=> The Great Beyond (OOC) => : X-LPA/Gaerred Khaiarén (Gray) March 21, 2009, 12:32:31 PM
I am starting this thread to help Conclave Temples out. It is intended just
Before calling for votes, I think it is probably wise to already know the outcome. Well how do you find out? Find out whose vote you need/want, then go about securing that they vote the way you want through dispatch, diplomacy, etc.
Strongly aligned Power Blocs have a very obvious strengths, but they also have a exploitable weakness: they tend to reinforce the idea of us-against-them. As a result, other blocs tend to align against it.
Sound advices.
How should one generally interpret it when dispatches go unanwered - like IHH-LPA lately ;-)
Powerblocs? As Pontiff I was very very alone
Yeah, it was really too bad that the original ETN player opted out. We'll see what we can do.
Sound advices.
How should one generally interpret it when dispatches go unanwered - like IHH-LPA lately ;-)
Powerblocs? As Pontiff I was very very alone
That you shouldn't count on the LPA to support you? I wouldn't be surprised, it isn't as if the IHH/LPA have a stellar relationship.
True and of little surprise - sometimes however even enemies share interests and to have the dispatch of the Pontiff go unanswered is, well as I see it, not the smart way. One can answer without answering if you know what I mean. Besides When as Pontiff I am part of no powerbloc I am forced to cooperate with others - only it takes the others to at least acknowledge my messages and answer them; it could be slow but I may give those what they want.
OIT is no regular ally of IHH; never the less I took steps to do things important to OIT