Manors:The more I think about manors, the more they seem like they should represent law holdings. It seems their purpose was to provide more income to landed regents who suffered from ROE's realm fragmentation (so the various counts, dukes and barons could still afford to hold court)
Fundamentally, the guy with the sword and the chainmail with the 2 sons dressed likewise, who had 10-20 guys in leather who could help him sometimes, they were the law in Medieval Europe, and that's what a manor represents now too. Redundant. Return province income to province owner and the need for manors is gone.
Urbanization Slider Each province should have a slider from 0 to 13 of how urbanized it is. The slider max should be capped by the province level. Most small provinces would be 0. The maximum manor level should be reduced by this number if manors are in play in the game. How do you have huge tracts of farmland in Anuire city? I mean, its like, 10x10 miles max, compare that to the vast farmlands of Calrie. How can agriculture in Anuire city compete with Calrie? It can't, so you have to abstract that the Anuire city manor represents something else...but if its not Knights with tenants(or serfs) and its an income earner and it isn't a church, isn't it a guild?
If you instead use idea 1, or core BR, where there are no manors, as the slider advances up, it should enhance guild income, perhaps by 5 or 10% per point of urbanization. In medieval europe, it was very hard for landed nobility to rule over urban populations. Enhancing the guild income this way would help reflect that, and help explain why Endier is ruled by a Guilder (in BR vanilla).
Court CostsRather then be a generic (5) or (

, court costs could be specific,
for instance
Courtier budget: Helps with diplomacy, dispatches
Administration Budget: Helps with Rule, Create Holding
Military Budget: Helps with training, mustering, allows military actions
Lavishness budget: Earns prestige
So, as a 5 court at Endier, being the KoH, I might be Courtier:1, Administration:2, Military:2, Lavishness:0