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Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2009, 10:38:33 PM »
The Chamberlain listens concentrated to what is said. Then he turns to look at those who have not spoken yet, awaiting their say.

Offline X-Haelyn's Aegis/RK (Andy)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2009, 10:46:25 PM »
The High Marshal, clearly unhappy to be present, yet bound by constraints of honour to answer the chamberlains call, speaks up.

A sad day, from whom few will gain glory.  I will outline what I saw and heard - though note I was not at the full forefront as some, and so such testimony should be heard not as divine truth, but rather as perception of one man amongst a crowd.

While many may question the exact legalities of challenge and acceptance, acceptance was given - a duel, to either death or surrender, before the gates of the Cathedral.  Both Baron Tshalen and the duchess agreed to such terms.  Similarly though I can see no reason why the Green Knight should have been involved, the Duchess accepted his substitution and thus I will offer no comment on it.

I am aware of no appointment of seconds, no attempt by either side to accept mediation of apology, no arrangements made at all by either parties or those to whom they were beholden to arrange for safety measures - a respected third party to mediate the duel, nor guards to ensure it passed without interference.  But the codes applying to such things vary from church to church and realm to realm - so perhaps I am not the best person to speak of such.

The Baron was greatly distraught, indeed he continued to offer insult to the Duchess as the preparations commenced apparently paying no heed to any thought of apology -even after personal request from the Pontiff - but then he is not, as far as I am aware, required to do so - he is a noble and has right to defend his honour and challenge another noble's honour and title should his own honour so demand.

The Sword Mage was calmer, and offered a certain measure of respect to the Baron, but was also unwilling to apologise for the insults given to her, nor her past actions that might have granted them merit.  Despite being clearly outmatched however she pressed on, I cannot fault her pride or courage which are both clearly possessed in noble measure, perhaps had she been less Anuirean in her manner then the days events might have been avoided.

The Green Knight's manner was odd, I had hoped he might be remorseful and encourage some peaceable ends, but rather he seemed to have some personal interest in the duel.  He did however speak to calm the Baron, though not it seems to offer some suggestion of apology that might leave both sides to end the duel in honour.

Matters then progressed for a while as one might expect in a duel between a hardened knight and a woman half his size trained in magic not swordplay.  The Sword Mage was beaten and disarmed, the Green Knight paused, but not, as I hoped, to offer her chance to surrender honourably and offer some apology that might peaceably end matters to the satisfaction of both sides, but to continue boasting of his hatred for her brother, and gloat of the joy he would gain from her death.  A pity he did not challenge her brother if he fet he had some cause, it is unseemly to challenge a man's sister should the man have wronged you.

Robhan pauses for a while, clearly biting back further words.

The Green Knight, as appointed champion of the Baron was, technically not granted the power to make such offer for surrender or apology, though I can see none challenging him if he had.  Rather such offer should have been made by the Baron, or appointed seconds, or the Duchess should have taken the chance to apologise herself - though whether she could speak at that point was unclear for she had been sorely beaten.

As the Green Knight gloated, Baron Arvour shouted that the Knight should offer the duchess chance to live, for she had clearly fought with honor and had been sorely provoked by Baron Tshalen - though as has been said, not without cause, ancient though it was.  While noble in spirit, it was at best rash for Baron Arvour to then seek to declare the duel ended - but then in the absence of any judge, seconds, or will on the part of Baron Tshalen or a more senior noble, I suppose Baron Arvour had grounds to consider that he was as good as any other to point out that the duel was long since won - indeed long since become an embarrassment of bullying that only the participants seemed unaware of.

The Archduke, quite rightly interceded to stop Baron Arvour from interfering - I called out to Baron Arvour also, but sadly he heeded neither my words nor the Archduke's imposition - perhaps had the Archduke had aid in interceding with both Baron's Tshalen and Arvour then again things might have been different.

What followed was a disgrace.

Baron Arvour burst past the Archduke, and challenged the Green Knight to fight him if the Green Kngihtfelt further need for glory.  The Green Knight could - easily -  have tossed Baron Arvour into the watching knights and demanded they hold him - the Arch Duke and I, feal lord of Baron Tshalen and lord of the Baron's home church respectively, had already spoke in the Knight's aid, and the Knight had the skill a hundred times over.

The knight did not so act, instead he met Baron Arvour not steel on steel in defense, but instead striking with clear intent to kill.  I have seen such things many times and am certain that the Knight he had no interest in merely throwing back a rash challenger and concluding matters in the duel, but rather in further bloodshed.

This desire for bloodshed was not however mere anger - I possess the divine wrath of Anduiras myself and have suffered it or been blessed by it as one measures such things from time to time.  Mere interference in a duel should not have sufficed to inflame so veteran a knight - yet it did.  The Green Knight lashed out berserk at all nearby - I saw Duke Ghorien - armed with no blade seek to impose a shield to stop the knight's rampage, the Green Knight turned on him inflicting grievous wound, and continued to the next victim even as all about called on him to stop.

That the Green Knight launched himself at the Patriarch of Elenie without apparent provocation - unless seeking to pull a bleeding man to safety is somehow provocation - injuring the Patriarch and slaying several of his guards, I tried to press forward to dispel any charms that might be present - no knight of honour fights with such abandon - but was driven back by the fleeing crowd - many of whom trampled each other in their frenzy to flee and so I saw not the next few minutes.

I heard tell of some gloating apparition that floated above the Green Knight when finally he was subdued, but saw it not myself and so offer no testimony thereon.

In all, I suppose, a strident reminder of how not to arrange a duel - and why.

The High Marshal, returned to his seat, sighing deeply.
Robhan Khaiarén
High Marshal of Haelyn's Aegis
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Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2009, 12:36:07 AM »
The Patriarch rises after the High Marshal and gives him a nod of respect. He then speaks, his voice once clear and tonal, now gravelly and hoarse.

"Indeed, I nor my guards had orders to engage but to use their divine blessings of healing to bring the bloodshed to an end.

The wound I suffered I gladly bear, if this farce can be ended to the satisfaction of the aggrieved.

Baron Tshalen acted out of old grievances and obviously used the outrageous insults to goad the Swordmage into the only honorable reaction to such challenge.

He did not raise the old grievance or demand restitution, he invented new issue and had already arranged the service of the Green Knight to be his executioner.

Baron Tshalen is the guilty party here. First and foremost. Any personal vendettas of the Green Knight, should not be an excuse for the Baron, to shirk the consequences of the events.

I will not go on for much longer, but I must redress the good Baron of Roesone. The Duke of Elinie is not an inherited Khinasi title, it was earned by Hammoud ibn Daouta and bestowed by the Emperor Caercuillen in the year 784 HC.

House Daouta, is thus, the only remaining, unbroken, line of Imperial Dukes remaining in the Eastern Marches.  I ask, if any grace be given for saving your life, that you do not refer to us as "recognised foreigners", as we serve only to serve and protect the people by Imperial mandate."

Rashid then retakes his seat.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 09:50:50 AM by Elinie/RiD (Niels) »
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

Offline X-Roesone/ARR (Robert)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2009, 12:49:09 AM »
Arvour turns his head towards Patriarch Rashid

"I apologize for my unintended insult. I have been lead to believe that your family had adopted the Khinasi title of patriarch instead of that of an Anuirean duke. In any case, my intention was not do discount you as a member of Anuirean peerage, merely to stress that titles of foreign origin had been accepted and used in the empire before in place of their Anuirean equivalents. It will not happen again."

Arvour Raemel, by the Grace of Haelyn Baron of Roesone etc, Champion of Cuiraecen

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2009, 01:26:03 AM »
"Is not the duel for the airing of grievances, old and present? Is it not to recieve the satisfaction one has been denied?" Osoer says.

"And does not an insult require two parties? One to offer it and another to accept it?" He continues.

"What occured was shameful, with that His Holiness, is most astute." Osoer nods in the direction of the High Marshal with some deference.

"Though, in my judgement, in shame many are made rich about this room for their actions during the duel."
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-LPA/Gaerred Khaiarén (Gray)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2009, 01:33:54 AM »
For fear that the High Hierophant might give offense, particularly in matters of law, she stands and leaves.

Offline X-Roesone/ARR (Robert)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2009, 02:31:10 AM »
Arvour snorts

"Lord William. I know your people have adopted the superstitious belief that you're some sort of saint, but please." he pauses, raising an eyebrow "we're all noble and blooded here. You keep throwing the word 'judgment' around as if it were up to you to decide. You would do well to remember that this is not Osoerde, but the Imperial City. None of us here owe you our allegiance so don't presume that you can impose your judgmental views on us."

"Oh, and I did not miss your accusations intended to provoke me. Despite what you may believe of the Stormlord's chosen, I am not that easily thrown off balance... speaking metaphorically of course, to spare you the need to invoke a comparison from the duel."
Arvour Raemel, by the Grace of Haelyn Baron of Roesone etc, Champion of Cuiraecen

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2009, 02:59:50 AM »
Osoer ignores Arvour and looks to the Imperial Chamberlain.

"Your Imperial Excellency, what other assistance would you ask of House Osoer and Osoerde?"
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2009, 09:28:07 AM »
The Chamberlain nods at the Archduke.

"We have heard your say and thank you for it. We do not need further assistance than this. Does your vassal Baron Caine Tshalen have anything to add to these proceedings?"

The Baron stands.

"The Archduke has put my case forth admirably. I have nothing further to add or detract."

The Chamberlain continues.

"We now ask that the Swordmage give her version of the day. If you would be so kind Lady Tornilen."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 09:30:58 AM by DM Jon »

Offline X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2009, 02:51:18 PM »
Marya inclines her head to Chamberlain and rises from her chair. Throughout the proceedings she has seemed to fight hard to keep her tongue, waiting for to be given the floor.

"Your Excellency, my Lords. I have no quarrel with Baron Tshalan. It is clear to all that this was a trap, that he goaded me into challenging him, then presented the Green Knight as his champion. It may be dishonorable, but he did nothing illegal. I gave challenge, a challenge I could have withdrawn at any time before taking the field."

She pauses.

"I wanted to see if sir Estevan's skill matched his reputation, in that I was... enlightened"

She smiles bitterly with the last word, then continues.

"In the duel itself sir Estevan did not accept my surrender, which was his and Baron Tshalan's right. It may be dishonorable and unsuitable for a paladin of Haelyn, but they had the right. However, sir Estevan struck and attempted to kill several regents of Anuirea. He could have thrown us all into war and spread chaos throughout the realm as regents died and heirs fought to take their place. That cannot be allowed, it cannot be apologized and it cannot be condoned!"

Her voice rises as she speaks those three pronouncements, then she changes to a more confortable volume.

"I bear no grudge against Baron Tshalan. My involvement in his previous dishonour is a matter of record, though another court has already handled that case and given judgement. He took a shot at me and circumstances contrived to spare me. I hope he is satisfied and I will take no further actions against him. For what it is worth, I now regret my role in his family's disgrace."

Then she gives a nod to the Chamberlain.

"That is all."

She sits back down.
Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
Duchess and Mage of Tornilen

Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2009, 03:25:00 PM »
The Chamberlain stands up.

We have heard all your testimonials and have gotten a testimony from the imprisoned Green Knight.

 Our questions fall as follows:

The Chamberlain waves an aide forward, who unrolls a scroll and begins reading in a loud and clear voice.

"Part the first:" Who authorised the open use of deadly magic arcana in the City of Anuire?

"Part the second:" Was there a College of Sorcery representative present to prevent any harm to the civil public by said deadly magic arcana?

"Part the third:" In what form was the Baron's intervention?

"Part the fourth:" Did Baron Roesone intervene before or after the surrender?

"Part the fifth:" Did others intervene before the surrender?

And the Chamberlain adds himself.

"Part the sixth:" The High Marshal speaks of some gloating apparition, did anyone see this? Was there sign of magical control of the Green Knight?"

He looks at the Pontiff.

"Your holiness? The last question is especially yours to answer. Have we been witness to yet another intrigue by the Lost?"

The floor is once again open.

Offline X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2009, 03:59:00 PM »
Duke Ghorien clears his throat and takes a slightly shakey step forward

"Your Imperial Excellency, if one could give our own answers to those questions?"

"To the part the first? Then one is unaware of any authorisation have been sought or not sought for the use of deadly magic arcana within the duel. Your Imperial Excellency was present when the challenge was issued and accepted, a substitution announced, location and terms agreed. Considering the combatants then magical use was the likely conclusion whether by will of caster or bound within artifacts accordingly."

"To the part the second? There was not such a formal representation as far as one was aware, though as the challenge was publically issued it would be reasonable perhaps to expect such representation to have been made by the college themselves? The Conclave of Temples was certainly present whether formally or informally."

"To the part the third? The Good Baron did enter the ring at the point that the Green Knight did disarm the Duchess and speak his intention to kill her. The Green Knight had failed to obey form and offered the lady to yield as was made clear was required by the terms, to the death or the surrender. He was intent upon murder upon the field and the Baron attempted to intervene at that point. He entered the ring and proceeded to attempt to place himself between the Knight and the Lady and make challenge to the Knight. That is the form in which his intervention came."

To the part the fourth? The Lady was not given the honour of the form in an offer to yield. Therefore the Baron's intervention came at such a point as the Knight had made clear his breach of the code and terms. He therefore entered the ring before surrender was made as none was offered. Those surrenders that were offered from both sides, and they were, were made after the mass of people present had intervened.

To the part the fifth? One may only speak as to one's own involvement in this as the Knight struck our person a grevious wound that meant that little past that is recalled, sadly. However, our own entrance in the ring was caused by the striking of the Baron of Roesone by the Green Knight and the rendering of that person defenceless. The Knight then moved to strike him again and kill him, an act which no noble spirit could allow to pass unchallenged, therefore a shield was grabbed and a setting of the shoulder was made as to push the Green Knight off of his target without causing either of them harm. One did not draw weapon as it was clear that the duel was no more and efforts must be made to save lives not lose them. That effort was successful but in a skilled returning stroke one was laid low and lost consciousness along with our right hand and lower right arm."

"As to the sixth part - lack of awareness at that time means one cannot speak upon it in all honour."
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

Offline X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2009, 04:02:03 PM »
The Swordmage rises again and responds.

"For your last question, there was no glowing apparation above sir Estevan. An apparation entered from outside the duelling ring, from among the crowd. It resembled Pontiff Aurlien, urging us to stop a pointless squabble and focus on what matters instead. It spoke of the war against the dark. I have no idea whether this was actual divine intervention or simpler sorcery. I was... distracted. There was no obvious connection to sir Estevan or the Lost."
Again, she returns to her seat.

Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
Duchess and Mage of Tornilen

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2009, 04:15:45 PM »
"Part the first:" Who authorised the open use of deadly magic arcana in the City of Anuire?

"None, as far as I know.  The usage of arcane magic within the Imperial City is strictly regulated by your authority and that of the Imperial College, your Imperial Excellency."

"Part the second:" Was there a College of Sorcery representative present to prevent any harm to the civil public by said deadly magic arcana?
"No one, as far as I am aware, your Imperial Excellency."

"Part the third:" In what form was the Baron's intervention?

"His form was martial, with the intent to cause harm. This is the primary usage of a weapon of any sort, and to draw one is to be willing to cause harm for weal or woe."

"Part the fourth:" Did Baron Roesone intervene before or after the surrender?

"As the Sword Mage has spoken, while she offered surrender, it was the right of his Excellency, Baron Tshalen to accept such or not.  He choose not to, therefore, the duel was to the death and surrender made irrelevent."

"Part the fifth:" Did others intervene before the surrender?

"Since Surrender was never accepted, then everyone intervened before the surrender."

"Part the sixth:" The High Marshal speaks of some gloating apparition, did anyone see this? Was there sign of magical control of the Green Knight?"

"Of this I am ill-equipped to speak. Though, one would expect that were the Lost involved, neither would have left the arena alive -- afterall this is the way in which the lost deal with their enemies."

Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Elinie/RiD (Niels)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2009, 04:30:45 PM »
Rashid rises and speaks; "Duke Ghorien and the Swordmage speaks truth. Thus I can confirm by my own eyes and ears.

The apparition came from outside the dueling area, and did refer to a war that would be coming, or was ongoing, beneath our notice.

Unlike the Archduke, who is able to read the minds of men or, at a minimum, do not fear to place their actions on formula for motivation, I will not speculate on the motives of others, beyond pointing out the obvious impossibility, of the Archduke to be impartial in these proceedings.

It must be clear that he is working for the defense of Baron Tshalen and the Green Knight."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 04:33:02 PM by Elinie/RiD (Niels) »
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.