RoE Development > Khinasi Plains

Introduction to Zikala


Zikala has a long and proud history. It was first settled by Masetians around 500 BD, primarily along the coast. The two primary sites were those where Turin and Zikala now stand. After Deismaar the Masetians faded and the Barsarji grew in number and importance, until such a time as the Basarji rebelled against their former ‘oppressors’ and cast them down. This development makes Zikala very different from the city-states further east, for in placed like Ariya the two cultures merged, rather than clashed. It is probably because of this that the temples of Nasri hold so little power in Zikala. These two city-states also stood tall in the face of Binsadan aggression, and although the nomadic tribes roamed freely in the interior (which they do even today), they never took either city. All the smaller towns and settlements, yes, but the mighty walls of Turuin and Zikala they could not break.

Perhaps the tribes would eventually have succeeded, had they been allowed to try long enough, but it would not be them that conquered Turin and Zikala. That honor would belong to Emperor Roele and his Anuirean engineers and artillerists. It took years, but against the siege techniques of the Anuireans the walls were not as effective as they had been against the filthy horse-nomads of the stepped. Later Emperors would extend their power into the steppe by breaking apart the great tribal coalition that held the plains in an iron grip. Those tribes that remained in Zikalan lands where largely those who were willing to adopt a more static lifestyle, settling down to lead lives more akin to those of the city-dwellers. Prior to the splintering of the great plains tribes this would not have been possible. Only in the northeastern interior of Zikala, the least hospitable part of the realm, does nomadic tribes still roam. They have more in common with their cousins in Irbouda and the Tarvan Waste than they do the settled people of Zikala.

Omar ibn Tuarim el-Zisef, Grand Vizier of Zikala: Male Khinasi; Noble 1/Wizard 4; Anduiras, major, 36; N. Omar is in all things the paragon that a Zikalan ruler should be. In all things except one, he has only mediocre talent as a wizard. Despite his father’s best efforts he only bare qualified to take the Oaths. And it was only his father’s extraordinary power and sayim that allowed Omar to take the throne. These days the Grand Vizier spends his time at court, usually in the harem or in the company of friends. His magical studies all but abandoned.

Jayim el-Zisef, Tamounzada of Tehara: Male Khinasi; Wizard 11; Anduiras, minor, 26; NE; Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 6. Jayim is cousin to the Grand Vizier. He also happens to be one of the most powerful wizards in the Plains. Unfortunately he is rather short-sighted, openly avaricious, and very ill-mannered. As a result his sayim suffers endlessly, and despite his power the people would never accept him as High Vizier.

Khasan el-Zisef, Tamounzada of Turin, Grand General of Zikala: Male Khinasi; Fighter 4/Ranger 2/Rogue 1; Anduiras, minor 24; LN. Khasan is cousin to the Grand Vizier and his most loyal servant. While Omar wastes his day in the palace Khasan works diligently to check the power of both Jayim and Shandare, while also overlooking the security of the realm.

Yolanda Serif: Female Khinasi; Guilder 2; Reynir, major, 40; N. Yolanda was her father’s sole child, and heir to the trading company painstakingly created by his ancestors. Yolanda has a strong bloodline thanks to her father’s many cunning dispositions – including the transference of his bloodline at his deathbed. She suffers from the inexperience of youth, and unless he grows up quickly the Extraordinary Traders of Turin will fade and die.
Shandare, Exalted High Priestess of Avani: Female Khinasi; Cleric 9; Basaïa, major, 39; LN. The most powerful person in Zikala is Shandare, the High Priestess of Avani. Her commanding manner and quick temper adds to her formidable divine power; there are few who dare cross this matronly woman. Shandare dreams of turning Zikala into a theocracy in name as well as in reality, deposing the corrupt and weak el-Zisefs and replacing them with the High Priests of the temple.


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