Author Topic: Law on organizations in Aerenwe  (Read 6196 times)

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Law on organizations in Aerenwe
« on: May 25, 2009, 05:53:46 PM »
The following law has been decreed by Tasaenae Swordwraith, the Queen of Aerenwe, concerning all kinds of organizations in the kingdom. It has been publicly announced by a town crier in Calrie and is available in written form from local royal officials all over the kingdom.

1) The only lawful judicial and law enforcement agencies within the Kingdom of Aerenwe are those that are completely owned by and responsible to the crown, with the following exceptions:
The Wardens are allowed to administer justice and enforce the law within the confines of the Erebannien and the smaller forests in the province of Halried. (OOC: The Wardens may have as much law as they want in the Erebannien and may maintain but not expand the Law holding in Halried)
As a state religion, the Eastern Temple of Nesirie is allowed to advise the crown on the judicial matters. For that purpose, a representative of the Temple will take part in all trials that are significant enough to be conducted in the royal court in Calrie. (OOC: ETN may maintain but not expand their Law holding in Calrie and may not have any other Law holding in Aerenwe)
The loyal vassals of the crown other than the Marquis of the Erebannien who is covered by the first point, may continue to enforce their own laws and hold their own judicial courts in their counties as long as they acknowledge superiority of royal law and local provincial courts and as long as their laws do not contradict the royal law of Aerenwe (OOC: Vassal noble houses of Aerenwe may hold and expand Law holdings in their provinces but may never have more law levels in a province than the Queen.)
All individuals and organizations covered by these exceptions are obliged to aid the crown in establishing new judicial institutions whenever this is necessary. The crown will always aid its vassals in expanding their own local judicial authority when an opportunity arises.

(OOC: All legal law owners in Aerenwe are required to support Queen's Rule Law Holding actions. The Queen will support Rule Law Holding by vassals as long as the Law Holding they are ruling is not of the same level as the Queen's Law Holding in the province.)

The mentioned individuals and organizations are also required to aid the crown in enforcing the royal law whenever this is necessary (OOC: Must support royal Contest actions against outlawed organizations and individuals).

The lawfully established law enforcement agencies, the royal armies and agents, the nobles, the Wardens and the mercenary bands that have registered their presence in Aerenwe with the local magistrate are the only groups allowed to publically carry arms in the Kingdom of Aerenwe.

2) The people of Aerewne are free to worship any gods they choose except religions and cults that may be deemed evil and/or corrupt by the crown. By the grace of Haelyn and Nesirie, there are no such organizations within Aerenwe at the moment.

In addition to this, Eastern Temple of Nesirie is the state religion of the Kingdom of Aerenwe.

The crown reserves the right to hold trial against any religious organization. If the trial concluded with declaration that the organization is evil and/or corrupt, all lawful religious organizations in Aerenwe are required to aid the crown in persecution of that organization.

OOC: Anyone may establish Temple holding in Aerenwe, but only ETN has support when doing Rule and Create Temple actions. The Wardens have support for Rule and Create Temple actions within the Erebannien, but they will not be aided by the Queen if someone tries to create temples in the Erebannien. All lawful temple owners are required to aid Contest actions against outlawed religions.

3) Any individual or trade guild is free to conduct trade and exploit natural riches in the Kingdom of Aerenwe, with exception of the Erebannien which is reserved solely for the Wardens. All lawful trade guilds and individual traders in Aerenwe are obliged to help the crown in persecution of any outlawed guild or individual criminal. Current outlaw with economic influence in Aerenwe is Tristan Bellamie and his Berendor Coster guild.

OOC: All guilds are required to aid Contest actions against Guild and Trade holdings of the outlawed guilds. Anyone except the Wardens is forbidden to establish Guild or Trade holdings within the Erebannien.

4) Only the royal family and the noble houses have the right to establish feudal contract on the lands they own. Any organizations and individuals that do not belong to the noble class and are discovered trying to implement feudal contract on the lands they own will be persecuted by the law. Only the Queen has the right of granting noble titles in the Kingdom of Aerenwe. In addition. the Marquis of the Erebannien is allowed to grant lesser titles (Count and lower) to the members of the Wardens without consulting the Queen, except to the individuals outlawed by the law of Aerenwe.

OOC: Only Queen, the Wardens and the noble houses may own Manor holdings, and only in the provinces they actually own, except for the Queen, of course.

5) The army of Aerenwe and the Warden army are the only two armies allowed on the territory of Aerenwe. The only way to make an exception to this rule is by treaty between the Kingdom of Aerenwe and antoher party. All construction and shipbuilding in Aerenwe is strictly forbidden for anyone except the crown and the Wardens. Specific limited construction and shipbuilding rights may be granted by the crown to other parties.

OOC: No one except the Wardens may construct anything, build a ship or muster troops without asking the crown for permission.
Tasaenae Swordwraith,
By the Grace of Haelyn and Nesirie,
Queen of Aerenwe,
Countess of Calrie,
Protector and High Warden of the Erebannien