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Current DO template

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For turn 68 you must use the attached template:

DO Template #68 v2.xls


Note that filling in the P&H section of the DO is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL

X-Alamie/CA (Marco):
Maybe there's an error in the Assets section.

GB Cost of Castles is the same as for Forts while in the previous template Forts' cost was the half of Castles ones. This shouldn't be correct according to Regents' Guide.

Can you check Bjorn?

X-Avanil/Aubrae Avan (Thorsten):

--- Quote from: Alamie/CA (Marco) on October 01, 2010, 01:15:28 PM ---Maybe there's an error in the Assets section.

GB Cost of Castles is the same as for Forts while in the previous template Forts' cost was the half of Castles ones. This shouldn't be correct according to Regents' Guide.

Can you check Bjorn?

--- End quote ---

Try switching your fortification-type from "Fort (Law)" to "." and back again. Should clear it up. It did for me.

X-Haelyn's Aegis/RK (Andy):
Same here - I copied from the old sheet and found out that the names in the new sheet have changed slightly - if you use the drop downs from the new sheet it works fine.


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