Author Topic: KoH Access Treaty  (Read 20669 times)

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Offline X-Endier & KoH/GdN (Joe)

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  • Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester and Count
KoH Access Treaty
« on: March 02, 2009, 03:17:11 PM »
Sir Guy de Nichalier presents an over-sized document on fine parchament.

"I think this document speaks for itself.  I ask all regents to examine the document, and sign it if it they agree to its terms.  I will be available to discuss it with anyone who wishes.  This season, I am hoping to bring the Knights anywhere there is trouble with our common enemies, but I can not do this without the permission of Your Most Noble Graces"


1.) The Conclave of Temples represents the will of the Gods and the interests of both the people of Anuire, and the nobility of Anuire
2.) The Pontiff is the representative of the Conclave
3.) The Knights of Haelyn are the military arm of the Conclave
4.) The Knights have demonstrated their courage and honor many times in Anuire's defense
5.) Without military access throughout Anuire, the Knights are unable to engage the common enemies of all anuireans

We, the undersigned, hereby grant the Knights of Haelyn military access to our territory.  The Knights of Haelyn hereby guarentee the conduct of their soldiers, and will pay compensation for any foraging done.  The Knights of Haelyn will only invoke this access treaty with the authorization of the Pontiff.


Guy de Nichalier, Count of Endier
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

Offline X-Tuornen/LF (Geir)

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  • Laela Flaertes, Duchess of Tuornen
Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 05:46:10 PM »
Duchess Laera Flaertes respons to the offer from Count of Endier Guy de Nichaleir.

”The Knights of Haelyn are always welcome in Tuornen. We eagerly sign such a treaty and hope the Grand-Maester will gives Us the honor of supporting the Knights of Haelyn’s efforts against evil for the benefit of each and all.”

Sir Guy de Nichalier presents an over-sized document on fine parchament.

"I think this document speaks for itself.  I ask all regents to examine the document, and sign it if it they agree to its terms.  I will be available to discuss it with anyone who wishes.  This season, I am hoping to bring the Knights anywhere there is trouble with our common enemies, but I can not do this without the permission of Your Most Noble Graces"


1.) The Conclave of Temples represents the will of the Gods and the interests of both the people of Anuire, and the nobility of Anuire
2.) The Pontiff is the representative of the Conclave
3.) The Knights of Haelyn are the military arm of the Conclave
4.) The Knights have demonstrated their courage and honor many times in Anuire's defense
5.) Without military access throughout Anuire, the Knights are unable to engage the common enemies of all anuireans

We, the undersigned, hereby grant the Knights of Haelyn military access to our territory.  The Knights of Haelyn hereby guarentee the conduct of their soldiers, and will pay compensation for any foraging done.  The Knights of Haelyn will only invoke this access treaty with the authorization of the Pontiff.


Guy de Nichalier, Count of Endier
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
Tuornen / LF

Offline X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2009, 01:44:14 AM »
The Sword Mage looks the document over, narrowing her eyes.

"This is a surprise, some notice ahead of this would have been appreciated."

She shrugs.

"I cannot sign this, not here, not now. If a crisis against us all appears, I will gladly accept the knight's help and give mine. However, I will deal with it then, allowing armed men through my realm as needed. This is too broad, to open for me to accept right now."
Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
Duchess and Mage of Tornilen

Offline X-Endier & KoH/GdN (Joe)

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  • Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester and Count
Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2009, 06:15:58 AM »
Nodding towards the Sword Mage, Guy de Nichalier speaks softly

"Your Grace,

I can understand that in a world of dangers with a long history of betrayals, some skepticism is natural.  The Knights have no interests in occupying Anuirean lands, although taking a bite out of a foreign realm doesn't sound too awful.

We do have a long reputation of fighting for Anuire's best interests.  Perhaps you might consider signing this at the next Sword and Crown, after getting to know us better?"
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

Offline X-Ilien & PCE/GeM (Linde)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2009, 01:11:36 PM »
The Countess of Illien reads the document.

She then speaks to Guy de Nichalier: "I can not sign this treaty. But please ask me if you have any specific need for sending troops to Illien and I am sure we can work something out."

Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
Countess of the Free City of Illien
Guildmistress of Port of Call Exchange,
Mage of Ilien & Protector of her people.

Offline X-Endier & KoH/GdN (Joe)

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  • Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester and Count
Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2009, 07:49:28 PM »
Countess, you are indeed most fortunate in that you are under the protection of Archduke Diem, and thus, I can only conclude that you are unlikely to need the Knights to protect you, as the Archduke's aegis is quite large.
Guy de Nichaleir, Grand-Maester of the Knights of Haelyn, Count of Endier, the Red Knight

Offline X-Ilien & PCE/GeM (Linde)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2009, 09:44:24 PM »
"But Count Nichalier, I must be misunderstanding you now. It sounds to me like you are saying that the Knights of Haylen has no intrest in an access treaty with Realms that has a large army."
After a short pause she continues to speak: "Or are you saying that Archduke Diem doesn't want to grant you unlimited access either?" Geraldine titters shortly and then straightens her face as if waiting for a response.
Her Excellency Geraldine el-Mesir,
Countess of the Free City of Illien
Guildmistress of Port of Call Exchange,
Mage of Ilien & Protector of her people.

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2009, 02:42:55 AM »
"Your Excellency, At this time, His Imperial Grace, Archduke Osoer cannot agree to this, but he is commited to speaking of this matter with the Knights of Haelyn at a more appropiate time and place in the future," says Steward Ranar of Osoerde, who is witnessing this matter on behalf of his liege.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Tuornen/LF (Geir)

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  • Laela Flaertes, Duchess of Tuornen
Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 05:24:10 AM »
“This reluctances and hesitation before the presence of The Righteous Good that is the Knights of Haelyn is disturbing.

Is there a question on what is the nature of Good?

And do any offer objections on Righteousness?

Evil is real and present! Denied this at your peril. All as We do know what is Good and what is Evil. Those who flirt and allow for Evil have no place among the Good and Noble favored of Anuire!”
« Last Edit: March 08, 2009, 05:33:06 AM by Tuornen/LF (Geir) »
Laela Flaertes, By the Grace of Haelyn Duchess of Tuornen

- Geir
Tuornen / LF

Offline X-Haelyn's Aegis/RK (Andy)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2009, 12:08:14 PM »
Lady Duchess, what is good and what is evil have been debated since men were creatd by the gods -  and where ambition is right and where it is wrong have similarly been debated for just as long.  How many claims are there to each plot of land in Cerilia?  The only absolute matters of right and wrong are found in the Book of Laws and writings of the Holy Prophets - in matters of flesh and blood things inevitably matters become more complicated.

I understand the concerns of the knights - should they need to travel from one end of Anuire to the other, then having to negotiate movement with every landed lord in their path would slow them to a crawl, the Aegis has exactly the same concerns with the lords whose lands it aids despite having only the most beneficial of inclinations.

While, of course, the Conclave is a peaceable body of the most eminently reasonable men and women, and the knights form a purely defensive arm of the conclave, it is the duty of a noble to protect those in their realm and so a certain note of caution is to be expected.  I am sure also, that all recognise the absolute right of a noble to say who can - and cannot - lead large numbers of heavily armed men across their lands.

Perhaps if the treaty were instead modified slightly by the addition of certain protocols:

1. The Knights of Haelyn will wage no war against a landed regent without the direct order of the conclave, in defense of outright attack, or without the provision of a full season's notice of warning that the noble is considered hostile (which would of course terminate any existing agreement to passage).  On receipt of a notice that the ruler considers the knights hostile, the knights will immediately withdraw from the noble's lands.

Comment: While I trust such an event never occurs, I recognise the concerns of the nobility and doubt the knights will have any difficulty agreeing this point.

2. The Knights of Haelyn will inform the ruler of the lands of their passage.

Comment: Where a land is ruled by a vassal, the information to be given to either the vassal or the lord of the vassal, with each accepting duty to inform the other if need be.

Without such notification (not, I note, forced delay whilst permission is sought but mere sending of a missive to inform of passage), word of the knights passage will be by the rumours of bards alone - and such folk rarely include such details as 'marching peaceably under a church banner' when describing hundreds of armed men - for the Knights not to issue some announcement is to invite panic.

3. The Knights will request specific permission if they intend to remain in an area for longer than a few nights or construct any fortifications, regardless of existing permissions given.

Comment: Most nobles, quite rightly, wish to know the numbers and locations of large numbers of armed men within their realm - it is mere good manners for the knights to notify the lord should they make camp within their realm.

4. Where the Knights move to answer call of the Conclave, or imminent threat to a realm of godly mien, any permission required from a noble will be given without delay barring some exceptional event.

Comment: It is the absolute duty of the nobility to maintain peace and order in their realm.   There are times when the presence of large numbers of troops will not quell, but rather incite discord. Similarly should a river flood a town, avalanche reduce a city, or the like, then it may be hazardous for the Knights to pass.  As such even those nobles who have given permission may need, from time to time, to restrict access in this province or that.

5. Permission to travel will be granted without let or hindrance or other imposition.

Comment: I see the following issues:
a) The knights are servants of the Conclave, they may not bear any heraldry or sign besides that assigned to them by the Conclave, or the signs of the local Conclave member.  As such a request that they bear the signs of a noble would be improper however natural for a noble to consider.

b) The knights rarely travel with significant funds, being supported by the local Conclave members.  Accordingly as a practical matter the Knights should be free of all tolls, passage fees and the like - any debts incurred should rather be demanded by the noble from the local conclave member - who will of course raise the matter in Concave if the knights have incurred undue debt.

c) It is a simple practical fact that the details of agreeing passage are laborious.  Should the knights need to negotiate each and every detail of any passage before passage was granted, their movement would be slowed to a crawl.  Accordingly the only restraints posed upon them should be those noted above - should a noble seek any redress or lien then this should be negotiated between them and the local Conclave member.
Robhan Khaiarén
High Marshal of Haelyn's Aegis
Work hard, walk with honour, be justly rewarded

Offline X-Coeranys/WD (Greg)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2009, 07:33:01 PM »
"Your Excellency, Coeranys desires to be a good neighbor and citizen of the free realms of Anuire, and the adjustments recently proposed to this treatise do seem to be headed in the right direction.

"However, Coeranys has only recently won her independence, and her people will not take kindly to an agreement that has the appearance of allowing the free passage of another army within her sovereign borders.  Also, for such a treaty to be effective and have value, it should be one that is not only acceptable to Coeranys, but to our good neighbors as well...

"Know this:  Until such time that Coeranys can sign such a treaty, should the need ever arise for the Knights of Haelyn to travel thru Coeranys, permission will be granted, so long as it is asked first, and a legitimate reason given.  Coeranys will not stand idly by, nor delay or hinder those attempting to fight evil."
William Deaulen
Baron of Coeranys
Count of Caudraight

Offline X-Alamie (Alex)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2009, 09:26:31 PM »
Lord Alam casts a look of distate at Lady Flaertes, before turning to Lady Alam, his fair spouse, and commenting loudly enough to be overheard by his closest neighbour:

"My Lady, hear those people who would stop at nothing to cling on to their feeble power. Only misguided people would even consider to turn the mighty Knights of Haelyn into a political pet in order to assuage their groundless rule. By Haelyn, Anuire is in dire straits, indeed."

Offline X-Coeranys/WD (Greg)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2009, 10:06:44 PM »
Baron Deaulen walks up to Lord and Lady Alam, smiles graciously, bows deeply, then speaking loud enough so that others nearby can hear...

"Archduke, please forgive my ignorance, but I know not of what you refer. 
Is there issue with the Knight of Haelyn that you think myself or others should be aware of, before giving further discussion and consideration to their offer?"
William Deaulen
Baron of Coeranys
Count of Caudraight

Offline X-Coeranys/WD (Greg)

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Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2009, 10:11:58 PM »
Lord Alam casts a look of distate at Lady Flaertes, before turning to Lady Alam, his fair spouse, and commenting loudly enough to be overheard by his closest neighbour:

"My Lady, hear those people who would stop at nothing to cling on to their feeble power. Only misguided people would even consider to turn the mighty Knights of Haelyn into a political pet in order to assuage their groundless rule. By Haelyn, Anuire is in dire straits, indeed."

Continuing, the Baron of Coeranys asks, "so who is it you refer to that rules groundlessly?  Is there someone here who should not be?"
William Deaulen
Baron of Coeranys
Count of Caudraight

Offline X-Alamie (Alex)

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  • Carilon Alam, Archduke of Alamie
Re: KoH Access Treaty
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2009, 11:31:36 PM »
The Archduke looks at the Baron and both the archducal couple bow slightly at him. Lord Alam takes the floor with a smile:

"Your Lordship, the Knights of Haelyn are actually not a concern, and Alamie shall not forget the swords they rose in times of need. Indeed, my own Lady is the former Grand Master of the Order. No, the concern is how political rows might be used by petty rulers in a vain attempt to bend the well-being of the Empire to their whims."

The Archduke looks sternly across the floor at the delegation of Tuornen, before adding darkly:

"As to the rest, Lord William, my House will work to root out evil and blood-tainted rulers."

Lady Alam, touches slightly the arm of her husband and liege, and addresses in a soft voice to Lord William:

"Why, Lord William, your presence here is a pleasure. May we have the pleasure to have your visit at our City's estates before this Sword and Crown is ended, and each of us rides back to his lands?"

She quietly motions for her lady in waiting to offer refresh the wine goblets and offer a new one to Lord William.