Well boys, my work here is done. It's been a while since I've done anything useful for RoE and time constraints makes it's demands on me now, moving RoE into the umpteenth row - not really ideal for a co-DM. So I'll move into the background officially (yes I know I've been in the background for quite a few years by now
but official is official).
I have loved this game more than any of you will ever know and have had the great pleasure of knowing everything about most of your plans, meaning I can most likely never pick up the role of ordinary player for a good while yet.
If you're in doubt I'll let you know that I retire with my major agenda completed. The minor one's were not so succesful, but that's how it goes...
I'm still hanging around, I'll still answer any questions you have - rules or strategy wise. I'll still be available if Bjørn needs the odd job done. But the job of co-DM is open if anyone's interested in a look behind the scenes. I'm just the janitor now
You can, if you want, use my mail as a backup point and keep cc'ing me. I've saved most every mail of importance since 2004 or thereabouts... But if you have questions specifically for me to answer; leave out the RoE heading or I probably won't notice it.
Good game boys! Cheers Jon