draft of hypothetical character rules:
Categories & Levels
ECL Range
Low 1-3
Medium 4-6
High 7-9
Very High 10-12
Legendary 13-15
Near Epic 16-18
Epic 19-21
Epic+ Each 3 ECL thereafter
Bloodline Modifiers
ECL Modifier
Unblooded +0
Weak +0
Minor +1
Major +2
Great +3
True +4
Each category of effective character level lets you pick one class proficiency.
Trained gives you access to domain powers for the purpose of collecting regency,
skilled gives you access to first class action,
expert gives you access to second class action
master gives you access to third class action
Each category of effective character level gives you a number of proficiency skill points based on your heroism tier: Commoner 1, Professional 2, Elite 3 and Heroic 4.
You may never put more than half round down of your total proficiency skill points into a single proficiency skill, except commoners who may freely distribute proficiency points.
Proficiency skills relating to regent actions including rule and create actions may be taken by heroics.
Proficiency skills relating to regent actions, except Rule and create actions may be taken by experts.
Proficiency skills relating to court actions may not be taken by commoners.
Proficiency skills relating to character actions –including knowledge proficiencies - may be taken by all.
The knowledge proficiency skill Spellcraft if taken by an Expert or Heroic may also grant caster level equal to its bonus, but is then only considered a class proficiency skill for full spellcasting classes, cross class skill for half spellcasting classes (as Paladin) and it is unavailable for classes with no spellcasting ability. And a distinctive spellcraft then exist for each: primordial, divine and arcane spellcasting classes.
Proficiencies are divided into groups. When buying proficiencies you can buy proficiencies available to the class proficiency you just acquired or increased at the cost of 1:1. You can also purchase proficiencies from outside your class group, but they cost 2 points for each one increase, and you are always limited to max one cross class proficiency increase per effective character level category increase.
(list of proficiency skills for the classes are not included, but need to be added for this to make sense)
Proficiency skills provide a bonus equal to the number of proficiency skill points invested in it. With the following limitations:
If the proficiency skill is a cross class proficiency it can maximum give you +4 bonus
If the proficiency skill is from a class you are trained in, it can max give you +6
If you are skilled +8
Expert +10
Master +12
(Remember that these restrictions are on top of the restriction of max half your proficiency skill points invested in a single proficiency skill.)
[Edit: Had to remove references to brandons proposals since he deleted them.]