RoE Archive > Fire and Steel

Turn #67 - Siege of Ilien

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X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt):
Following the bloodied repulse of the allied troops efforts then the camps settle into routine and process. The defences of the city continue to be battered while engineers progress their more subtle attacks and forms and the siege goes on.

Around the walls the lines of siege are hardened further, the ramparts built higher, fresh stakes added, gates and earthen banks reinforced, while the ward already taken is secured further. Troops are divided between camps and guard positions, rotated through rest and drill. Supplies are brought in for the Winter and a heavy picket placed on them to restrict looting or raiding. Layouts are also prepared for the arrival of new troops, some twenty or more regiments it seems.

It does not appear that the attackers expect to abandon their task.

Conditions in camp are horrendous. It's cold, its wet, its dirty. Food supplies are only barely adequate. Many men suffer from sickness. There are desertions.

Inside there walls they have their own issues.

Turn ends

X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor):
By the end of Autumn, ETN temple in Ilien looks more like hospital than proper temple. Wounded and sick are everywhere, caring priestesses with tired faces and local volunteers among them. Yet semblance of order and efficiency is maintained. Basic sanitation works, temple guards manage to keep arms and troublesome and useless people outside and everyone able to eat gets a fair share of food.

During the assault, some of the priestesess wanted to go and help just behind the places of fight, but High Priestess (incidentally present in Ilien in this time) exppressly forbade it. "You are more useful here. They could kill you there and what would be dead priestess good for? Just do your work where are you and have faith. I know it is hard for you." her face radiated comprehension and sympathy "Many of you have relatives and friends there in danger. But believe me, it si better this way."

Of course, many of those people inside are dying. Mundane medicine can do just so and magic is short supply. They are just too many. Sometimes more than even dedicated servant of Nesirie can bear. Breakdowns are not uncommon. How much can people endure? Winter will come and more assaults probably too. That little storage of food will eventually run out as well as storage of willpower and optimism and what then? Hopefully, Goddess will grant strength to her followers, but will it suffice? Hardly.


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