RoE Archive => The Imperial City => Courts of Anuire => RoE2 Archives => Sword & Crown 1535HC => : X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 10, 2009, 11:58:55 PM

: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 10, 2009, 11:58:55 PM
To the east the sun rises from through a sea of crimson. It is dawn and there is a matter of honour to be decided.

Before the Cathedral of Cuiraécen a crowd has gathered. There are many people, commoners and knights, bards and gamblers, regents and priests. There is a hush as the bells of the city's temples start tolling, greeting the dawn and announcing the beginning of a new day.

The gates of the Cathedral opens and the Sword Mages steps forth toward the prepared fighting ground. She wears her Robe of Blades, the many edges shifting and shimmering as if alive. By her side she carries a bastard sword upon which crimson runes crawl and shift. Her face is covered in a bladed mask, turning her face into a visage of metal edges.

Fighting words were spoken, a debt of honour is to be paid.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 12:48:14 AM
All amongst you the people are gawking, pointing and thronging just to see the redeemed Swordmage walk the long path to meet the Green Knight.

 All are keenly aware that this will be the stuff of legends! The definitive duel.

The sun streams down from upon high and bathes the assembled crowd in gold.
By your side always, young Calen Relas seems none too happy at this development.

He whispers
"My Lady, I'll pray to the Lady of Luck, Sarimie, for sand in your opponents eyes. And to the Stormlord for your strength. For my own part I pray the Allfather will keep me safe if anything should happen to you..."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 11, 2009, 01:55:33 AM
Fully armed and wearing shinning full plate armor Pontiff Isilviere solemnly joins the crowd. On this day he would hardly be noticed but for the fact that he is closely surrounded by the Knights of the Sun firmly pushing those in the way aside. Though the grave knights seem to utterly ignore the presence of other spectators somehow their chosen route don’t intersect with anyone of higher nobility. The Pontiff stops just outside the prepared fighting ground. The Knights of the Sun all tall and grim looking make sure the Pontiff does not get crowded.

When the Sword Mage enters the prepared fighting ground the Pontiff yell to young Calen Relas
“Come here if you are to watch the fight”

EDIT: OOC: The invitation was extended to Calen Relas as he was all alone from the describtion above. Walking along the rest of the Sword Mages people the offer is as per ret-con NOT extended (see Jon's next post below this)

Edit DM Jon: ret-con not accepted. This is excellent stuff, the Pontiff feels the protective need of Relas and issues an instinctive invitation. Relas decides to stay in the lion's mouth, brave man. No reason to change anything. Please try not to ret-con too much, just go with the flow.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Coeranys/WD (Greg) March 11, 2009, 02:15:24 AM
Amidst the throng of the curious is one William Deaulen, who as both a bard and regent, seems remarkably comfortable in the crowd of observers.  The possibility of witnessing first hand such a historical even is simply too much for him to ignore...

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 11, 2009, 09:18:14 AM
Having fought besides both the Green Knight and now recently the Sword Mage, Baron Kaven stands to the side, arms crossed and watches.

He has a solemn look on his youthful face, wears a ceremonial breastplate and from time to time moves his hand to touch the peaceknot tying his sword to the scabbard even as he shakes his head slightly at he upcomming event.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Elinie/RiD (Niels) March 11, 2009, 09:23:55 AM
The Patriarch of Elinie arrives on foot, but with a portable thronelike chair carried by two servants. He has it installed at a good vantage point, as close as he can get, using his guards to push commoners out of the way of his bulky chair.

Once in place, he leans back, reaches out to take the goblet offered him by a servant and gives a small salute to the Sword Mage and then looks to see where the Green Knight is going to appear.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 09:53:47 AM
Young Calen Relas looks around at the Swordmage's entourage, servants, valets and bodyguards. They eye him darkly and with hostility. He then looks over at the assembled golden knights of the Impregnable Heart and the Pontiff's flowing robes.
 He takes a quick decision and briskly trots over to the Pontiff. With a courteous bow and a kneel, he replies with a loud voice.

 "I thank you for the fair offer Your Holiness! But by your leave, it is my duty to keep her Graces' servants and belongings in order at all times."

 He inclines his head back at the assembled entourage of Tornilen, indicating his place.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 11:48:41 AM
The fighting ground is a vast expanse of dirt, used for many events of sportsmanship and valor. The City of Anuire also has a grand arena, wherein many duels and grand contests have taken place. But this is a private matter and as such, a neutral place has been chosen.

 The grounds are already packed with people. Rumor has run like a firestorm through the city and it seems like people of all ages and classes have turned out. The Green Knight is to fight the Swordmage! The hero of Anuire against the redeemed defeater of the Eyeless One!
 Many are reminiscing the day so many years ago when that horrible being took the life and souls of Armiendin and Nichaleir. It was not here, but still all assembled are gawking, eyes wide open, ready for the certain to be legendary spectacle!

 Everywhere vendors hawk their wares, capitalizing on the thirsty crowd. The nobility has their own seats, but even there the crowd presses in, so even some of your bodyguards have to help form a line to push the people away.

 Neither Prince Avan nor the Imperial Chamberlain Dosiere has deigned to appear. Avan is away at the front most likely.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 11:55:26 AM
At Calen's words, the Swordmage turns her head him. She gives a barely perceptible nod of approval, then turns her head towards her retinue.

The sour looks and whispered words are quickly forgotten under her scrutiny and Calen walks back among them and takes his place. Looking apprehesive, but seeming to have gained some confidence.

The Swordmage turns back to the duelling ground and the crowd, waiting for the Green Knight to make an entrance.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) March 11, 2009, 01:22:07 PM
Behind the Sword Mages party stands the "so called" Duke of Ghieste and his retinue, the contrast marked between him and those who stand around him; where as they are dressed in rich, deep blacks and half plate it seems that Ghorien has worn something more unusual. Arrayed in a fuller suit of plate, carefully enamelled in a burnished white, on a base of black clothing, the only actual colour on his person is that of the silk rope belt that splays a scarlet burst around his waist and tied into a peace knot bound through the hilt and guard of the blade he wears on his left hip. Under his arm he carries a helm shaped like a lions head with what appears to be rubies inset for the eyes of the snarling beast, while on his right hip sits a wicked looking long and thin dagger, clearly a misericorde.

To his left and right stand shield and axe bearers respectively, each holding their charge with deference and diligence. Around the three of them the ducal guard has cleared a little space, like a horseshoe shape with the Duke and his aide's within. While they stand waiting Ghorien calls forth a page boy from his household and passes a belt sash bearing Ghieste's colours to him, whispering some orders or such to the nervous child. The boy sets off at a pace towards the Sword Mage herself and presents those same colours to her with these words,

"From Ghieste, your Grace."

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 02:06:15 PM
Finally Baron Tshalen and his entourage arrives. The Green Knight is with them.

 Baron Tshalen steps forth, a gleeful smile on his lips as he greets the crowd.


The crowd begins cheering wildly at this announcement!



The crowd goes absolutely nuts at this! Duels to the death are rare and far between!


General booing.


Cheers and general praising of Haelyn and Cuiraecen.

Ooc: Translating the last part. This does allow magical weapons, armor and the like with innate abilities. But no boomsticks or outright use of magic allowed. It does allow clerical buff spells before the combat.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 11, 2009, 02:23:19 PM

It does allow clerical buff spells before the combat.

And during combat as well, if the participants have that sort of power (i.e. a paladin is of course allowed to call on the Allfather during a duel).
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 03:00:29 PM
The Swordmage considers the page presenting her with Ghieste's colours, looking down on the kid, then she simply stretches out her arm, allowing him to bind the sash around her left elbow.

She raises her head as the Baron and Ser Estevan Daulton arrives. She stands still as the Baron speaks, her swordarm extended to her right, the tip of the blade almost touching the ground.

When the Baron is done, she lifts her left hand, with the colours of Ghiest flying from her elbow. The crowd quickly falls silent, awaiting her words.

"You have insulted me Lord Tshalan and thus you have insulted Tornilen. We are one, my realm and I, bound by blood and destiny and neither I nor the people of Tornilen will suffer such insults. Today your champion will fall, today you will eat your words."

She shifts her stance, turning clearly towards the Green Knight.

"And I see your word has little value. You claimed that you did not fear me and that you had killed many mages. Yet you wish to meet me diminished, without my sorcery. Did Archmage Cain simply fall over from old age, so you could cut off his head!?"

She turns on her heels, gesturing to the crowd with her raised left hand, then turns back to him.

"A warrior is not just a man who fights with his sword, it's a woman who fights with everything she has! To death, victory or surrender!"

She extends her left hand towards him, pointing at him.

"So will you stand by your word and fight me with everything that I have got? Or do you not dare face my sorcery!? Are you so afraid of me, oh Green Knight of legend!?"

There is a hush as silence falls and all heads turn towards the Green Knight, awaiting his answer to the challenge.

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 03:10:19 PM
The Green Knight looks completely indifferent to your taunts. He looks completely peaceful, almost sleepy.

 "I'll beat you however you desire."

But Baron Tshalen angrily retorts.

"Don't mock my champion due to the consequences of your ill-chosen words! You issued the challenge, I decide the rules!

The Green Knight lifts one eyebrow slightly at the unnecessary slur, but otherwise remains impassive.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 03:35:17 PM
The Swordmage voice drops a notch to an almost conversational tone, but it still carries fine around the duel grounds.

"Your protests do not matter Tshalen, this is duel between two warriors on the ground before the Stormlord's house."

Her voice rises again.

"This is sacred ground and a contest between two warriors is a sacred thing! Ser Estevan has made his choice, as is his right! He will fight all that I and win victory by the grace of the Cuiraécen and Haelyn! Praise be the Stormlord and all who fights in his name!"

Again her voice drops.

"Let us see what fate has in store for me. No more talk, let us finish this."

With her last words she steps forward into the duelling circle, as she does so her free hand moves through a complicated gesture and faint sheen passes from it, spreading throughout her body. She is suddenly moving very fast, and even when she stops opposite the Green Knight, he forms seems slightly blurred by the speed with which it shifts.

When she is inside the circle, she raises her sword in her right hand horizontally before her face, the sunlight glinting of the blade and the metal ridges of her mask. With a swift movement, she beckons for the Green Knight to have at her. Then she waits, poised for the fight.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 03:43:19 PM
The Green Knight serenely advances into the circle as well. He stops for a moment at the edge and sends a silent prayer to the Allfather.
 Meanwhile Baron Tshalen is going red like a herring.


He jumps up and down, stomping the ground in fury. The crowd begins roaring and jeering at him with laughter!

OoC: To be continued later tonite. Spectators assume your positions in the meantime.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 11, 2009, 04:47:19 PM
Kaven's eyes widen slightly at the Swordmage's announcement and following spellcasting. As things pace up, and the combatants take their place, he takes a deep breath and mutters a prayer to Ruornil and Haelyn both, even as his hands grip the railing of the balcony and he leans slightly forward to take in the entire scene.

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Roesone/ARR (Robert) March 11, 2009, 07:03:38 PM
Arvour joins the first rank of the observers, his hands crossed and a face bereft of emotions as his gaze slowly wanders from one participant of the duel to the other.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 11, 2009, 07:16:50 PM
Ser Estevan goes over to the Baron and speaks a little with him; apparently calming him down.

"You'll have the use of you magic Marya; but take care not to hurt any spectators. Any injury, death, or damage caused by any spell of yours will add to your burden...which is great enough already."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 07:25:04 PM
Having said that, Estevan Daulton looks at the assembled noblemen. It looks like he's searching for someone?

Meanwhile, the Baron, having regained his composure, silences the crowd with a lifted hand.

"Allright then. Let her win this one. A small victory to sweeten her journey to the Halls of the Dead."

Estevan Daulton seizes his search, draws his sword and unbuckles his shield. Then he steps onto the vast arena, dust rising under his green-steel clad feet. The sun glimmers and glints strangely in his full plated suit of green-steel armor.
 He advances slowly.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 07:51:59 PM
As he approaches you, slowly but focused, sand going up in puffs under his heavy feet, you get a grasp of just how dangerous this man is.
 Even without having done much of anything he's already flashed the sun into your eyes twice, through a slight twitch of his blade. Giving him just time enough to circle slightly to the left, so the rising sun gleams across his side. In a moment you'll have the sun square in the eyes. Never a good spot to be...

"Well Marya. Why hasn't your brother shown himself this day?"

He asks in a silky smooth voice, sparkling green eyes boring into your very skull. He's smiling, a friendly and open smile.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 08:04:40 PM
Countering his maneuvering, the Swordmage is slowly moving to the left as he closes. She is happy for her helmet and mask, making it easier for her to ignore the sun.

She makes no response except the whispers of a spell. As she moves closer to him her hand is enveloped in a blue glow, a corresponding blow winks into existence around him and then disappears in whispy threads... like steam blowing of water.

It takes a bit of her concentration though, a small bit, but enough. Suddenly he is closer to her left side than she expected...
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 11, 2009, 08:22:02 PM
The Sword Mage suddenly realizes something is amiss; he's not really blinding her, or rather he is, but that is just to distract her. With every flick of that sword of his, another enchantment unravels from the SM's suite of defenses and blessings!
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 09:32:02 PM
Snarling under her mask, the Swordmage realizes that time is working in the Green Knights favour. Bellowing a wordless challenge, she grasps her sword in both hands and throws herself at him.

Held in both her hands, the bastard sword is slightly faster than his longsword, but with his shield he holds her at bay. Still, for a short while she succeeds in turning the tide - attacking with abandon, switching from feints to all out attack constantly, she forces him to give a bit of ground.

Seeing that she has a bit of breathing room, she suddenly breaks of her attack, jumping backwards and flinging out her left hand - switching the sword to one hand. Clear, white lightning forms around her hand, arcs going from the eyes of her mask to her hand and spilling out towards the knight.

She has underestimated his speed though, with two quick steps he closes on her, his sword lashing out at her extended hand. Occupied by the spell, she is not fast enough to move her hand - the tip of his blade connects with her gauntlet - pain lances up her arm.

Part of the lightning is grounded in his sword, sparks flying and lightning moving up his arm. The coat of arms on the shoulder of his swordarm smoulders while the rest of the spell goes up into the air with a crack of thunder. Now she is on the defensive, trying to hold him at bay while holding her sword with one hand almost numb.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 09:42:52 PM
In one fluid motion the Green Knight advances. Impossibly fast for a man clad in full plate, he strikes at the Swordmage high!

 She parries!

 But it was a feint and in a fluid motion he slides his sword all along the base of her's down to the very grasp of her gauntlet... Catches hold under the crossbars and makes a flicker of his wrist!

 Only to be met by the Swordmage's well-placed elbow, smacking straight into his visor. The impact alone sends him stumbling back. His disarm attempt unsuccesful.

 How you saw that coming, you will never know. Pure instinct saved you from loosing your weapon...

 The Green Knight grins at you still. He obviously finds this a pleasing development!
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 11, 2009, 09:49:49 PM
The fighters clash again as the Sword Mage goes on the offensive. She strikes out again and again, and all the Knight can do is parry. But as the swordplay drags on it becomes apparent that the Sword Mage isn't hitting anything, and that the Knight is somehow forcing her to continue her assault, lest he gain the initiative.

And then she's lying on the ground, her feet swept away from under her. The Knight lunges, only to be met by a blast of lighting! He brings up his shield, and somehow, impossibly the lighting leaps back at Marya!
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 11, 2009, 09:53:16 PM
Rather than pressing his advantage the Knight relents, speaking instead while Marya gathers herself:

"See, I told you that killing sorcerers was something of a specialty for me...did you think it idle boasting?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 11, 2009, 09:55:47 PM
Muttering a prayer, Kaven ducks instintively as first the bolt of lightning arches skywards, then another reflects from the Green Knights shield. His grip on the railing tightens, untill his knuckles turn white.
"Blessed Allfather leave Anuire with two champions of good after this fight, not one skewered nor one a smoking dust-pile."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 09:56:33 PM
Not really caring much for your response, he looks around, scanning the spectators.

"Is he deliberately missing this, do you think? It really is annoying that he's not here..."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 10:02:14 PM
The swordmage screams as the lightning engulfs her. Her Cloak of Blades sends sparks in all directions and the interior of her helmet fill with the stench of burned hair - her own.

Staggering backwards, she bends her knees slightly, preparing to meet his charge. It does not come though, instead he talks to her...

Ignoring his words and thinking quickly - How do I overcome his shield... yes! she cast another spell, making the runes of her blade glow a bright crimson as the enchantment takes hold - then she rushes him yet again.

This time though, she feints to the left and dives past him to the right. As she moves past her, the blades of her cloak lashes out - scoring several hits along his left arm, tearing his coat of arms further and making sparks fly.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 11, 2009, 10:04:29 PM
As you pass each other the Sword Mage's blade flies from her hand, to stand quivering in the dirt.

He taps the sword, removing any magic affecting it, then backs away a few steps, daring you to take the blade.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 11, 2009, 10:09:09 PM

Having finished his argument with Baron TsHalen the Pontiff and some of his Knights stand in front of Baron TsHalen. The matter with the Baron seems to be forgotten for now though all attention on the duelists.

Whispering albeit the louder kind of whisper, Pontiff Isilviere try to find hope where there is likely none to be found.

“Divine All Farther pray help me find a way to save both these unbelievable skilled fighters”
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 10:11:19 PM
Baron Tshalen, instigator of all this, looks almost manic by now.

"Just do it! Why doesn't he just kill her! Honor demands it!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 11, 2009, 10:15:09 PM
The Pontiff ligthning fast turn around and yell Baron TsHalen in his face with less than 15 cm between the two

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 10:28:38 PM
And there it is, right in front of you. You're looking down at the pure, naked terror of this man, you got him good just then. But the memory won't go away.

 You have seen him before! Like this! In the grip of terror!

 It was... In the time of High Prefect Hubaere Armiendin... Holy relics had been stolen. A good many years ago. You received information that the Tshalen family had stolen them! And indeed there they were! Hidden away in their treasury.

 They had denied everything at first of course, but the templars had been thorough and when you came, as aide to one of the Bishops. You saw him. In the grip of terror. His entire family, reduced to shuddering, terror-stricken islands of humanity... Lost.

 Later it was discovered that it was the Swordmage who had stolen the objects and planted them with the Tshalen family. It was discovered and they were cleared of all charges, but somehow the family never really recovered... And war threw a blanket of blood over the necessary retribution. Later it was forgotten... So many horrible things happened in those years, Tshalen became just one out of so very many.

 And Aurlien forgave her everything, just like that. And she fought and killed the Eyeless One. Crazy Aurlien...

 But this man never did! Never forgave anyone anything.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) March 11, 2009, 10:31:54 PM
In a loud clear voice, booming across the field, the Duke of Ghieste replies to the baron's manic screaming,

"No Baron! Honour does not demand it! As anyone of truely Noble spirit and rank would know!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 10:36:17 PM
Meanwhile, the Green Knight sniffs the fresh air and breathes deep. The sun is upon high and bathing him in it's rays. He looks blessed from where you stand. Completely at peace.

"Ah Marya, It is good to be alive. But you must have a purpose or you're as good as dead. So why won't your brother show himself on this day of all days? Aren't you a loving family? Doesn't he care for you at all?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 10:40:59 PM
Ignoring the drama taking place outside the duelling ring, the Swordmage is focused only on her opponent. Seeing him wait, she smiles to herself. "Having both hands free does have it's advantages, arrogant fool!"
Reaching with one hand inside her cloak, she pulls out a small pouch which she throws in the general direction of the knight. As she does so, she is gesturing with her other hand - halfway between them the pouch explodes in glittering motes of dust, hurtling towards Ser Estevan.

He is forced to shield his eyes, and while he is occupied she makes a dash for her sword. Please Cuiraécen... by the shadow's death, give me a chance!

Grasping her sword, turning towards him, she hestitates. She throws a quick glance around - where is Drago? Last she saw him was inside the Cathedral - earlier this morning. He should be here.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 10:54:37 PM
Seeing that she might has a moment to gather her strength, but keeping a wary eye on his sword in case he start tearing at her magic again, she responds:
"I have a purpose. A purpose to serve my own ambitions, my realm and my people. Whom do you have responsibility for? By now, most of them are dead, are they not?
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 11:18:28 PM
You get hold of the sword and start circling again.

"Death? It is but the final step on the path to glory everlasting!"

He takes two swift steps towards you, swings the sword high, you parry and step back, but he follows, pushing you with his shield. Your cloak's blades tear at his armor, but make not a dent. In a flurry of parries and thrusts, you disengage again.

 You're becoming tired, yet he's still pushing you back!

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Haelyn's Aegis/RK (Andy) March 11, 2009, 11:21:57 PM
Robhan absently turned aside the lunge of the leering fool beside him, and shook his head at the Pontiff's blatant martial display, "a blanket at least to preserve your modesty Wallac, only a barbarian wears unshielded armour in public" he muttered.

Cameron dear boy, at some point there is a definite risk that the sword mage will 'accidentally' incinerate the frothing baron over yonder with a ball of fire or some such - either to seek end to the duel or ensure she does not die alone - pray request the Pontiff and any others of godly ilk to stand well clear; the baron's doom is near certain one way or the other and 'twould be best he died alone.'  The page looked shocked for a moment then dashed off with his message.

Robhan continued to watch the situation unfold, he ignored completely the baron - whatever the result the man would be lucky to see daybreak - and paid little heed to the swordmage for all her pride and skill.  No Robhan had interest in the Greenknight alone.  Why did he fight this pointless duel?  Dislike of wizards? Worthy enough reason possibly but there were other wizards far more foul and far less likely to have allies to claim vengeance - puissant swordplay would be no defense against an assassins poison and many had benefited from the Sowrdknights reign.  Blood-lust? He would not be the first to seek bloodtheft by duel and feigned slights to honour but the implications were grim.  Greed?  What pittance could the doomed baron pay him?  Or was it rather that for all the clash of the duel and taunts that he in truth fought another - had he hoped that the Swordmage would call her brother as champion - did he seek to draw out the dragon in a second duel - or cause him grief?  The knight could easily have delayed matters if so - though given time the Swordmage could simply have avoided the duel or demanded that the Baron - her lesser in rank - face her directly so mayhap haste had been needful, particularly had they feared she would resort to underhand means to even the fight.

Robhan frowned, the matter should be looked in to...
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 11:24:53 PM
He lunges, but you dodge to the side and strike him with all your might. The blade bites through his steely green armor and draws a few drops of blood. But it is as if you're striking stone, so hard is this material he's wearing.

 With a mighty swipe he swings his sword around and cuts straight through the armor right at your upper leg. Cutting through flesh and spouting blood all over the place. Dizziness sweeps over you! And you feel a terrible blow to your chest, sending you reeling backwards and into the merciful sand. Blood is seeping from your leg wound, whereas all you lost in the second blow, was your air.

 Yet your breastplate is the worse for wear. It bites into your flesh as your throw yourself to one side and out of the way of his follow up thrust into the sand.

 You stagger to your feet and turn to face him again.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Osoerde (Alan) March 11, 2009, 11:28:50 PM
William Osoer watches quiescently from beyond; it is obvious that this is beneath him.  As Caine Tshalen and the Pontiff, bellow at one another, the imperceptible glass pane between him the surround crowd seemingly shatters for in an instant.  William, far faster than his often listlessness interaction with lord and commoner alike would be indicate, confidently interposes himself between the Pontiff and Baron Tshalen.

Looking to Caine and then to the Pontiff, before speaking.

"Peace. Be at peace." 

It is clear that it is a directive, and the Archduke is not known to brook disobedience from anyone, regardless of whether or not be is fond of them.

"Watch, sometimes death is in fact the Will of the All-Father."  It is not clear to whom he is speaking.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 11, 2009, 11:29:37 PM
The Pontiff yells to the Green Knight

"Show mercy and let her live"

The Green Knight seem to be completely ignorant of the remark though. A little ashamed of his lack of self controll and remembering the reason for Baron TsHalens bitter grudge Wallac takes a few steps away from him

[OOC: I assume the Archdukes command is meant for his vasal]
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Roesone/ARR (Robert) March 11, 2009, 11:30:42 PM
Arvour detaches himself from the crowd of onlookers and with a quick and purposeful stride, moves towards the two dueling swordsmen.

"Enough" he shouts "There is no honor in this!" 

He looks at the Green Knight and bellows "What is there to gain from killing lady Tanar when the one you really want is her brother!"

He looks at the gathered crowd "And where is Drago Tanar? The sister of a champion of Cuiraecen fights an unfair battle. Shall he not take her place as is his duty as both a brother and a champion of the Stormlord?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Roesone/ARR (Robert) March 11, 2009, 11:34:31 PM
Immediately he turns to Baron Tshlen

"And you. How do you dare doubt the atonement granted by a high cleric of the All-father? Have we not witnessed the redemption of Jason Raenech? Did we doubt High Prefect Armiendin then?"

With murder in his eyes he glares at the baron "You would deny the gods their right to pardon crimes. Do you not see that your own sin and blasphemy in this is far greater than the crimes you want vengeance for?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 11:35:49 PM
Tshalen looks down at the reprimand from three of the first men of Anuire and doesn't look pleased at all.

Meanwhile, swords flash and throw sparks. It is clear enough that the Green Knight outmatches the Swordmage in a duel. His skills are finely honed and obviously his equipment is the best there is. No wonder he is a legend.

 But the Swordmage is no doe in the spring. Her blood may be running free, but several cuts and bruises are showing on the Green Knight. He's little disturbed by it, but with an armor like stone and flexible like butter, it is no wonder. She holds her own though. So far...
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Mieres & SAS/AV (Mark) March 11, 2009, 11:36:44 PM
The Governor watches all this with a slight hint of disgust.  One of his attendants whispers in his ear causing him to laugh grimly..."I know (sigh) Mainlanders"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 11, 2009, 11:39:23 PM
Well put Baron Arvour Raemel. I shame myself but for my furious anger of having my plans crumble for some old revenge scheme. But you said it just as it is
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 11, 2009, 11:43:06 PM
Again the two combatants close, swords clashing, sparks flying from their armours. Again they part, circle, clash, circl, clash, part, clash, and so on...

A close swipe catches the swordmage on the side of her helmet, tearing it and her mask of her face. Blood mingles with sweat from he nose and lip as she staggers backwards. She bares her teeth in a savage grin, almost manical.

"This is not over yet..." The words wheeze out from between her teeth. She pulls back again, looking for an opening, hoping against hope.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 11, 2009, 11:52:24 PM
The Green Knight makes some sort of swirl of his blade and suddenly your sword is flying away. He lifts his sword upon high, saying.

"Oh but it is over. Goodbye Marya, it is an honor killing you."

OoC: BREAK! (Spectators may still act, but don't overdo it ;)) We'll finish it tomorrow, before Bjørn leaves for his holiday.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Osoerde (Alan) March 11, 2009, 11:55:46 PM
"So many faithful men, and yet with so little faith."  Osoer says to the Pontiff -- it is clear that he will be at peace with whatever the outcome shall be in this duel.  Yet, he looks to Caine.

"Baron, she is bested; she is bloodied. Is her death to give you satisfaction?  How many thought that the death of the Iron King would bring such, and yet, all are still unsated.  Would you the Green Knight take her body in this very battleground before this very body?"  He is so calm, unerringly so in fact, the statement is harsh in its implications, but comes with an inherent challenge as well.

"If this shall bring you satisfaction, then it shall bring me satisfaction, Baron. If not, then let this be done and we shall demand of the Sword Mage that she set right her crimes."

He looks toward the Pontiff.

"Atonement does not come without proper penance.  Such was true of Jaison, do not I now set right what was left as an injustice?  Such is now true of the Sword Mage - only there is no other but she to make amends to all she wronged."

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Roesone/ARR (Robert) March 12, 2009, 12:03:31 AM
Bright flame erupts at the side of the two combatants, the silhouette of a sword outlined in it. While the two have been exchanging the last series of blows the Arvour had drawn the ancestral flaming sword of Roesone and covered most of the distance separating him from the two.

As the bright light emanating from his sword draws the attention of the crowd and, hopefully in Arvour's eyes, the combatants he shouts at the top of his voice

"STOP THIS. Green Knight if it is glory you seek, fight me! In the name of the Stormlord I will champion the lady!"

Still running, he closes with them, desperately trying to make it in time.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Haelyn's Aegis/RK (Andy) March 12, 2009, 12:07:43 AM
Robhan frowns briefly, "strictly not correct good Duke - the Lady Mayra has but to apologise to the Baron for the comment forming basis for this brawl laughably masquerading as duel - if the Baron fails to accept her apology then it is for council of her peers to decide whether the apology is sufficient.  The Green Knight is here presumably as second for the Baron - odd admittedly given the baron is not woman, cripple, or otherwise lacking in military skill - and has no right to pursue the duel further in his own right - or this is not duel but mere murder, he may choose that given the lady's honour in accepting both to fight him, and to fight on terms grossy favouring him, to accept the blood drawn as settlement - but otherwise this is between The Duchess and Baron and no others.

Seeing the sword Robhan loses his patience.

Enough, is this a duel or a brawl?  When duel is called  only the challengers stand lest one accept a substitute in the other or rank demand such - we do not simply charge at each other like maddened peasants!

Blood has been drawn - will the seconds - one presumes that they were actually appointed - grant chance for apology as is required under all 167 codes duello recognised by the empire - or will this farce degenerate further?
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Osoerde (Alan) March 12, 2009, 01:44:21 AM
The Archduke of Osoer casually ignores the High Marshal, saying to Tshalen.

"Today, I am not impressed with the Stormlord's ilk, such dishonor they afford him," he watches Arvour for a split second.

William calls out to Arvour.

"Come now, Roesone, your half-brother, Caemed, fought with more honor than you display this day," he says.

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) March 12, 2009, 10:16:26 AM
Impassive and unemotional Ghorein watches on. His face does not betray any involvement in what is happening in the field or in the arguments to the side. His interjection about honour still does not contain any sense of what he is feeling, merely an expression of his thought. Only a very careful observer, trained in such detail, would notice the very small variation in his body tension and the tiny muscle twitches in his hands and legs as he studies the fight, almost as though in his mind he is following each movement and tensing when he would move, twitching when he would strike. As the Green Knight moves for what looks to be the final blow of the competition it seems that he closes his eyes for just a moment, as if in prayer.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 10:27:52 AM
The Green Knight lifts his sword high, preparing to end the Duchess' life with one fell stroke, seemingly oblivious to Baron Roesone's challenge and wild charge. At the very last moment, as his sword beings to fall and the Baron is nearly upon him, his suddenly spins, nay flows, to the side, his sword deftly slipping into the armpit of the Baron's exposed right arm. As the Baron rushes past, the sword flashes again, this time cutting deep inside Arvuor's knee.

The Baron stumbles, almost falls, but somehow manages to keep on his feet...he turns to meet the Knight's onslaught with his blade in his left, his right hand hanging useless by his side. Then the Knight is upon him again, all his foolish plays gone, replaced with murderous intent. The baron stumbles backwards, away from Marya, barely managing to keep the blade away from him neck and vitals - without his full battle armor he is in mortal peril!

Surely the Green Knight has gone mad the crowd murmurs...but the gathered nobles recognize it for what it is; the Baron's intervention has triggered his divine wrath, and he no longer recognizes friend from foeman...
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 12, 2009, 10:33:12 AM
The crowd is in caught in complete and awed silence as the drama unveils. Women swoon and men scream in abject passion as the Baron Roesone charges onto the field and intercepts the Green Knight! Everyone is completely caught up in this massive drama right before their eyes! What a spectacle!
 Even the hawkers of merchandise have gone silent - something they would otherwise never do!

Baron Tshalen has by now been reduced to a very small, rickety old man. He did not expect to be met by such anger of his peers...Did not expect this at all.

"No... This wasn't how it was supposed to be."

He mumbles.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 12, 2009, 10:35:13 AM
"Haelyn have mercy!" Kaven cries out, as he takes a few steps back and then jumps over the railing of the noble's balcony to the ground below.
"Back!" He shouts towards the commoners closest to the fighting, "stay back!"

With his sword still firmly tied in his scabbard, the young Baron rushes towards the fight, intent of placing himself between Ser Estevan and any innocent bystanders.
"Ser Estevan... calm yourself! By Haelyn, calm yourself!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 10:40:21 AM
The only one Estevan seems intent on harming right nor is the Baron, who is going to be very dead, very soon if someone doesn't stop his assailant...

...the Knight steps inside Arvuor's guard, smacking the hilt of his sword across the Baron's lightly armored wrist. The Baron's flaming sword falls to the ground as the Knight smacks his helmet with brutal force into the Baron's face...brave Arvuor slumps backwards...Estevan's sword racing for his throat even as he goes down!
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 10:41:49 AM

Might be of interest:
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) March 12, 2009, 10:45:17 AM
With surprising speed Duke Ghorien grabs the shield from next to him and vaults the barrier in a fluid movement, throwing himself and his shield headlong between the Sir Estevan and the Baron, seemingly aiming to knock the Green Knight back long enough to get the Baron out of the way.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 12, 2009, 10:49:16 AM
The sun glitters, throwing a thousand sparkles around the falling fiery sword of Roesone. Thousands upon thousands open their mouths in screams as the end of the line of Roesone looms in clear view!

 The sun glitters, reflecting the myriad colors of Estevan Daulton's impregnable green armor. It is an otherworldly sight!

 The sun glitters in the fiery pools of madness that shine from the Green Knight's eyes.

 Many are caught in frozen terror! A few vault the barriers and storm the Green Knight. Baron Medoere at the front. Duke Ghieste behind him.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 10:53:21 AM
The Baron is saved, but Hiriele finds himself receiving a heavy metal-reinforced shield in the chin, sending him sprawling in the dust.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 10:54:47 AM
The Baron is saved, but Hiriele finds himself receiving a heavy metal-reinforced shield in the chin, sending him sprawling in the dust.

At the same time Enlien is chasing away a few commoners who has somewhat unwisely breached the barrier...
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 12, 2009, 10:55:54 AM
Swearing most unsemingly at the commoners, Kaven wrestles sword and scabbard free of his belt, not stopping to actually draw the blade, but moving to stand above the wounded Baron, ready to intercept the fatal strike with the ornate half-moon covered scabbard, even as he raises his voice.
"Pause, Ser Estevan... A break in the duel must be called to sort this out!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) March 12, 2009, 10:58:41 AM
While attempting to regain his feet with as much grace as possible Ghorien joins the shout, calling on the crowd to speak for it too.

"Break! Break!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Elinie/RiD (Niels) March 12, 2009, 11:12:48 AM
Patriarch Rashid, rises from his seat and rushes forward into the grounds. His bodyguards folowing closely.

"See to the swordmage, this duel is over. There is no sayim left here, save what can be saved." He orders Alycia the Paladin bodyguard.

He then grabs hold of Arvour and lets his Lay on Hands give some relief to the bleeding Baron. "Lets get you out of the way, yes?" He says with a grim smile.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 11:32:46 AM
Estevan seems to have forgotten all about Arvuor now, focusing on his new prey:

Ghorien scrambles madly to escape the sword seeking his life, until the blade finally slices through his right forearm, severing it. The lost arm does, however, save his life, for the sword loses momentum and fails to pierce his chest and end his life. The Knight, however, seems to think his dead, and as the Duke's mind starts to cloud from pain and lost blood, he turns around and launches himself at the Patriarch's bodyguard...

In moments three of them are down, crippled or and, and the Knight's blade nearly ends the Patriarch's life - who is bent over Arvuor - with a heavy slash to the neck. Baron Enlien, however, is forced to intervene, and suddenly he's fighting for his life...with the rest of the Patriarch's bodyguard standing around indecisively.

It's become a bloodbath!

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 11:34:36 AM
...with a voice made strong by his divine blood, the blood-crazed Knight suddenly bellows:

"I will kill you all. None can stand before my might."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Elinie/RiD (Niels) March 12, 2009, 11:39:55 AM
"Disengage... Pull out." Rashid sputters weakly, clutching his bleeding throat and moving backwards out of the fray.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 12, 2009, 11:40:30 AM
Fighting for all his worth to stay alive, not once thinking about going on offensive, Kaven raises his voice clearly in prayer. Not for himself, but for the Green Knight and the fallen around him.
"The light of Haelyn surrounds you,
The love of Haelyn enfolds you,
The power of Haelyn protects you,
And the presence of Haelyn watches over you;
Wherever you are, Haelyn is, guiding, watching! protecting!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Endier & KoH/GdN (Joe) March 12, 2009, 11:46:12 AM
Sir Guy de Nichalier sighs, draws his axe, and moves warily to engage the Green Knight to prevent him from killing anyone else.  His bodyguards move in also.  Guy shouts to them "Subdue him, he must be under a compulsion of some sort".
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Osoerde (Alan) March 12, 2009, 11:47:48 AM
"Pontiff, now might be the time for the divine magic of the All-Father," william says.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) March 12, 2009, 11:48:50 AM
The Ducal Guard of Ghieste, stunned by their Duke's sudden action break quickly into movement as they see the Green Knight strike him. As one they leap the barrier and run fell pelt towards their charge, several diving on top of him to protect his person from further attacks while the others attempt to lock shields in a circle round him. From inside that wall of men and steel there is a shout echoing,

"Healer! Get me a healer! Now!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 11:50:15 AM
The barrier breaks down, people scream - wounded or not - and mill around in confusion. Someone, guardsmen or servants, strive to bring the wounded and the dying to safety...

...chaos reigns, but around the Green Knight a circle has cleared. None dare approach baron Enlien, who has his full attention - incidentally allowing others to be save while the Knight is otherwise occupied. Well, good Enline would have been dead already, had not the Knight slowed down somewhat. Gone is the whirlwind of death, and now his silently stalks his prey.

Clang. Clang. Clang. The baron's left ear is half sheared of.

Clang. Clang. The Knights shield smack's into his foot, weakened by an old injury.

Clang. Clang. The baron armor saves his life, leaving him with a few broken ribs instead.

'Stoooooop. Everyone stooooooop.'

A bright light suddenly engulfs the arena as a thunderous voice carries over the noise. Even the Knight.

A lone figure, clad in simple robes, emerges from the crowd...he looks like...Pontiff Aurlien???
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Roesone/ARR (Robert) March 12, 2009, 12:01:42 PM
In all the commotion the baron of Roesone's guards lead by a grim looking captain encircle their fallen regent and the Swordmage and quickly drag the baron and usher the duchess of Tornilen to a relatively safe distance from the wild Green Knight and his ever growing number of opponents and victims.

Then, an elderly figure wearing the robes of the Stormlord approaches Arvour and begins chanting a prayer. It is in fact Leman States, the patriarch of the MOC, who sees to the baron's wounds. Afterwards he orders the guards not to move the baron too suddenly and then proceeds to check if the duchess needs to be seen to before proceeding to the maimed duke of Ghieste.

He utters a prayer to stop the bleeding from Hiriele's stump and orders one of his attendants to take the severed hand, carefully. "There is nothing we can do for your hand here. You must follow me and we'll see what can be done about it."

OOC: Leman States' intervention authorized by the DM.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 12:09:11 PM
In the silence that follows you hear the thunder of hundreds of heavy boots marching to a beat. Several cohorts of the Imperial Legion are approaching, led by scores of the Chamberlain's knights.

The robed figure speaks:

"You fools! You win one battle, and you think the war over? The war will never be over."

With that the light flares even more brightly, and when it dies down the man is gone, disappeared into the fleeing crowd.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 12:13:33 PM
The current Pontiff, Wallac Isilviere that is, is busy trying to save those that can be saved - injured guardsmen, trampled commoners; none are too low to receive his attention.

His work done, and the apparition of Aurlien gone, he strides to face the Knight, knowing that he must be stopped, lest more innocents become victims.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: DM B March 12, 2009, 12:15:48 PM
OOC: We'll halt here for a while, to let Alex/SM get a chance to respond. This is, after all, his thread - even if it somehow became very communal  :)

So feel free to make little posts, but nothing grand and sweeping until Alex is back.

And with that DM Bjørn logs out and will soon be heading for cold beer and REALLY EPIC BR gaming. DM Jon is in charge while I'm away - I'll be checking the forums once in a while, but don't count on me posting.

Thanks for a very good time btw  ;D
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Elinie/RiD (Niels) March 12, 2009, 12:23:01 PM
The Patriarch rallies at the rails, heals himself to stop bleeding, and speaks, his voice hoarse; "Guards, keep the commoners back, if you have powers of healing, use them to save the dying. Do not engage combatants!

Alycia, stay here with me, that stomach wound is not fully healed."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 12, 2009, 12:39:23 PM
The Green Knight looks a complete mess, he's splattered by blood and gore. His breath is coming in ragged gulps, eyes dart wildly to one side and the other. It looks like the bright light burnt the divine wrath clear out of him, but it's clear enough he's still in total war mode.

 Total confused war mode...
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 12, 2009, 12:49:10 PM
Lowering his swordtip to the ground and leaning on it, Kaven raises his right hand in a gesture of peace and pants slightly, blood seeping from his ear and colouring his blond hair a dark matted red. He nods to the Green Knight.

"Peace, Ser Estevan... Peace... I am bested and battered, and not afraid to admit it. Clearly, Haelyn saw fit to intervene through an intermediary, and for that I count my blessings."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 12, 2009, 01:21:09 PM
Striving to save the soul of Baron TsHalen Wallac Isilviere missed a lot of the chaos but the apparition of the old Pontiff Aurlien. (

Now however, he is very much aware

Hands empty the Pontiff steps to Ser Estavan

“By Divine Haelyn I implore you to stop the madness!"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 12, 2009, 01:44:34 PM
The Green Knight first looks over Baron Enlien with a wild look in his eyes, then understanding creeps in and he mutters.

"Yes, good. Drop your weapon then. I shan't hurt you."

Then he looks suddenly slightly ... sane? As he sees your blood flowing.

"Kaven... Did I do that?"

Then the Pontiff intercedes. And Baron Tshalen stands next to the Pontiff.

"Yes Ser Estevan, the duel is over. I take my words of insult back and allow Haelyn's forgiveness to take hold. Put down your sword Estevan."

But the Green Knight doesn't put down his sword. In fact he wildly looks about himself in search of the Swordmage.

"You do not tell me when it is over! It is NOT over! WHERE IS SHE!? I MUST DEFEAT THEM ALL!"

Meanwhile the Chamberlain's legion is streaming into the plaza, surrounding the Green Knight and the few of you still standing. He's completely oblivious to them...
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 12, 2009, 01:46:33 PM
It is a mess, an ungodly mess. While all has been occupied generally trying not to be killed, details are easily missed. The Swordmage has recovered her sword and is clutching her injured leg, but she is moving.

Waving of the attention of the Patriarch and the Baron of Roesone, she has been moving toward the edge of the duelling circle.

Reaching the edge of the circle, she turns toward the Green Knight and raises her voice, using some manner of sorcery to make her voice clearly cut through all the confusing.

"Sir Estevan, I yield!"

She steps over the edge of the circle, ending her participation in the duel and conceding.

"I hereby concede the right to Baron Tshalen to voice his accusations whereever and to whomever he pleases! It is over, let this end!"

Tired, she slumps, barely remaining on her feet. He faces is covered in lines of grime and sweat, blood flowing from her broken lip and a from other places beneath her robe. However, she seems determined not to fall down.

OOC: Bedlam! Chaos! I go away for a few hours and this happens!? Cool :P
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 12, 2009, 01:49:52 PM
As she spoke, she raised her sword high above her head. With her final words, she throws it down into the sand inside the circle.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 12, 2009, 02:04:27 PM
Ser Daulton doesn't look particularly happy with your surrender and he lifts his sword to advance on you. Now he's smiling again...

"You're delusional Marya, you can't surrender, you wouldn't! Your brother wouldn't! RAENECH WON'T! I MUST BE READY FOR HIM! SO COME! LET US FINISH THIS! PICK UP YOUR SWORD!"

 But 300 of the Chamberlain's legionnairies surround him with tower shields, closing him in, throw nets on him, clobber him senseless, tie him up and drag him off to the dungeons.

 Leaving the rest of you bloodied, wounded, bleeding and bereft on the sands of an arena where something happened that wasn't supposed to have happened. Baron Tshalen looks down in shame.

OoC: And THAT is how you defeat the Green Knight  ;D
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-MOC/Leman States (Even) March 12, 2009, 02:23:55 PM
As the commotion is dying down, somebody is starting to point up towards the balconies of the Cathedral. On one of them Auxiliary-Patriarch Tanar can be seen, standing with his arms crossed and a grim expression on his face. All he does is slowly shaking his head.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 12, 2009, 02:45:41 PM
Striding from the edge of the circle, the Swordmage approaches Baron Arvour of Roesone. She glances at the Green Knight being dragged of, but she seems distracted - almost absentminded. Perhaps it is the loss of blood.

Halfway there she halts, looking down at her masked helmet lying in the sand. With a shrug she bends down and pick it up, then continue toward the Baron with it in her hand. Her sword is hanging by her side again, picked up after the Green Knight was attacked by the legionaires.

She steps in between the aides and bodyguards surrounding the Baron, then approaches him where he is being propped up by his men. He is standing, but is clearly still weakened by his wounds.

Bowing her head to him, she speaks. "Thank you, my lord, for saving my life. If you will still hear it, the answer to your proposal is yes." She looks up, catching his eyes. "We have both too much left to accomplish to die this day, or to leave the future unsafe. Besides, after a day like this, loneliness seems... wasteful."

She awaits his response.

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 12, 2009, 02:51:54 PM
The Pontiff healing those in need stop in his tracks before reaching Baron Arvourand the Sword Mage. While they both seem utterly in need of healing, somehow now is not the time.

He take two steps back and make sure nobody else disturbs their momment of privacy in the middle of; privacy right there in the middle of the crowd. His 20 Knights help with this

A moment pass

"Baron Tshalen?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 12, 2009, 03:02:44 PM
His face contorted in pain at first, Kaven still voices his outrage at the senseless beating of the man, who only moments before where intent on slaying him.
After beeing seen to and muttering a "thank you" to the clergy, he limps determined towards the Chamberlain.

"Lord Dosiere, may I have permission to visit Ser Estevan when he comes around?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 12, 2009, 03:10:33 PM
OoC: Oh DEAR! Such a terrible breach of etiquette! The Chamberlain is no mere "lord"! He's "his Excellency, the Imperial Lord Chamberlain Dosiere"!
 That... And I don't want you to mix up the Chamberlain and the Dhoesonean Ambassador.

IC: His Excellency, the Imperial Chamberlain isn't personally present, but his Quartermaster is.

"Baron Enlien, I would see the healers first if I were you. His Grace, the Imperial Chamberlain would like to see you all in three days time, when you are better. The Green Knight will be under lock and bar in the meantime."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 12, 2009, 03:17:27 PM
The Baron looks at the Pontiff.

"Yes Your Holiness?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Roesone/ARR (Robert) March 12, 2009, 03:18:54 PM
Supressing a cough, the baron marshals his strength to force a smile to appear on his face. With an audible grunt he manages to fall down on his healthy knee, all the time supported by the brow furrowing sergeant who looks like he'd like nothing more than to drag the baron to a bed somewhere.

Kneeling before the Swordmage and shuddering from pain Arvour manages to speak while using up whatever strength he has left to maintain the smile

"Your Grace does me great honor and makes me the luckiest man on this field today. I pray to Cuiraecen to make me worthy of your faith in me... in us."

Having said that, whatever strength was left in him, seems to abandon him as he slowly slips into unconsciousness, and it is only the swift reaction of the nearby guards that prevent him from unceremoniously collapsing on the ground below.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 12, 2009, 03:26:40 PM
"Baron TsHalen, please help me giving first aid to Baron Arvour"

Then with compassion

"Perhaps now is a good time for finishing saving your soul. I believe you having send Sir Estevan on her should take the first step and ask Duchess Tanar to forget the past and offer her to do likewise. Haelyn want you to finish this old grudge once and for all. I can heal the Baron"

Invoking Haelyns divine aid the Pontiff cast a series of healing spells on the bloodied baron Arvour
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) March 12, 2009, 04:08:27 PM
Quietly, in the background, Ghorien's men pick him up and take him off the field, barely concious, following the Patriarch Leman States. The page boy, who earlier presented the colours of Ghieste to the Swordmage, approaches the knot at the centre of the field and speaking up in a solid voice says,

"The Duke of Ghieste apologises for being forced to leave the field without the proper farewells but hopes that you will understand the necessity and forgive his impoliteness."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Roesone/ARR (Robert) March 12, 2009, 06:28:15 PM
The older sergeant supporting the baron seems to be at the limits of his patience "Your Holiness, Your Grace, I think that what the good baron needs right now is a comfortable bed, so if you don't mind I'll see to it that he gets into one as soon as possible"

Without waiting for a reaction from either the Pointiff or the Swordmage he barks the orders at the guards and a couple of them emerge from the crowd carrying a makeshift stretcher which they lay on the ground next to the baron and gently put him in while the sergeant picks up his flaming sword from the ground.

"I've fought alongside the baron for nearly two decades. Believe me when I say, he's been through far worse than this. He'll be all right. You spells have done their work and time is all that is required now."

He sighs and looks at the Swordmage

"You're free to visit him in the morning and in the meantime you should get some rest too, your grace. If you wish I can arrange for you to be accommodated in the baron's residence here?"

Scratching his head "Unless I'm misinterpreting what just happened here, I believe its already my duty to ensure your safety too, your grace, so if you don't mind I'd like to assign a few of my men with you. I believe the baron would want it, but I'm quite convinced that you can take care of yourself, so whatever you prefer is fine by me."

"And now if you'll excuse me, I need to see to my lord"

As he starts withdrawing from the two, he mutters under his breath while shaking his head "Not a month into the job and already its patching up time again. I should have stayed retired."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Osoerde (Alan) March 12, 2009, 06:51:23 PM
"Baron TsHalen, please help me giving first aid to Baron Arvour"

Then with compassion

"Perhaps now is a good time for finishing saving your soul. I believe you having send Sir Estevan on her should take the first step and ask Duchess Tanar to forget the past and offer her to do likewise. Haelyn want you to finish this old grudge once and for all. I can heal the Baron"

Invoking Haelyns divine aid the Pontiff cast a series of healing spells on the bloodied baron Arvour

The Archduke shakes his head.

"Pontiff, that matter, as it has always been, is between Baron Tshalen and the Sword Mage.  The Baron has no crime in which to confess or to see undone, if this is for the cause of justice then let it be by the hand of the repentent Sword Mage -- and none other.  Otherwise, does not this matter remain open?  Furthermore, I would speak with you now in private."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Elinie/RiD (Niels) March 12, 2009, 06:56:17 PM
Rashid gives the Sword Mage a deep bow and says; "So... I believe congratulations are in order. Masterfully played."

The Patriarch smiles. And speaks in a lower voice, meant for Marya; "And I do believe the Pontiff is adamant in your redemption. This cannot have gone unnoticed, by anyone, either.

All the best, Duchess."

And then Rashid leaves the arena, with his battered guards, some being carried, a few in several pieces. His throat horribly hoarse and tender.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) March 12, 2009, 07:06:05 PM
His Grace, the Imperial Chamberlain isn't personally present, but his Quartermaster is.

"Baron Enlien, I would see the healers first if I were you. His Grace, the Imperial Chamberlain would like to see you all in three days time, when you are better. The Green Knight will be under lock and bar in the meantime."

Kaven nods slightly
"I will do that."

Then he turns, and limps towards the group of people trickling from the Cathedral square. Those he pass can hear him mumble bitterly about hearts and headless actions.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 12, 2009, 07:45:23 PM
The Swordmage cracks a weary smile at the sergeant's concern for his lord, then simply steps aside and lets them take him away.

At the sergeant's other request she responds: "There will be no need for additional guards nor quarters tonight. I will visit his lordship's residence tonight, when we are both rested and recovered."

She does not thank Rashid for his compliment, nor respond to his comment about the Pontiff - she merely nods at his farewell and then keeps her place. For a minute she seems a little lost in the throng - people being carried away and healers attending the wounded.
She leans her head back, looking up at the Cathedral before her, considering the beautiful battlements in the morning sun. Then she bares her teeth in a ferocious smile and puts her masked helmet back on. It is bent at one edge and still bloody from the fight. She rotates on her heels and marches towards her retinue that is assembled in front of the Cathedral, gesturing for Calen to approach her.

Back to business - not as bad a morning as it could have been, all things considered.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 12, 2009, 08:22:27 PM
Calen walks away from the retinue, coming over to meet his liege. On her way towards her him and the others, the Swordmage stops and turns to the Pontiff and Baron Tshalan who looks like they would like her attention.

She takes a few steps to stand closer to them and then speaks, her tone sounding somewhat amused.
"My Lords." She nods at the Pontiff. "Thank you for your words your grace, I do not forget those who speak to my benifit."
She turns her head towards Baron Tshalan.
"Baron, was this day all you hoped for?"
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 12, 2009, 08:50:46 PM
Not risking the moment to get wasted by misunderstandings or heated words the Pontiff compassionately answers before Baron TsHalen get a chance to.

“I noticed you got a proposal. I believe congratulations are in place; Baron Arvour is a good man. This is good day to leave transgressions of the past behind.

I think the time for ending a meaningless feud is at hand. I received divine inspiration during the duel. Invoking the All Farther he answered me and everything suddenly was clear.

Duchess I know why the Baron so hated you and before you answer know that the terror visited upon him on that time was partly the responsibility of IHH templar’s. I was there.

We prayed and the Baron saved his immortal Soul for which I am rather happy. He let go of the old hate.

I think the next step would be for the two of you to acknowledge the grief you’ve caused each other; and to end the feud. I know your crimes have already been dealt with by Pontiff Aurlien but for closure I think you should forgive each other. Today we witnessed what baron TsHalen did to you, what he tried to do albeit unsuccessful.”
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 12, 2009, 08:56:53 PM
The Swordmage simply stands, her mask turned towards the Pontiff. Calen arrives at her side, looking from Baron Tshalan to her worriedly. Just before the silence forces the Pontiff to speak again, she replies.

"Thank you."

She seems to consider the Baron.

"Baron Tshalan, for my part I have taken no action against you since... back then. However, I understand why you hate me and want to kill me. For me it would be no different. Today you have had your shot at vengeance, today I almost died. Will you be satisfied by that? Words mean little, action a lot - nothing I can do can erase the past. Even if I wanted to."
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 12, 2009, 09:22:07 PM
“Duchess you are gravely wounded. How you can even stand is a wonder. Allow me to tend your wounds.”

Baron TsHalen reaches for a bandage and hands it to the Pontiff. Clearly he wants to undo today.

“I appreciate your wish to help but we cannot bandage the Duchess in front of all these people. I will invoke Haelyn to heal her grace instead”

The Pontiff then cast some healing spells.

: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Osoerde (Alan) March 12, 2009, 09:26:11 PM
"Swordmage, one can always pay their debts,"  Osoer says.

"Only by the actions of many men, who dishonored Anuirean traditions and law, defaming the very rights and responsibilities which they would so willingly place upon you. Many men who broke in the face of expediency -- not without consequence -- revealing far more about the state of character, and the rule of law within Anuire -- and also I suppose of mercy, though this was not neccessarily altruistic in nature. The insidious nature of today, is that so many were so willing to place in jeopardy the very nature of the vows sworn between Lord and Vassal," he says standing.

"Baron Tshalen, we retire," he says to Baron Tshalen.

"Swordmage, until this matter between you and Baron Tshalen is resolved, matters between us are left unresolved -- to whatever conclusion that may be."

Osoer and Tshalen leave.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Tornilen/SM (Alexander) March 12, 2009, 09:29:22 PM
OOC: I think we need some gm input here, what does Baron Tshalan do?
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-Haelyn's Aegis/RK (Andy) March 12, 2009, 10:27:08 PM
Robhan healed another child trampled in the mad rush and blinked back blood from his eyes, wondering absently which of the panicked mob had struck him.  He sighed and muttered under his breath no wonder we rarely come to the west.  If this is the best that Anuire can muster then the empire died long ago.

Patting his weary page on the arm the High Marshal turned to his men 'there is nothing for us in this city being seeing to the Patriarch's wounds, and honest men need our aid at home where honour and law yet remain'.  With that he turns and leaves.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-DM Jon March 13, 2009, 01:00:46 AM
Tshalen leaves with the Archduke. He listened attentively to all that was said, but otherwise let the Archduke do the talking.
: Re: Dawn at the Cathedral of Cuiraécen
: X-IHH/Wallac Isilviere (Kasper) March 13, 2009, 06:39:52 AM
Before Robhan leaves he is met by Pontiff. Both had been doing some healing of the wounded in the crowd and the Pontiff notice Robhan absenting himself.

"Your Holiness could we have a word later? I would like to get some advice concerning the Conclave of Temples Sessions special session"