RoE General > The Bard (IC)

"The Land's Choice"


X-Mhoired (Dan):
    One of Anuire's most popular and enduring folktales, "The Land's Choice" in its simplest form is the story of a simple but good-hearted commoner mystically elevated to the rank of regency, to the consternation of the established nobility. The tone can vary greatly from comedic to tragic, and every bardic college alleges that their version is the original. Actors' troupes will often include at least one version of this in their repertoire as they travel the countryside.
    Some villages have their own customs connected to "The Land's Choice"; a common variation involves a person (and in at least two recorded instances, some maner of livestock) is chosen at random to be mayor for a day, enjoying the luxuries and privileges that come with the office.
    Regents would do well to beware, however: While most often innocuous, in times of civil unrest, renditions of "The Land's Choice" can take on a rebellious tone that can serve as a powerful rallying cry to the people...


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