Author Topic: Tornilen Decree #68 - An End to Brutality and Corruption  (Read 2169 times)

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Offline X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander)

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  • Duchess Marya Tanar
Tornilen Decree #68 - An End to Brutality and Corruption
« on: November 29, 2010, 02:12:59 AM »
It was a dreary day, rain was falling heavily on the marketplace, drenching most of the people there.
The only thing missing is a strong wind to whip the rain into their smug faces, damn them all!
Danjin Corryn stared at the assembled people, his teeth grinding together and his mood foul. Understandably, considering that this was the day of his execution.
He was standing at the edge of a wooden platform, flanked by a single guard while the town crier read his judgement aloud. The Justicar and three of his men were present as well, overseeing the execution.
The town crier's voice cut clearly through the sound of the falling rain.
"Duchess Marya Tanar of Tornilen, Baroness of Roesone, Sorceress of Ghieste, and Stalward Ally of the Militant Order of Cuiraecen has decreed that this year will see a change. Too many has fallen into a habit of abusing their position, of succumbing to corruption and of using needless brutality to enforce their will. This will no longer be tolerated. The people of Tornilen are free and equal for her. No matter their birth, no matter their standing, none has the right to take from others their freedom and their will, unless this person has violated the law or principles of this realm!"
The town crier paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. Danjin looked at the black-hooded man standing besides the chopping block.
So... has Allerd been drinking heavily last night? Like he often did? I bet many of them bought him drinks, I bet they all want me to suffer. Damn their hides to misery! I don't... I don't deserve this.
Danjin almost sobbed, but then he steeled himself. He shook his head slightly, focusing again on the crier's words.
" - for his crimes, of forcing the people of Stanholme to pay bribes, of theft from the royal coffers, Danjin Corryn is sentenced to death by beheading. So judgeth Justicar Alwyn, by the Duchess' authority. May the Stormlord have mercy upon his soul."
The people in the market square cheered. Danjin was not a well liked man. It was bad enough that he was a tax collector, but his habit of demanding bribes to report the taxes properly and his habit of forcing himself on the women of the village - using his authority as tax collector - had not gained him a lot of friends. Putting aside a bit of the taxes for himself made it even easier for the Justicar to sentence him to death.
Curse them all, I just did like the old collector, I don't deserve this.
Danjin sneered at the people cheering, not bothering to dodge the rotten tomato that splattered on his tunic. Then the guard grabbed hold of his arm, leading him toward the wooden block at the center of the platform. There were old scars in that block and dried blood that would likely never wash off.
As he came up to the side of the executioner, who was hefting his axe, Danjin spat on the boards at his feet.
"You lousy drunk, try to make this in one blow for once in your lousy life. I ain't done nothing to you."
The executioner actually smiled below the mask covering half his face.
"Don't you worry Danjin, one of the Justicars men gave me a piece of gold yesterday, saying if I don't drink nothing, he would give me 'nother if I made this clean. Guess someone was fond of you."
Danjin shot a look at the captain of the Justicar's men. He was standing at the Justicar's side, looking impassively at the crowd. Then Danjin shrugged, he would take what he could get.

When the axe rose, he sobbed. Not bothering to keep up any facade of bravery, it was almost over now anyway. When the axe descended, there was another cheer.

In the Winter of 1536 HC, Duchess Marya Tanar of Tornilen made a decree, which was followed by a string of trials and executions across the land. It was part of several measures, taken to address problems pointed out by her lieutenant, Calen Relas. The intent of the decree and the trials, was to reduce the rampant brutality and corruption that plagued the realm, from the lowest to the highest officials and nobles.
Generally, only people of low status were executed, but it was made obvious that this behavior would no longer be tolerated.
Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
Duchess and Mage of Tornilen