Author Topic: Turn #69: Meanwhile, in Daulton...  (Read 4371 times)

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Offline X-WIT/Toreas Kharnmoin (Rune)

  • the Nerdrager
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  • Archprelate Toreas Kharnmoin
Turn #69: Meanwhile, in Daulton...
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:10:26 PM »
Bishop Daulton looks out over the mass of people that have gathered to listen to his sermon. Though spring has come, a distinct chill still hangs in the air. Behind him lies the ruins of the Grand Cathedral of Haelyn. Repairs have started, but it has gone depressingly slow. Not enough resources, not enough time. He'd better ask the Archprelate for both, when he returns from Ilien. As if to spite his thoughts, the slow drizzle changes into proper rain. Maybe it is Haelyns way of saying that he is not satisfied with this place of worship - holy ground it is, but people require a holy roof as well. But no matter, Haelyn forgives the just and faithful.

Six months, to the day. Six months since the cursed Boeruine troops attacked and ruined this beautiful city, ruined the life of so many people. Many people fled, but many have returned too. To a life of hardship, certainly, but a life of pride too. For no enemy shall force the people of Daulton away. The Bishop suddenly notices that he's staring blankly out. His mind already working on the speech, hoping to incite the people to endure and rebuild. He puts up a confident smile, and waits for more people to gather. It's an evening sermon, and it's not time yet. Somewhere behind the heavy clouds, the sun still shines. Hopefully, Haelyn willing, the sun will shine upon Daulton too, soon.

This is not the only sermon, of course. All over the province, in every temple, they are preparing for the same thing. A sermon of remembrance, but also a sermon about the future. Of surviving. Rebuilding. Hating. Well, if the Archprelate would let him preach about that, at least. Unfortunately, his orders are to avoid such subjects. "There is enough hate around already, we do not need to spread more" he has said in his letter. A skilled politician the Archprelate might be, but he had no connection to his home, not the way the Bishop has. This is his city, and his people. Well, actually it is his uncle's city, but as Bishop he cares for these people. He's been here in times of joy, and in times of sadness. He knows what the people need to hear, not the Archprelate. Unfortunately, it seems like the Princess has listened to the Archprelate too. What has been done, to revenge the destruction that took place here? Nothing. But no matter. There is much to be done, and Haelyn favors the just. Revenge will come, later.

It's getting darker. And thankfully, the rain stops. It is time. He signals to the priests around him, who all start moving in practiced coordination. Within seconds, the entire courtyard is quiet. They are all looking at him. Remembrance. Survival. Rebuilding. A bright future. Hope. But not hatred.

"Citizens of Daulton! Welcome to Haelyns Mass of Remembrance. It has been six months since that fateful day...". He loses himself to the speech and the religious sermon that follows. He feels Haelyns eye upon him. His God is pleased. And the people too.
Toreas Kharnmoin
Pontiff of All Anuire
Archprelate of the Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn