Author Topic: RoE 3 - Progress Update  (Read 2107 times)

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Offline Aeric (DM Matt)

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RoE 3 - Progress Update
« on: June 10, 2013, 08:57:21 PM »

So I Matt. Most of you know me from previous roles as the "Prince" of Coeranys and the "Duke" of Ghieste. Some of you were at my real life wedding. Most of you were not (shame on you!). After much toing and froing with Bjorn over the last year or so it seems I am going to be the Lead DM for RoE3, or more accurately for this phase of the project. We will probably include a revisiting of the team running the game just before the launch to make sure we have the right team in place.

So why am I making this post? Well because I think a regular update on where we are will be useful - it will mean you all know stuff is happening and hopefully can see where you might be able to help in turning the game into a reality (and minimising burnout ;)). My aim is to make a weekly update.

What have we done so far?
Project team appointed - Matt H, Lead DM. Bjorn, Creative Consultant. Andy, Co-DM.
Forum Permissions - Bjorn has sorted out permissions and rearranged the forum to let us start on the development process.
Setting - We have started discussing some setting options and I would expect us to offer two possible settings to the potential players within a week.
Rules - Bjorn has started suggesting people poke various bits of the regent guide.
Task list - I have drawn up a draft task list with timetable and published it the DM team. I am awaiting feedback before we publish it forwards.
Player survey - We have captured a list of players, their preferences and what they fancy playing. I am sure bits of it will change but it is a good start and suggests probable player numbers. Rune will die by Golden Elephant. All will become clear.

There is loads to do to get this up and running and I would like to be able to include as many players as possible in the content creation phase so that we can get playing as soon as we can. But more on that soon I hope...