RoE Development > Regent Guide
Character Rules: "The simple model"
Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde):
Character Proficiencies:
There are a number of different character abilities, mainly one for each specific use of a regent or realm action IE Rule (Law), Create (Temple), Contest (trade), Espionage(Create spy network).
One for each court, character, military and free action IE Finances, Decree, Ply Trade(Administration, warcraft, command etc), Muster Army etc. Where it can be used on any aspect of the action.(So a character with Proficiency Finances can use it to generate income, loan money, convert wealth or to address a finance specific event.)
Each lvl of a proficiency provide +1 for an able assistant trying to assist a domain action (Successfully assisting provide a +2 bonus to the domain action)
Each lvl of a proficiency provide +1 for an action that that character take himself(That can be an advisor giving advise, a regent Ruling law, a Lieutenant contesting Trade a character performing his administrative duty and so on) Note that even though you have three regent actions it is very unlikely that your regent will have the time to oversee all of them personally, thus granting his bonus. An administration forced to watch from the side while their regent does all the work becomes ineffective and this could result in a loss of stability.
Besides proficiencies for actions, there is a proficiency for each realm spellcasting tradition. Spellcasting(Arcane), Spellcasting(Divine) & Spellcasting(Primordial) Your rank in spellcasting is both your caster level and your virtual class level for the purpose of gaining new spells.
Character Level:
Each character has a level that ranges from 1-20. Those levels increase via xp as character levels in D&D 3.5
Characters are divided into tiers to represent their class type and ability score array.
Heroic, Elite, professional & common
Each level a heroic character, like a regent gain 2 proficiency points per level.
An Elite character, like a trusted lieutenant gain 1 proficiency point per level.
A professional character, like a trusted advisor gain 1 proficiency point every even level. (2,4,6 ect)
A common character, like most of your subjects gain 1 proficiency point for every 5 levels (5,10,15 ect)
Starting regents are always Heroic.
Assigning proficiencies.
Each level you assign your proficiencies as you want, there is a couple of limits though:
No Proficiency can ever be higher than your level. And starting from lvl 2 you may not have more than one proficiency that is increased to its maximum
Classes are used for determining bonus actions.
Heroic Characters may have up to 3 classes
Elite Characters may have up to 2 classes
Professional characters may only have 1 class
And Common Characters are restricted to one NPC class
For each additional class you have after the first, reduce your level by one when determining your maximum proficiency level.
Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde):
An alternative model:
Administration, Battlespells, Command, Combat, Diplomacy, Doctrine, Fast Talk, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Any), Management (Commerce, Estate, Magic, Military, Religious), Nature wise, Observation, Perform, Profession, Ride, Slide of Hand, Sorcery, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survivability, Warcraft
Druid: Handle Animal, Knowledge (Local, Nature, Religion), Management (Religious), Nature wise, Spellcraft, Survivability
Fighter: Command, Combat, Management (Military), Profession (Quartermaster (Army, Navy), Castellan) Survivability, Warcraft
Guilder: Fast Talk, Handle Animal, Management (Commerce), Knowledge (Local, Guilds, Law), Perform, Profession (Seneschal), Ride, Slide of Hand, Stealth
Noble: Administration, Command, Diplomacy, Management (Estate, Military), Knowledge (Local, Nobility), Ride
Priest: Diplomacy, Doctrine, Knowledge (Local, Religion), Management (Religious), Profession (Quartermaster (Army, Navy), Chancellor), Spellcraft, Survivability
Ranger: Combat, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Local, Nature, Religion), Management (Estate), Observation, Profession (Quartermaster (Army)), Stealth, Survivability
Wizard: Battlespells, Knowledge (Any), Management (Magic), Profession (Chancellor, Seneschal), Sorcery, Spellcraft
Character levels:
Skill descriptions: (Incomplete)
Administrate: Used to administrate in any position either as lead or assistant.
Battlespells: A spellcasters ability to cast battlespells. Each rank allows one battlespell per week.
Combat: Ability to fight.. Think of it as Base attack bonus
Domain spellcasting skills: (Doctrine, Nature wise, Sorcery) These skills give the character a caster level equal to the rank in the respective skill. If the character is regent the rank is also added to the Domain Caster Level.
Management: Management is the ability to gain RP from holdings. Each rank allows you to gain regency from 50% of holdings of the appropriate type, so to gain full regency from a holding type you need 2 ranks in the skill. You also gain a bonus to actions that affect holdings of the appropriate type equal to your number of ranks in the skill.
Profession: Used to administrate in specific positions either as lead or assistant.
Survivability: Ability to survive. Think of it as HP.. The more you have, the more damage you can sustain.
Buying Skills from character generation:
Starting regents normally start with 10-20 XP depending on power level. Some characters might start with even more, but never less than 10 xp.
Class skills:RankCost in XP112336410515
Raising Skills:
Raising a skill cost an amount of XP equal to the new rank. To raise a skill from 2 to 4 you first have to raise it to 3. In that example the cost would be 3+4=7XP
Cross class skills cost double. (Cross class skills are any skill not available on your class skill list.
Gaining XP:
There are two ways to gain XP. Firstly you can gain them at the DMs discretion through any of your normal actions. Secondly you can train for XP with the Training action, this will net you 1xp per 3 character actions spent.
Maximum Rank: The maximum rank of a normal skill is 12. For a cross class skill the maximum is 6
Multi classing: There is no multi classing in this system.
Hiring characters in this system:
Base DDC 5 + 10 to add a class + 1 per XP the character has. + 5-10 for unusual race. + highest skill rank.
Classless characters may buy one skill as if it was a class skill and one skill as if it was a cross class skill.
Maximum skill rank for classless characters is 5.
Classless characters may not buy Management.
Classless characters count as one level lower than they actually are.
The highest modified level of a classless character is Skilled. So they are capped at 24 XP. Further XP are lost or saved for buying a class, depending on whether you play with the next option.
Option: Classless characters may buy a class for 20XP, but are restricted to a class that contains one or both of their skills. After gaining a class, use the appropriate class skill list as reference for further advancement. XP spent on gaining a class doesn't count towards levels, but it negate the -1 level adjustment for not having a class.
Hired help usually only provide a single action each season.
Veteran and higher level characters usually require an upkeep of 0.5GB per level over skilled.
Characters with classes can sometimes be payed to provide extra actions each season(up to 3) This cost at least 0,5GB + half their level upkeep, if any, for each extra action. Characters who work extra like that tend to earn enough to retire early, so don't expect them to hang around forever.
Battlespells: Battlespells cost 1 RP and doesn't need to be prepared. Range LOS, casting time 1 minute. They generally do one of the following effects:
Deal 1 hit to one unit. (Save for no damage)
Hinder 1 unit for one battleround (-2 to one of the units stats. -1 if save succeeds)
Aid 1 unit for one battleround (+2 to one of the units stats, no save)
Stjordvik Traders/SH (Tristan):
For the alternative model:
- Administration/Profession as seperate skills seems like a needless complication - also administration as written seems too powerful. A noble is equally good at administering any proffession, this doesn't feel thematically correct to me.
- Set the maximum rank of a skill to the character level and cross-class to 1/2 this (round down) - if class skills give a straight bonus to actions taken by the regent then a max +6 bonus (if you are legendary) in your focus is powerful but not as over the top as a +12 could be.
- I like the conept of management as determining your regency access. Maybe shift it 20% per rank with access to a bonus management (in place of class) action, and at legendary (6) management the bonus management action becomes a free action.
i.e. some with Management (Commerce) 3 and Management (Military) 1 has access to the the bonus managment actions of Espionage and Wage War but can only use 1 of them each turn. Someone with Management (Commerce) 6 and Management (Military) 1 has access to the the bonus managment actions of Espionage and Wage War, can use Espionage as a free action once per turn and can use either Espionage or Wage War as a bonus action once per turn.
This would dramatically lower the amount of regency being collected per turn (by everyone) which probably slows down the pace of the game (less regency to through at actions means less successful actions).
- Battlespells - maybe rather than tieing the spells to a weekly refresh tie it to a scene based refresh (i.e. a day long pitched battle is a scene, a running ambush is a scene).
More thoughts to follow when I have time.
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