Personally, I refrain from "galaxy wide" debates that I got sort of fed up with in other PBEMs so I choose not to participate in such things unless my regent is physically present. It sort of messes up my suspension of disbelief when our regents are engaging in a dispute with people across the continent. In other PBEMs the only result were enmities that had little to no actual rationale, like Medoere meddling in a Dhoesone/Stjordvik issue or Taeghas telling Coeranys how to handle this or that which isn't all that realistic and tends to send armies on ludicrous wars a gazillion miles away
It also makes the S&C and other similar gatherings that much more special.
Now, if somone asks Arvour personally what he thinks on the goblin issue he might be inclined to share his thoughts, but not via a letter sent out to "everyone in Anuire"
Thanks Robert, you sum up exactly what I dislike about global chat in PBeMs. In a previous game I tried to participate, the whole game decended into an acrimonious debate with people leaving the game before turn 1 had even started.
I quite agree.
I think we could go with a rule stating that the "Courts of Anuire" is to be used for stuff that happens at your own court that you don't mind spread around to the rest of Anuire by word of mouth and rumour. Other players can participate if:
a) They're your neighbours with at least neutral relationship (enemies don't like talking to each other).
b) They are conducting an action or have an able assistant within your domain.
c) Your allies always have people at your court.
You may not use the "Courts of Anuire" forum to conduct discussions that would be the equivalent of diplomacy (unless it's actually a diplomacy action that you don't mind being public) or any other regent or court action (Decree f.ex.) - unless you're actually doing an action of that kind this turn.
You may not use the "Courts of Anuire" as a dispatch substitute. It takes place at your court and anyone who wishes to participate, needs a good reason to be present.
All information that is submitted in the "Courts of Anuire" is public. However, players should generally take reason into account. Example: Why would Tuornen know or care what goes on in the court of Coeranys?
Obviously this reduces the usefulness of the "Courts of Anuire" forum, but sharpens the realism. Focus that energy into dispatching those you have not spoken to yet.
Later edit: I decided to split this into a topic of it's own. Fire away with suggestions and opinions.