RoE Development > RG v.3.5 draft editing
Regent Guide v3.6
So...we never got around to finishing the Regent Guide, did we?
Painfully obvious but still :o
Being a masochist and having refound my love for RoE:
I've decided to make one final attempt at finishing a draft, getting it reasonably edited and turning it into an official .pdf
A nice .pdf with layout and pictures and indexes and whatnot.
Here is a brief summary of things I've planned/already done:
Layout: Decided upon. You can see it in the Chapter 1 sample I uploaded. FINISHED.
Introduction: Changed a bit to make it more universal and less RoE-PbeMish. FINISHED.
Chapter 1 – Introduction: Reworked to make it more universal and less RoE-PbeMish. The RoE rules should have enough flexibility to be used for ANY fantasy setting. FINISHED.
Chapter 2 - Domains: Added bits and pieces. Clarifications. More references. AAs reworked; not completely reworked, but considerably reworked. They will still be useful, but will no longer spam the game to death. Options for more detailed/powerful characters are added in Chapter 9. Domain caster level concept introduced. FINISHED.
Chapter 3 - Regency: Needs simplification and many more examples. WORKING.
Chapter 4 - The Domain Turn: Focus needs to be shifted from pure PbeM play to any type of play; PbeM, PbP and PnP. Part of this includes rules for conducting a more time-structured turn, actually resolving actions by rounds and wars move by move. It looks quite promising. WORKING.
Chapter 5 - Domain Actions: Some changes to supportive/AA actions (see above). Many minor adjustments, some larger ones. AAs now only ever get ONE action per turn. ONE!!! Advantage is (finally) streamlined. Bonus-whoring and taking 10 is still in, but now its much more transparent - even casual players should now understand how to get these bonuses (getting the bonuses will still require some effort, but at least their importance won't be 'secret' anymore). Influence rules get an overhaul. Timing of actions (see above). More focus on the importance of COURT actions. By an large the chapter feels the same though, despite the changes. WORKING.
Chapter 6 - Armies and Warfare: Reorganized and streamlined. More examples. Key concepts are better described. Some rules are made optional. Resolution of battles formalized; DM fiat, interactive action (role-play, just like diplomacy and adventures), quick resolution (using a battle 'score' system) and semi-tactical war cards battle. BRAINSTORMING.
Chapter 7 - Oar and Sail: Has needed work since the very start. I have some good ideas and did some fleshing out last year. Will receive attention this time; but navies will play a, important but supporting role in the RoE rules. BRAINSTORMING.
Chapter 8 - Realm Magic: Spells moved into realm magic chapter. Focus moves away from regent-as-caster to domain-as-caster. Long overdue I think. Spells will either be updated or removed. BRAINSTORMING.
Chapter 9 - Characters and Domain: Already added as section talking about using different systems and different levels of play. The RoE baseline will be low levels, but different power levels will be supported. BRAINSTORMING.
Chapter 10 - Domain mastering: New chapter. Will cover how to set up games/convert settings to RoE rules. Section about interactive play. Section about differences between PbeM, PbP and PnP games. NOT STARTED.
Appendixes: So far I've pegged 3; communication, victory points, plus a new one :-P
Indexes/table summaries/reference sheet etc. : Will be added later.
X-Tuornen/LF (Geir):
::) so we when will we change to the new rules?...
When they are ready? Which isn't anytime soon.
X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt):
So how would you like us to help you proceed with the project? What can we contribute? Do you have a project plan of what you want done and for when?
X-Tuornen/LF (Geir):
it looks great, impressing. Have you thought about some type of copyright protection for this system? It is at the point already. I do not know how one goes about something like that with the relations to the original Birthright game and such but I do hope you are thinking about it.
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