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Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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« on: November 26, 2011, 10:33:47 PM »
[Just pretending to be active]

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the Shadow of Seamist Mountains. Part 1
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 10:34:32 PM »
It was late in a sunny afternoon. The peak of mount Rockbarrow wore the golden disc as a crown.

The majestic monument of nature stood calmly while providing a rapidly expanding shadow that swept down the mountain side into the valley where the quarry lay. As a great big avalanche of shade, twilight covered the small village.

It was this time of day when time itself seemed to change pace from normal to fast, only to slow – almost to a halt – when shadow had engulfed the valley but darkness hadn’t set in.

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Re: Brosengae
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 10:42:36 PM »
Please go on...
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the Shadow of Seamist Mountains. Part 2
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2011, 12:49:27 AM »
Gælin sat facing on his favorite lookout spot facing the mountain.

He looked vaguely up the darkened slope but spent most of his attention grinding a pebble against a larger rock.  “It must be round now” He thought to himself while he took a deep breath and blew away the dust that had gathered on his small round stone.

Peering up the mountain slope he felt the stone over with his hands.  The trees and brushes rattled softly in the wind, the birds twittered, and what might be a deer or a boar was stirring near the foot of the mountain.
It felt round enough so he put the stone in his mouth and began to inspect his work closely with his tongue.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the shadow of the Seamist Mountains. Part 3
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2011, 09:53:15 PM »
After shifting the pebble around in his mouth for a couple of minutes he was satisfied with his work. Now all he needed to do was to clean the pebble and put it in the pouch that held his eleven previous creations, and his gift would be ready for his son’s birthday next week.

He pushed the pebble with his tongue and placed it between his upper lip and his teeth, before standing up.
Once at his feet he took the pebble out of his mouth and wiped it dry with the corner of his shirt. “Gælied will have the best set of pebbles in all of Brosengae” he thought to himself. And with a smile showing all the expectations of a proud father looking forward to pleasing his only son, Gælin placed the dry pebble in a small leather pouch.

He was lucky that he worked guard duty instead of toiling away in the quarry. It had been more than five years since a troll had ventured all the way down to this valley. But they heard the occasional news of troll attacks from the other valleys.

Once again he counted his luck. The noise from the quarry probably made his home unpleasant to the beasts, and only the dumbest of  the trolls was not scared away by the sound of metal splitting rock. That was what he thought to himself while he carefully tied a loose knot on the pouch.

Offline Ursus (Test user)

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Re: Brosengae
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2011, 02:14:47 PM »
Very nice. I'd like to bless you efforts, but sadly Ursus has too few posts to be allowed to do that :'(

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the shadow of the Seamist Mountains. Part 4
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2011, 11:10:50 PM »
It rattled a bit in the bushes. It was feint and stopped just as quickly as Gælin noticed it.

Slowly and quietly he fastened the pouch to his belt and got out his bow. If he was able to slay that deer he could give his son both a good present and a great feast. So with an arrow ready he quietly crouched closer.

Carefully he followed the deer in between the bushes and trees, waiting for the moment when he would have a clear shot, and now the moment was near. The half hour spent stalking the animal would finally pay off, he only needed to move a few feet to clear a tree, and he would have a clear path for his arrow to travel.

Snap! Gælin held his breath hoping that the deer hadn’t heard the sound of the broken twigs under his feet. But the deer looked in his direction, its ears focused at identifying the sound of a predator sneaking in on its prey, and it darted of up the mountain.

Gælin readied his bow and tried to anticipate where the deer would run and let his arrow fly.
The arrow missed the prey, and the deer was quickly out of sight.

Cursing his bad luck Gælin began to trek home, but before he got far the light of day in the distance was all but gone. With all but his bow and dagger left behind, he had a long and slow walk in the dark in front of him.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the shadow of the Seamist Mountains. Part 5
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2011, 12:51:38 AM »
Slowly and noisily Gælin stumbled down the foothills of mount Rockbarrow.  Halfway back his legs were sore, his hands were bruised, and his spirit was at an all time low.

Suddenly he heard a sound he had not heard in many years, and even though he never before had been close enough to fully hear the deep slobbering snarl of a troll who had just found something it would like to claw apart and eat, he knew that this was exactly how it sounded.

His fear took over, and the next thing he knew, he was running for his life. He ignored all the painful lashes from the brushes and the undergrowth whipping at his legs with every step he ran. When stumbling he tried to leap instead, desperately trying to maintain his balance. But the snarling sound came closer and closer.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the shadow of the Seamist Mountains. Part 6
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2011, 02:43:29 PM »
Blood oozed slowly from his legs as he ran. And every drop that spilled onto the ground sealed his fate in two ways.

Firstly: His energy was slowly draining away, leaving him weaker and weaker.

Secondly: Each drop of blood was for the troll as honey to a bee. It grew more desperately determined to taste his flesh as the sweetly scented dribble of red liquid ecstasy turned into a flow.

With a desperate moan muffled by a troll claw piercing his lung, Gælin flew to the hard cold ground.
As he lay helplessly on the ground the snarling beast moved closer.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the shadow of the Seamist Mountains. Part 7
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2011, 12:01:49 AM »
It was too dark for Gælin to fully see the fearsome creature, but as it moved in and pinned him to the ground, he could see its face as clearly as anything he had ever seen.

The grayish leathery skin it had might have been contributed to the lack of light, but the troll wore the color as if it was born with it. Grim, edged features surrounded an awkwardly long and pointy nose. Just under the nose was a vicious cave of long, yellow, jagged and hopelessly sharp teeth. But the worst part was its eyes eyes.. - No matter how hard he tried, Gælin could not see the trolls’ eyes, only dark indentions void of expression.

As it got ready to finish its kill, the troll hissed at Gælin with a breath fouled by rotting lumps of flesh stuck between its teeth from previous prey.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the shadow of the Seamist Mountains. Part 8
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2011, 11:06:45 PM »
Gælin held back an urge to vomit, while he grabbed desperately at his belt trying to reach his dagger from his pinned position.

With a sigh of relief that sounded somewhat like a rattle Gælin grabbed the hilt of his dagger and plunged its’ blade into the gut of the beast.

The troll screamed in pain and anger, and while Gælin smiled, satisfied with his wound to the beast, the troll drove its claws into his chest and sank its teeth into his throat.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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In the shadow of the Seamist Mountains. Part 9
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2011, 08:50:59 PM »
With his eyes fixated at the sky, and his thoughts running wild hoping for the mercy of the gods, and praying for the wellbeing of his son and wife, Gælin let go of his hold in this world just moments after the troll hungrily gulped down his dismembered throat.

As the beast rended Gælins body and gnawed the bones of his dismembered carcass, the small knot on the leather pouch came undone. And while twelve small perfect orbs of stone rolled on the ground, the troll tore the dagger from his belly. When at last the pebbles came to a rest, covered in grime and blood, the troll had shrugged off its injury, finished its meal and was prowling for new prey.

From the shadows half a dozen smaller but still fearsomely large figures raced to the remains and fought for scraps.

Offline DM B

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Re: Brosengae
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2011, 11:36:03 AM »
Poor Gælin...
DM Bjørn

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: Brosengae
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2012, 05:29:05 PM »
Very well done! - Setting up Gælin as a real person and then offing him horribly. Effective!
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

Offline X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde)

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Re: Brosengae
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2012, 02:08:14 AM »
The city of Bindier:
Bindier is the capital of Brosengae.
With 55.000 people living in the city, it is one of the largest cities in Anuire.
It is a heavily fortified city with 10 districts, all separated with walls and gates from each other.

The districts by name:
Central Bindier,
Market District North,
Merchants Corner,
The Pride of Bindier,
South Market District,
Cobblers Corner,
Harbor District,
Barracks District,
New Harbor of Bindier,
Caer Bindier

Central Bindier: Is host to most of the Inns in the city. It is also here that the large city square is. A couple of the fine clothiers have also set up shop in Central Bindier. The citizens in this district are almost all upper middle class

Market District North: There is a small dock here where local fishermen can unload and sell their catch. The district houses most of the trade in grapes, grain and fish. The inhabitants are mostly lower middle class.

Merchants Corner: Here you find the most skillful clothiers, who always compete in creating elaborate and grand outfits. It is also here that most jewelers have set up shop. Most of the wealthy merchants and the height of the upper middle class call this district home.

Pride of Bindier, or the temple district house shrines to all the lawful deities in Brosengae. This is also the district witch house the bloody stoned square, or the red square. The red square is where criminals get their final punishment.
Pikes are erected on a small square in each of the other Districts, save for the Barracs district, Merchants Corner and Caer Bindier. And after an execution, if the crime was severe enough, a severed body part is hung in each district. (Legs, arms, torso & head)
The district is where the high class and the minor nobility live.

South Market District: Deals mostly in common clothes, blacksmithing services & general goods. The district is lower middle class

Cobblers Corner: Is where most of the lower class is housed. It is also where the cheapest inns and stores are found. There are bargains to be made, almost too cheap to be completely legal.

Harbor District: This is where most of the common trade goods are unloaded. And it is also here most visitors set dock. The district is low class to lower middle class. Lots of taverns for the thirsty sailors and warehouses for trade goods can be found here.

Barracks District: Houses the city militia. It also has a private dock, for military use only. These days there are a lot of traffic to and from the district, as it seems a major building project is on the way near the dock.

New Harbor of Bindier: As the city grew, so did its need for allowing ships to dock. This district has many warehouses. The cargoes that arrive and leave from this district are generally worth more than from the old harbor, and the district is upper middle class.

Caer Bindier: The pride of Brosengae. The magnificent castle has five different gardens. Each garden is carefully grown to bloom for two months each year. Only two months each year is the garden barren of blooming trees and flowers. But even then it has trees and brushes in each of the five gardens that keep their leaves so the garden always has some color.
The park like gardens are also decorated with statues and sculptures depicting all from former rulers of Brosengae to small animals to abstract motives. Most of the statues are stone or cobber. But a live sized silver statue of Duke Torele Mierelen is standing in the northern most garden. Always well polished and blinding to the eyes in the right sunlight, the child Duke stands watch over the garden that blooms in the first months of spring, and is at its finest on his birthday.

The castle itself is elaborately decorated with tapestries depicting important events in Anurian history. The tapestries also depict important events in the Brosen history. The latest tapestry added depicts the burning of Daulton a note of Prince Avans death and his daughters insignia as his successor.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 02:18:55 AM by Brosengae/Cloene (Linde) »