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RoE2 epilogue

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Duke Carvaloen Diem struggled for many years to bring his headstrong nobles to hee - and eventually succeeded. He - and they - may have felt cheated out of their due by the Princess of Avanil, but by and large there was contentment. Carvaloen was not a visionary leader or a great conqueror; but his reign was stable and many of the excesses of chruch and nobility were reined in.

When the invaders washed across Anuire - and traitors and spies abounded among the defenders - Diemed stood tall. Duke Diem was also among the first to realize the true extent of the danger - and to call upon Moergan to bolster his defenses. Diemed suffered badly, but was not defeated: Black Ghieste was halted at Moere and had to watch the White Bridges destroyed - when later he took the city he took terrible revenge upon the citizens.

Moere fallen. Medoere burned. Ilien rebelled - again. The defenders of Diemed pushed back, almost to the foothills of Mount Deismaar. But that was the high mark of the assault on Diemed. Unable to reinforce from Avanil the invaders became overextended. Moergan played merry hell with their supplies and rear echelons. Aerele could not be broken, nor could the main bulk of the Dieman army be brought to battle.

In the end the Gorgon's southern battlegroup was nearly anihilated and the armies of Black Ghieste chased back up to Endier to hide there. Diemed had been sorely tested, but had weathered the storm.


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