RoE Archive > Fire and Steel

Turn #66 - Caelcorwynn campaign

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War move 1:

A war council takes place (see mail thread)

War move 2:

You've planned an plotted for a long time now - but when will you act?

War move 3:

The great host moves into the deep green of the Caelwode...

General Braedonnal Tuare
Braedonnal's bodyguard (very skilled followers)

Commander - Trelien
Elder Sister (Archbishop equivalent) Gwenevier
Knights (crack)
Armsmen (veteran)

Commander - Sirous (cousin to Baron Tristan)

Commander - Maravoel Dhon (a young noble of house Dhon)
Regulars (House Dhon)

Commander - Aedon Dhon (Warden 'general' and Circle member)
Scouts (crack)

The Sea Witch

The general plan is to march forth, provoking the enemy to do battle.

The ETN armsmen will form your 2nd echelon, being split into several smaller groups that are close enough together to support one another, and most importantly – beck up the 1st echelon.

The knights make up your mobile reserve. Their mobility will be limited in the forest, but they are still potent. It is here that vulnerable characters should stay.

The rest of the foot, 2 regulars and 1 pikes, as well as a hefty 3 archers, will make up your 1st echelon. They work together in smaller groups, with swords, pikes and archers mixed. Once again, more dispersed than usual, but close enough to support if need.

The irregulars also have an important task – ferrying orders and keeping the army together in the confusing shadowy world under the trees.

The scouts will stay relatively close to the main body, scouting ahead and making sure there are no surprises, but not ranging so far as to expose themselves to danger.

Braedonnal commands from the reserve. Sirous has the second echelon and the irregulars. Aedon Dhon has the scouts. Trelien has the centre. Maravoel has the right. One of Braedonnal’s AAs, Tycho, has the left. Hermedhie and Gwenevier stay with the reserve.


WM 3 begins with the host moving into Caelwode:

It does not begin too well – even as you enter beneath the great trees you come under attack. A great wind springs up from nowhere, taking with it all manner of rocks, branches, and other debris. For a time all the forward elements (i.e. the scouts) can do is hand on for their lives. Men are picked up and sucked into the sky, others are smashed against the great three, or pummelled to death by jaded rocks or broken branches. The crack Warden scouts hold on (taking 1 hit), but the Bellam scouts have had enough, they flee the forest (taking 2 hits, to Broken, and routing).

In the rear, with the knights, Hermedhie is left dazed – her feeble attempts at warding the troops availed to nothing. Never before has she felt such a great concentration of mebhaighl. Whoever waits in there – he is a much greater sorcerer than her.

Note: We’ll be using the forum from now on since only NPC enemies are involved. It’s easier.

X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor):
Any news from the locals working for us?


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