly fell in line (excepting Hogunmark, which was hardly a civilized realm at that time) and the Empire turned its attention to more pleasant lands elsewhere. In reality Anuirean rule was never very strong – the Rjurik Kings were largely free to run their realms as they pleased, as long as they provided the required tribute (mostly in the form of mercenaries). Several times there were major rebellions, some of which were dealt with by force, but eventually the Empire grew reluctant to send it’s armies against the Rjurik – the generals knew fully well the difficulty of fighting in the Northlands against elusive clan warriors. Instead the Empire resorted to bribery and other subterfuge, turning jarl against king and making sure that whoever came out on top would continue to send tribute. But Anuire remained far away and the Empire and Anuirean culture meant very little to the average Rjurik.

Following the death Michael Roele the Rjurik kingdoms were rather slow to declare their independence. But in the 1030s the four principal Rjurik kingdoms – Stjordvik, Svinik, Rjuvik and Halskapa – formally declared their independence by raiding the failing Empire in force. Thus began the most infamous period in Rjurik history, the Years of Reaving, when Rjurik ships ranged as far as Khinasi lands, trading and plundering as the situation dictated. The wealth and influence the reaver trade brought its sponsors was so great as to make or break jarls and kings – to miss out was to doom one’s bloodline to ignominy. By the 13th century the Days of Reaving were drawing to a close – it was no longer easy to plunder, and the Rjurik were now more like traders and settlers then they were warriors.

Subsequent centuries saw the Rjurik kingdoms slowly establish their hold over the hinterlands, causing more and more Rjurik to abandon the old ways and live settled lives. Just like in the south civilization was on the rise, roads were built and towns grew once more. Anuirean and Brcht ships came to visit Rjurik shores, rather than the other way around, and the Rjurik kingdoms were slowly but surely woven into the greater Cerilian tapestry of commerce. Today the four major kingdoms (and to a lesser degree Jankaping) are civilized realms, built on roads and towns, and with a degree of centralization. The jarls still have a lot of power in certain areas, but their days may well be numbered – it is only a matter of time before strong hereditary monarchies put an end to the independence of the jarls. And when that happens the Rjurik kingdoms will again be strong and proud.
DM Bjørn