Hey there
I'm tinkering with building Rashid, and have a few questions that I'd like other players to give input to. Naturally, the DM's are more than welcome too.

I'm currently using point buy from the DMG 3,5 and using 25 points. Damn that is few. Does anyone know if we should use 25 points or one of the heftier bonus pools?
Secondly, do we use the BCRS optional rules for Paladins or not? - Its a radical change, both in available powers and lvl for spellcasting for a Paladin of Avanalae. - For now I just use the standard rules, where Smite Evil becomes Smite Chaos.
And I have "house ruled" that a Paladin of Avanalae has an Aura of Law rather than an aura of Good. - OK?
I also see that Noble has a power that allows them to call in a favor, basically its an extra income source/mild espionage action. - It has a chance of provoking an Event. What kind of action should this be written as in the DO? (Maybe a Regent question really)
I'm going to use the "select powers" option from BRCS, any thoughts on that, reasonable or not, combo's that should not be done or is perceived as overpowered?
So far my eyes are set on the very flavorful animal affinity. Naturally I can talk with eagles. Makes perfect sense. Just too bad they are all bird-brained.

Other than that I'm not sure what to pick, other than maybe long-lived of some degree. Am 46 already!