Author Topic: Somewhere in private chambers of Maire Cwyllmie  (Read 5234 times)

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Offline X-ETN/Maire Cwyllmie (Libor)

  • Former players
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  • Posts: 331
  • Regency: 12
Somewhere in private chambers of Maire Cwyllmie
« on: December 26, 2009, 06:14:21 PM »
Maire Cwyllmie in persuasive tone to a little girl:
"You have to learn, my child. And learning to read and write is the most important thing, base of everything else. For if you can read, you know not only what people around you says, but also what thousands of wise people said far away and long ago. You then have access to knowledge of all mankind. And if you can write, you can influence other people in the same manner. You can become a member of ancient and continuous community, draw strength from it and maybe even add your own piece to magnificent and noble building of human wisdom. Some say, that pen and paper are mightier than even the sharpest sword or most powerful magic. Now, be a good girl, and go back to the lesson. Your nursemaid will check you, so show her how bright you are and make me proud of you. Now I have to go. I love you."
Maire patted the girl and kissed her on the forehead.
"Yes ma'am." peeped the girl in a meek voice.
Maire then straightened, smiled once more at Leenae and left.

When Maire gone out of sight, expression on girl's face changed suddenly to that of an utter disdain as she spitted her loud whisper after the priestess: "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Then releasing her close-set fists, reached for a doll and started to pierce her with a pen furiously: "One day, I will call them back and you will pay". Again, her mood changed abrubtly and she added sobbing "And then the'll give me my mom back". She burst into tears hugging the doll, she pierced before, now, not noticing the nursemaid, who have been witnessing it all the time covering her mouth in shocked disbelief.

After a while in Maire's cabinet, knock on the door and then Leenae's nursemaid enters:
"Madam, the girl you brought here, she ... she ..."
"Again?" asked Maire.
Nursemaid nodded surprised "So you know?"
"Yes." Maire smiled sadly "but what can I do? I can hardly blame her, she lost her mother. Only time, love and patience can heal her, so that our little Leenae don't damn her soul as ... others did. Now, get back to her, check her lesson and give her all the attention I can't give her right now."
Then returning to her work, Maire dismissed the nursemaid with a gesture.