Author Topic: Meanwhile in Mhoried  (Read 5599 times)

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Offline X-Mhoried/Constantine Mhor (Wiktor)

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Meanwhile in Mhoried
« on: August 01, 2010, 09:05:54 PM »
Autumn 1536 HC
Bevaldruor, Mhoried

The weather during the week of mourning for Draene Mhor was rainy and foggy; fitting for such a sepulchral occasion. The Castle standards are displayed half-mast, Draene’s personal standard still in place. The Mhor’s corpse, along with his brother’s, lay in the Castle’s Chapel with full honours and a nightly vigil is held, while the Chapel’s bell mournfully rings every hour; Constantine Mhor stood guard in the first shift and visited the Chapel every night. Constantine does not display the Crown, which is kept safe until the coronation day.

Preparations for the funeral were made in co-operation with the Haelyn Aegis who oversaw the religious aspect. A wooden platform was raised in the opening a mile down the Royal Mire to hold the funeral. A similar platform was raised in front of the main gate, this one for the coronation of the new Mhor.

On the seventh day, surprisingly a sunny day, after the Council decided about the fate of Constantine the Mhor’s guard is assembled in front of the main gate. The people of Mhoried patiently wait at the sides of the road for the ceremony to start. The deadly silent is broken by the town crier:

“Behold, Draene Mhoried and his brother shall make their final visit to the capital.”

The guards carry the two coffins, at a slow pace, while the band plays the mourning march. The High Marshal is the first to follow the coffins, with Constantine Mhor closely behind. Curses against Osoerde and its accursed Duke are yelled from the crowd, along with demands for vengeance; this wound will not heal quickly or easily.
Upon reaching the platform the two coffins are laid to rest on stands. The full Haelynite funeral ritual takes place. At its end the crier recounts the two brothers’ deeds for one last time. Then, the two brothers are taken back to the Castle and laid to rest in the Mhors’ tomb, while the assembled nobles and citizens of Mhoried wait in front of the second platform for the coronation.     

The coronation ceremony is brief and simple; Constantine seems humble and determined to uphold his vows to the land, its inhabitants and to the All Father. His standard is raised when he receives the Crown.

A brief marriage ceremony follows the coronation, where the Mhor weds Lady Raenele. They both wave to the crowd and Constantine speaks with his loud and steady voice:

“I am but a humble servant of Mhoried. Together, by the grace of the All Father, we shall heal the land and strengthen it. Semper Fidelis!”

Then, the Mhor and his wife enter the Castle, where a feast is held to celebrate the occasion. In the same time a feast is offered to the citizens.

Thus, the reign of Constantine Mhor has begun.
His Grace Constantine Mhor the Duke of Mhoried

Offline X-Haelyn's Aegis/RK (Andy)

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Re: Meanwhile in Mhoried
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2010, 11:39:31 PM »
Every winter as the Eve of the Dead approached and thoughts turned to the long months of snows ahead the Aegis held feast days across Mhoried.  On those days those beasts as could not be fed or sent south through the long winter months were slaughtered, great pies baked, and a feast held for all the parish with the remaining meat dried or salted and given to the needy - and always great sermons held to remind the Mhora that they were a blessed people, proud defenders of the empire and sturdy highlanders who would ever endure the harsh winter so long as they stood together in Haelyn's grace.

Even in Shieldhaven, largest city of the land these traditions were held, and so folk came from throughout the city to hear the words of the High Marshal on the feast of St. Ansen.  As ever Robhan blessed the farmers and Erik for the bounty of the land, Nesirie for the river's gifts, and the other gods favoured by Haelyn for their aid during the year before praising he who was highest for the strength of the militia that had defended them and wisdom of the nobility who had led them through the year.

Finally the traditions done Robhan gave his concluding address,

The year has been long, and shrouded by shadow,
Our foes have struck out, but we have defeated them,
We have seen goblins raid us at whim - thrown back, their homes razed by Baron Haensen - honour to the Goblinbane!
We have seen vampires and assassins strike at our faithful - their master destroyed by Marshal Ballam - may his name be remembered,
We have seen invaders strike without warning - cast back by Droene Kavarra - praise the way he honoured our trust,
Many would have faltered, many would have fallen, yet we remain defiant!
We are the Mhora, masters of the Highlands and dells!
Constantine Mhor has returned to the land of his fathers and Haelyn holds him blessed
The Mhor is dead, long live Mhor Constantine!
While the Mhor stands faithful, ne'er shall Mhoried falter!
This year we drove back all who dared our wrath, the new year will be a time of rebuilding and growth
So be of good cheer men and women of Mhora, stand and raise your voices in praise to those who fought and endured this year past that we might build abrighter future for our children this year coming!

The organ begun the refrian of Mhoried defiant, traditional song for the feast of Saint Ansen and soon the voices shook the dust from the rafters as the folk of Mhoried sung the song of their fathers and praised their ancestors for their courage in settling the wild lands and taming them against all odds.  The people sung heartily for the land had a new Mhor, said to be blessed for the clouds had parted as he was crowned - with the long-lost crown of Mhoried no less - as though the gods too wished to look upon this sacred ceremony, while all omens said that the next years harvest would be bountiful as the land welcomed the new lord.
Robhan Khaiarén
High Marshal of Haelyn's Aegis
Work hard, walk with honour, be justly rewarded

Offline X-Mhoried/Constantine Mhor (Wiktor)

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Re: Meanwhile in Mhoried
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2011, 03:59:15 PM »
Summer 1537HC

In the mid of the summer festival a young couple from Bowness-on-Solway have planned their wedding. Both are children of poor farming families; yet preparations have been for a great feast for the whole village.

The weather, on the wedding day, is sunny and warm providing a beautiful setting for the celebrations. The small Haelynite chapel is decorated with colourful flowers for the occasion and the vicar’s assistant is finishing the final preparations as the groom’s family arrives, followed by the rest of the village. As the ancient custom demands, the bride, shining in her pure white gown, arrives a few minutes late; escorted by her father.     

The ceremony is interrupted by the distant sound of galloping horses. A few minutes later a small group of boys who had decided to continue playing rather than join the wedding come running to the chapel and one of them excitedly shouts:

“Mum! The Mhor is here!”

A young girl, in her mid twenties, blushes and rushes to collect the child.

“Severus! Don’t interrupt the ceremony, why would the Mhor visit our village?”

The whole village in astonishment turns to look towards the short path leading to the chapel; for the boy spoke the truth. Within the next few seconds a rider is visible in the distance bearing the ancient standard of the Mhor. The standard bearer rides up to the entrance of the chapel’s yard and announces:

“His Grace Constantine Mhor and Her Grace Lady Mhor!”

The villagers totally surprised begin to whisper to each other, while the vicar is rushing to the entrance to welcome their unexpected visitors. Constantine and Ranele arrive riding their horses, step down and walk to the entrance, where they are greeted by the burly vicar who bows deeply:

“Your Grace, we are honoured by your visit.”

The Mhor wearing a simple military uniform – rarely is he seen in civilian clothes – and Lady Mhor wearing a simple but elegant white dress nod politely to the vicar and then acknowledge the assembled village.

“Vicar, let the ceremony begin; we meant not to interrupt!”

The Mhor and his wife walk to the first row of seats and silently witness the wedding ceremony; while the villagers share their attention between the wedding and the ducal couple.

The Mhor did not arrive empty handed; Lady Mhor gifts a silver brooch with a small shiny green emerald to the bride and the Mhor gifts the titles to a field nearby the village to the groom. They have also brought wine and the household servants are already roasting meat for the festivities.

The Mhor and his wife stay at the feast until late afternoon and they seem to greatly enjoy their time. At around 3 they stand and offer their best wishes to the newlywed couple; then the Mhor’s squire prepares the horses for them both and they ride back to Shieldhaven.
His Grace Constantine Mhor the Duke of Mhoried