I should also note that Extreme Programming methodology stresses short, iterative, multiple releases of code with each release having one or more functional feature actually working. So while there is a lot in listed in Phase 1, it will actually contain many working releases albeit not always useful in of themselves. For example, one of the first things that I was thinking to do was user accounts with basic GM and Player permissions. So the release would have user accounts, people will be able to log in, but that might be it. Not very useful yet.
So in reality Phase 1 and Phase 2+ are not for release dates but as a means saying I would like to focus first on the core things first and wait on all the bells and whistles. I probably should of made that clearer.
Now based on your comment maybe user account shouldn't be the very first thing. Maybe read only view(s) of the world data should be first. But at some point we only want a GM user to have direct write permission.
I resist the urge to create entire the database
With that said there is still a lot of data that would be readable for the players, so a good portion of it would have to be be.
Again thank you very much for the comment keep them coming.