RoE Archive > Legends of the Hero-Kings

Adventure #69: Into the Fell

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X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt):
From the encampment, away from the edge of the forest, the Duke of Ghieste watches his men and those of his ally venture forth, the cautions and concerns plain on almost all the faces he looks upon. With a sigh he turns slowly once they have disappeared into the dark and twisted foliage and returns to his paperwork to await the news of their probable demises.

X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander):
A campsite is found, a small cave by a slowly moving stream. The men are mostly silent, as they make camp and catch a few fish. Preparing to eat the raw fish together with the provisions, as they cannot risk an open flame. They are somewhat surprised when Marya orders one of them to bring out a pot, even more surprised when she boils the water in it by simply grasping the pot and whispering a few words. Being soldiers, however, they have already learned that small comforts are usually then only ones in the field, so they accept it gratefully.

Marya spends most of the night gazing at what stars can glimpsed and consulting a few unrolled charts and leafing though an aging book. For her, magic is mostly a question of intuition, instinct and art, but even she employs some scientific methods... though translating the stilted scholarly language of the College into her understanding takes some time. A few hours sleep are had, but nothing substantial.

The next day the journey continues, following the ebb and flow of magic. Often they make halt or take what appears to be meaningless detours, because the Duchess needs to "get a sense of something". The soldiers trudge on, mapping their path as well they can, simultaneously pleased and worried at the absence of goblins.

Finally they make a longer halt before a hill, perhaps an ancient barrow, though no one can say whom built it. Marya tells them they will be resting here for a while as she examines a "possible convergence... perhaps a confluence..."

OOC: Sorry this fizzled. Entirely my fault.

X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander):
OOC: Eh, real life happens. I am assuming some kind of closure will be in DO - you know the plan, you know the challenges involved and so on. No problem. Otherwise just shoot me a mail and we'll figure it out. It was a small adventure anyway :)

A week later a few men, injured and half-mad with fear and poison, stumble out of the Fell. The mumble incoherently about spiders, white goblins and all manner of ill things.

The Sword Mage is not one of those that make it out alive. One of the survivors claims that he saw THE Spider (big as a ship it was!) take her down and eat her.


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