Author Topic: Decree of Caelcorwynn  (Read 6298 times)

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Offline X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor)

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Decree of Caelcorwynn
« on: August 13, 2009, 03:12:55 PM »
Because of murder of Aelvenking of Caelcorwynn by awnshegh Rhuobhe,
Because of Rhuobhe's attempt to usurp domain of Cealcorwynn for his evil purposes,
Because of need to protect innocent inhabitants
Because of dire neccessity

Eastern Temple of Nesirie along with its allies hereby declares the intention to

Oust Rhuobhe from the island of Caelcorwynn,
Avenge the murder of Aelvenking,
Protect the local populace and
Help to set the rightful governement there.

ETN hopes for peaceful and mutually enriching coexistence of humans and elves and it is the very reason why the awnshegh must be chased off the island and the island cleared of all his influence.

Inhabitants of provinces Caelcorwynn and Caelwode are called upon to help in this honorable cause, provide assistance to intervening forces and/or harm Rhuobhe according their abilities.