Author Topic: Character and Domain objectives  (Read 9067 times)

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Offline X-Tornilen/SM (John)

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Character and Domain objectives
« on: September 18, 2008, 12:23:29 AM »
Just curious, but in reading the forums I've seen numerous references to achieving objectives, either partially or in full (and the "scoring" system).

What I was wondering as a newbie to RoE is, are these goals or objectives set by players before the game or game chapter starts, or are they set by the DM (or a combination of both)?

So, hypothetically speaking, if I was playing Ghieste could I set a minor objective of arranging a marriage that would elevate the status of my line and bring me respect and recognition?  Or would I start with a set of pre-determined objectives?
Mary Tanar,
Duchess of Tornilen,
the Sword Mage of Anuire.

Offline X-Roesone/ARR (Robert)

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Re: Character and Domain objectives
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 12:45:17 AM »
What you're referring to is called "agendas" in RoE and they're divided into minor and major ones.

When I started playing HA I was given a domain sheet in which my agendas were already set, one major and 3 minor. I won't list them specifically here cause they might remain the same for Roe II but suffice to say, I only managed to acomplish one by the end of the game and that was not becoming anyone's vassal not letting Mhoried swear vassalage.

However, since I got embroidled in the great civil war in Mhoried I had next to no chance to pursue my other agendas but priorities changed without me being able to do anything about it.

(Yes, Jon, this was the reason why I was so stubborn to OIT's attempts to vassalize me  :P but I think I told you that once at the end of the game)

These are basically the goals of your domain and you "should" try to achieve them. If there are objective reasons why you can't do it (like an invading army or contested holdings or Azrai rising) no one will mind, but your minions, err.... loyal subjects might be a bit upset if some of the more important agendas are ignored.

There was a domain action, an expensive one, that allowed you to change your agenda tho. This involved, I guess, persuading your followers that there are other, more important priorities to pursue.

I would imagine that Diemed's agenda was to regain its lost lands of Mhoried and Endier, an agenda that was successful in the end.

I doubt anyone really cared about the victory points mentioned in the regent guide, but agendas themselves provide a focus for the player so that you aren't in a position to stop and say.... "hmmm... what the heck am I supposed to do. Oh well, I'll just invade someone"

Oh, and that particular example, I think Ghorien Hiriele already married a minor noble from Ghieste.
Arvour Raemel, by the Grace of Haelyn Baron of Roesone etc, Champion of Cuiraecen

Offline X-Tornilen/SM (John)

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Re: Character and Domain objectives
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2008, 12:54:56 AM »
Oh, and that particular example, I think Ghorien Hiriele already married a minor noble from Ghieste.

Thanks Robert, all clear now. :)

Ghorien could always be a shifty kind of guy and do a "Henry VIII" - divorce or kill his current wife in order to trade in for a better model. lol
Mary Tanar,
Duchess of Tornilen,
the Sword Mage of Anuire.

Offline X-Bellam & BC/TB (Bobby)

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Re: Character and Domain objectives
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2008, 01:33:33 AM »
In addition to the Victory Points, most Agendas provided an immediate reward: one of Tristan's objectives required performing multiple Research actions which, in the end, provided me with an interesting magical artifact.  Another, acquiring a certain combination of guild and trade holdings, gave me a +1 bonus to my domain's stability.  The Agendas give shape and purpose to the regent and domain beyond simply "get more holdings", so following them provides both roleplaying and tangible benefits.

Offline X-Tornilen/SM (John)

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Re: Character and Domain objectives
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2008, 03:03:36 AM »
I really like the Agendas, precisely for the roleplaying opportunities, and the shape and purpose they provide, that you mention.

The VPs and the tangible benefits are less important to me, though it's always nice to get some sort of reward for achieving something even if it's only a warm fuzzy feeling. :) 
Mary Tanar,
Duchess of Tornilen,
the Sword Mage of Anuire.

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: Character and Domain objectives
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2008, 11:41:32 AM »
The agenda feature, was something i very quickly warmed up to, about RoE I.
Unfortunately, Medoere's agenda was somewhat old, and i never really got a new one, but some of it, i felt, was still doable agendas for the Medoere i played, vassaled to Diemed.

It gives people the idea of where the nation is heading, and what the immediate goals, and future goals of your actions could be. Also, it gives players (like me) who jump into something as immense as RoE, a nice idea of what has happened so far, and what previous players of the realm attempted to achieve, thus allowing you to keep true to form.

Even if the agendas doesn't provide anything particulary, it feels rather good to fulfill them, and as a side-reward of doing one of his objectives (or so i'd like to think at least), having a Medoeran army of a certain size, Kaven was considered as an able leader, and thus was assigned as head of the forces rushing to Mieres defence (that was a really hard, but very interesting campaign, and trying to listen to the entire war-council at once, was a most bothersome task... Bjorn is VERY good, at arguing with himself).

All in all, agendas are the gods gift to the realms, giving them purpose. And should you dislike them, i seem to recall a "change agenda" action as well...

- Thorsten