Author Topic: The Beginning  (Read 4399 times)

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Offline Dhoesone/FD_(Marco)

  • Poor little Regent in a big world and in a big game
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The Beginning
« on: June 28, 2013, 12:45:55 PM »

Tuarhievel, some years ago

Prince Fhileraene Llyrandor was slowly walking through the arboretum of the Royal Palace. It was snowing for the first time in the season, but the ancient dweomers of sidhelien magic made it clean and untouchable by snowflakes.

Fhileraene’s tunic, a simple vest silkmade of light-blue color with gold decorations, was magical too, a gift from his grandfather, and kept him warm, protecting him from the chill breeze of the morning.

He stopped by the bank of Unity River and, from the hill of the Thorn Throne, he looked at the capital city of Tuaranreigh. Trees were already white and their amazing flowers, famous in all Cerilia for their beauty and their aromatic smell,  were already gone weeks ago, and the Prince spent the following few moments filled with melancholy and wonder “After centuries I’m still impressed by the cycle of Nature. I do know a new spring will surely come and flowers will grow again but at the end of  every Autumn my heart is filled with grief…”

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he noticed someone had come a few feet behind him. He didn’t fear for an ambush of course; many servants , warriors and bodyguards, whose loyalty was without doubts, were in the arboretum, invisible but ready to protect the Prince of Tuarhievel  with their own lives, if needed to.

“Are you leaving then, Fhiele?” he asked, without turning his back.

“Final preparations are in progress, Fhil”. Fhileraene noticed the usual joy, yet the determination, in the voice of Fhiele Dhoesone.

“You’re the only one who call me Fhil” he said with a little smile.

“As you’re the only one who can realize for sure if anyone’s behind you and who is”.

“I’m the ruler of this land, and, as a ruler, I must know everything of it, or better I’m everything of it. Every tree, every hill, every bud of roses I am, every animal, from the little squirrel to the great elk, I am, even the least gust of wind I am. Then, when sometimes something different enters in me, I know. The air brought to me the sound of your walk and your breath, and I know them very well, and it smells of your skin, without doubt.” He pauses, with a little sigh. “You grew here, you were raised like an elf. You’re a sidhe Fhiele, but then you’re human too, too human maybe”.
“It’s the reason I’m going to Sonnelind, because I’m human. I  wish I had stayed here, a trusted adviser of you, enjoying the bounties of this gentle land…”

“Then stay here Fhiele, it’s not too late…those men had offered to you a poisoned gift. Taking Dhoesone’s regency will directly lead you in a den of snakes. Your life will become a dangerous one, you’ll fight against  enemies, inside and outside your realms, and then, probably you’ll die before your time…just a word and you’ll stay here Fhiele, and if those petty human lords will argument your choice then the Gheallie Sidhe will strike upon them with fury and anger…”

“You know I can’t. Dhoesone is my ancestral home, the land of my late father. A wild and untamed one in comparison of  beauty of Tuarhievel but yet it’s full of proud people, people needing protection and safety. Dhoesone’s tragedy it’s too great and it’s my duty to handle with those troubles. I’ve a divine responsibility: the blood of the ancient god Reynir runs through my veins, it gives me power and a divine link with Dhoesone itself. I must use those power and link for the good of the realm and its inhabitants…”.

Fhileraene snorted a little “Gods! I won’t ever know why you and the humans talk a lot about them, I’m not sure they even exist!”.

Fhiele smiled “The heritage of them is also inside you Fhil, you cannot deny it…”.

The Prince of Tuarhievel turned and looked at her. Fury was growing in his gaze and for a moment she was afraid of his possible reaction as Fhileraene was known to have sudden bursts of anger. However he quickly became calm and relaxed again.

“Maybe we should fight each other in the future, do you know? Many speakers in the Council of the Moon push for war against Dhoesone even if I don’t want it; luckily I’m still able to have a large consensus among the councilmembers.”.
The young half elf smiled “I know political business can lead us to unknown ways but I’m sure we’ll never fight against each other”.

Also Fhileraene smiled, but his was full of sorrow “I wish I were without doubts and concerns like you, my dear friend.” He paused looking again at her with his grey eyes remote and deep like the sea “My men will escort you to the borders of the realm, then I won’t guarantee for you life anymore”.

“Some faithful henchmen will come with me, I’ll be safe Fhil…”.

He put both his hands over her shoulders, in the typical sidhelien way for goodbyes “Then it’s the end, my friend…”.

Tears filled Fhiele’s brown eyes while she was keeping smile “It’s not the end, it’s just the beginning…”
Fhiele Dhoesone, by the Grace of Haelyn Baroness of Dhoesone and Countess of Sonnelind
"You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true, and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her."

Offline Dhoesone/FD_(Marco)

  • Poor little Regent in a big world and in a big game
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Re: The Beginning
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2013, 05:51:33 PM »

Giant's Fastness, some years ago

The old shepherd watched the small group of horse-riders.

They were quickly going down from the hills following a small trail, generally used only by cattle and sheeps.

“Surely they want to reach the valley before the storm will hit hard” thought the old man, looking above at the many dark clouds: they were  full of ice, rain and snow.

He had already gathered his flock, no more than 30 sheeps, in a cave where he would have been sheltered from the tempest and he suddenly realized the group could have chosen the same place to rest and maybe pass the night.

“At least, they won’t kill or rob me” he hoped.

Some knights were carrying banners and badges of House Ardant, 3 silvered suns on a skyblue field,  and Count Ardant, the ruler of Giant’s Fastness, was known to be a fair man and his guards were used to strictly follow his orders and usually didn’t abuse of the people.

The last banner concerned a little the old man. The golden hawk of the Royal House of Dhoesone was carried by a skinny figure dressed in green clothes and, as they were approaching, he had realized the bannerman had sidhelien features.
“By the Shadow World “ he wondered “probably it’s really time to die for me.” He briefly scratched his short beard now greying “Now I have seen everything in my life. Sidhe grouping with humans, bah!”

He also asked to himself why the banner of the Royal House was in Giant’s Fastness, miles and miles afar from Sonnelind, the capital of Dhoesone.

 As far as he knew the old Baron had died many months ago and a new baron hadn’t been crowned yet. He had heard about struggle and minor fights in the capital and in the provinces around between the various factions, supporting one heir or another, but he was a lonely shepherd, often afar from civilization or even the small villages of that remote province, and news were used to reach his ears always lately.

“I hope the struggle for succession hasn’t been transformed in an open war. Wars kill, if not me my sheeps for sure” he feared, watching the group riding fast in front of the cave without stopping and continuing on its path while the storm was loudly starting.
Fhiele Dhoesone, by the Grace of Haelyn Baroness of Dhoesone and Countess of Sonnelind
"You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true, and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her."