I bought it, and have currently been playing it a bit on PS3 - being used to PC's myself I opted for the "normal" difficulty (no freindly fire, which is good or I'd had had my but singed a couple of times.)
The game says I'm 50% done, and I've been playing for the better part of this weekend. I like that.
One thing I don't like are the mages - every single enemy mage I meet seems to find it overly amusing to stun-lock me through different methods. And if one mage isn't enough pester like that, he usually has a buddy.
I've tried playing with the tactics - but for some reason the girl I upgraded to be bad-ass archer thinks it's funnier to switch to her meleé-weapons and run into the fray to die screaming. This is in spite *all* the tactics with her being archer-stuff, and her mode changed from default to archer. Bah...
It is really twisted though - yet I've yet to be screwed completely by being the good guy. My main char (Kaven, original, eh?) is a master persuader, with a high cunning in spite of being a warrior - that seems to help me loads.