Author Topic: To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres  (Read 6662 times)

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Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:09:52 AM »
… And so it came to pass, that innumerous hordes of gnolls set upon the coastal realm of Mieres. Plundering and wreaking havoc in the name of their master, known to Anuire simply as “the Red Wind”.
With short and brutal actions, they soon had the Mierans hard pressed. For so large where the gnolls numbers, and so furious and determined their assault, that they could not be held at bay.
Only the high walls of Seaward and Serien was adequate to stall the invaders, instead forcing the gnolls to lay siege to these grand places, bringing down trees in massed numbers, to use as battering rams and crude ballistas.
It was a desperate thing for the besieged to count on their walls to hold out the foe, yet still they held on, determined to go down fighting, and not give away their lands, without drenching every single acre, in filthy gnoll blood.

Serien was reduced to just the province of Serien; a city under siege. Having been under siege for quite some time now, they couldn't hope to last forever, even though the gnolls had failed, so far, to take the city.

The Governor held Seaward, but without a large army reserve there was little the man could do to get back on the offensive. In Lathier there was sporadic fighting between the Governor’s troops and those of the gnoll forces, and Seaward itself was under a siege.
Small victories where found though, in the fact that galleys out of Seaward had been staging successful raids in gnoll-held territories, forcing the foul invaders to keep well away from the sea.

It was these raids, amongst others, that forged the way, for the aid soon to come. For there was hope still to be had, for the beleaguered men of Mieres…
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 11:35:01 AM by Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) »

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 08:55:26 AM »
... In the third month of summer, help finally arrived from the rest of Anuire. A Dieman army commanded by Templar and Baron, Kaven Enlien of Medoere, landed in Lathier, quickly dispatching over four hundred gnollish forces without incident, surrounding them and crushing them with his superior forces. It is said, that the famous Green Knight was the first man with the fleet, to touch Mieran soil, and the first to draw the blood of the fell invaders that day.

Young Baron Enlien, victor of many smaller engagements and battles, in defence and service of his liege lord, Haelyn and Ruornil, had never actually commanded an army of this size, but though he had many doubts and fears, as to his own level of engagement and expertise, he was determined not to let his lands, liege and gods down. Vowing before himself, to see the gnoll invaders of and save Mieres, or die trying.

The main gnoll force was outside Serien; large bodies of infantry laying siege to the city, eager to crush the shell and get to the humans inside.
A smaller army, its size enough still to threaten most realms of Anuire if unchecked, was camped outside Seaward, attacking and harassing the defenders within, at their own leisure.
West of the main landing was the realm of the Sorceress Mhistecai, from where the witch Hermedie had been spending several months, with the Sun Rangers and the Night Sisters, harassing the gnolls outside the city and in the surrounding provinces, causing them no end of grief.  A second, smaller, Dieman army had moved there, from Shaeme about the same time, as the mainlanding.

Baron Enlien, contemplating his options, had to decide, whether to move to relieve the capital of Seaward first and secure the lines of communication and supplies, or press on to Serien, which undoubtly was the most vulnerable position, with the risk of being cut off by the gnolls left in the armies rear...

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2008, 10:05:26 AM »
Scouts were sent to Shaeme to bring the troops there south, in an effort to link them up with the
main forces.

Having no fast cavalry with bows, the Diemean army where limited to the use of dragoons and lancers as vanguard. A mottled collection, of Diemean, Roesonian and Orthodox Imperial horsemen, they were formed as a strike force, under the command of Baron Geren of Moere, the only other landed noble in the army, and thus a natural (if not politically sound) second in command,  with Ser Estevan Daulton acting as his second.
Kaven lead the mainforce himself, breaking camp soon after, to head for Seaward, to lift the siege there, hoping to crush the gnoll forces there, before the weaker position of Serien was overcome.

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Re: To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2008, 10:23:53 AM »
At what opportunities he had, the Lord Baron called the commanders of the army together, discussing battleplans, and asking for any suggestions or comments, apparently not above listening to general advice as to flaws in his orders.

“The main force is not very mobile” Ser Cereval Shaeme pointed out one night, in the tent set up for use as warroom.
“At least not as mobile as the gnolls. So if they detect our approach, they will most likely give up on the siege and assemble to meet us - OR run away if we appear too strong…” he paused.
“The later option is not very good for us, since it will mean that they will probably retreat back to Serien and join with the gnoll army there. So we have to make sure they meet us on the battlefield.”

Hermedhie, having joined the forces on their march southwards, then spoke too, her soft voice drifting through the tent, somehow reaching everyones ears, although barely more than a whisper.
“I will lend a hand if it comes to battle, large or small. I have some preparations to handle but we should be ready within half an hour of the call. You will not be in this, alone…”

 Kaven nodded at this input, but interceded. "It is my intention for them to meet us. We are, as you say, not very mobile, thus we need to get them to come to us.
We will arrive to push the gnolls back against the castle, putting them, in effect, between a rock and a hard place... If they try to run, it is my hope that the castle forces will sally forth to fall them in the back, as well as we shall push to slay as many as possible. If they turn to face us, the castle at their back will once more provide with additional reinforcements to assure that the battle goes in our favor.”

At this, Estevan Daulton, his green heraldry reminding everyone of his deeds and name, spoke up. “This plan is altogether too cautious. We need to strike fast and hard to relieve Seaward and then move on to Serien. We can't allow the enemy to retreat in good order or send dispatches back to their Serien army. And we certainly cannot plan a battle on the twin assumptions that the enemy will behave as wanted and that our Mieran allies will show courage and sally forth.
No! Let us all move with haste, and let me lead the vanguard on a swift strike against the enemy. Keep them unbalanced and unable to form for battle. And once the main host is arrayed and enters battle, it will be at a distinct advantage. Any gnolls that flee will then be hunted down by the then reformed vanguard.”

Kaven sent the knight a long stare, as if trying to determine his true motives, simply by glancing at him. The Green Knight, although famous and renowned as a man of no small skill and valor, lacked the battlefiled command experience that he thought this operation could use. He shook his head.
“And do you others agree to this approach? I will agree that i am cautious of a nature, and more often the besieged rather than the besieger... yet boldly charging into enemy ranks like this seems a bit... well, impetuous for lack of better word. If the infantry will not be able to keep up with the vanguard, they will most likely be surrounded...  And although i do not doubt your bravery, or that of any man here, we cannot afford to recieve heavy losses in the first of what will likely be many engagements."

“Heavy losses?” Ser Estevan snapped back.
“And what do you think will happen when the infantry slowly march against a gnoll horde of five thousand or more? The Anuirean meat-grinder once again. I do not doubt that we will win, but the main host will be in no shape for another battle in Serien...yes I propose to risk some, but the potential gain is great. I will personally lead the way, and there are none - man or gnoll - that can stand before me!”

“Lord Baron Geren shall dictate, when the vanguard are to join the fray.” Kaven responded in a firm tone, that left no doubt that he thought this his final say in the matter.
“You shall have your glory, Ser Estevan, i guarantee… but we will stick to my initial plans. The added cavalry, will help outflank the enemy, and strip their morale as well as their very lives. You are welcome to join the brethren of the Orthodox temple, when they ride to the glory of Haelyn, but the plan stays as it is…”

The young Baron paused, but then added. “Feel free to seek out anyone looking like a leader of the gnolls and engage him in personal combat, Ser. I have heard wonders about your skills, and would greatly appreciate if you would don the mantle of this armies champion…"
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 10:25:53 AM by Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) »

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Re: To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2008, 09:33:41 AM »
From out of nowhere, a serene and almost otherworldly voice flowed through the tent.  "The Red Wind is not with this army…“

Kaven and his advisors turned with a start, the Barons hand instantly going to his swordhilt. The face and torso of Maire Cwllmie, high priestess of the Eastern Temples of Nesiere had appeared amidst them, her outline tinted in sparks of blue, and with an oddly feel to her features, as if they were looking at her, through water. The voice continued, unfazed by the wild stares she received from the gathered.
“It acts as an army with little to no true goal--save to draw our attention away from where the Red Wind is and what he is actually attempting to accomplish.  The gnolls are little more than a sacrifice to this goal.  Please tread carefully--something is not right-- doesn't fit--gnolls are not the only things which make bold moves in Mieres.”
The advisors had settled a bit now, calmed in part by the fact, that Hermedhie the Witch hadn’t reacted with anything but mild interest at the appearance of this apparition. The voice continued.
“I shall make preparations with Lady Mhistecai for the fight that may ensure in the Valley of Mists--a fight whose outcome may determine whether Aberynis shall see another day."

Lord Kaven nodded his head slowly, contemplating the eerie words. Unsure whether the high priestess would hear his answer, he looked a bit sheepishly towards the rest of the folk. "These days, every fight seems to be the one that may determine the future of the world as we know it...”
Then he gazed at the blueish face of Maire. “Best of luck with your endeavors."

"... I concur completely with that assessment,” a dark rich female voice piped in, as another face and torso came into existence, this one as if edged in fog and mists.
“Although the threat of a gnoll horde is real enough, it is nothing compared to what would happen should the Valley of Mist fall into the hands of the enemy. I feared I have done what I can to slow the advance of the humaniod hordes. I will concentrate my efforts on making sure the ultimate calamity doesn't befall us on top of this."
Before anyone could answer, both Maire, and the woman known as Mhistecai had disappeard, leaving the tent in a gloomy state, and the people inside to contemplate.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 09:36:08 AM by Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) »

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Re: To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2008, 11:13:16 AM »
A moment of silence passed through the tent, following the sudden disappearance of the two womanly visions. Then Ser Estevan, his voice tentative at first, looked towards Kaven.
“I will seek the enemy leader out and slay him in personal combat; you have my word. But this plan is still a mistake. It will cost the army dearly.”

Kaven chewed at his lower lip, as he glanced at the various documents and maps laid out before him. "Again, i ask if others agree to Ser Estevan's estimation? Baron Geren? Ser de Nichaler? It is not my intention to rush into the unknown, but if other venues are open, then we can at least explore the posibilities for it, before setting everything in stone..."

At this, there was a murmur throughout the tent as different people started speaking at the same time, but the Baron Geren stepped forward, raising his voice.  “It is best not to take too many chances. Let the gnolls form for battle; then we have them all in one place. But let the cavalry roam freely before and after the battle, so as to let no gnolls escape.”

The young lord Kaven nodded.
"It appears that the Baron and i agree then... thus unless anyone else has Haelynic revelations to bring before us, we use this plan, and let the vanguard roam...

Rushing to battle in Seriene would leave us open for a rear attack from those Gnolls still in Seaward, and we would have nowhere to go caught deep in enemy held territory. Furthermore, with such poor knowledge of both terrain, and force composition, it is imperative that we create and maintain a propper supply line, and for now that is the ports and harbours in Seaward. We shall crush the opposition there, and march to aid the belaguered Seriene then with the aid of both troops from Mhistecai's realm, as well as those that can be spared from the remains of Seawards defenses."

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: To calm the dread wind - Battle for Mieres
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2009, 04:52:33 PM »
And so it was that the army marched to the east, to free the beleaguered citizens of Seaward. Baron Geren of Moere commanded the vanguard, but the one riding at the front urging the men ever on, was Ser Estevan Daulton. It was the Green Knight, as much as anything, that forged the various dragoons, lancers and scouts of the vanguard into a cohesive fighting force. On several occasions small bands of gnoll raiders where met, and each time the Green Knight led the charge, giving them little time to put up a proper fight.

When the army reached Seaward, it was to find that the gnoll host there was already waiting. Although not masters of siegecraft, the gnolls had prepared a fortified position atop a steep ridge overlooking the road to Seaward. It soon became clear, that it would take a lot of effort to dislodge them.

Conferring with Ser Guy de Nichalaer of the Knights of Haelyn, a master at siege tactics and urban warfare, Kaven quickly concluded that it would take several weeks to make any meaningful impact on the gnoll position. Indeed the preferable approach would be to make walls of circumvallation around the gnoll position and starve them out. It would also help ensure that you get ALL the gnolls, but at the cost of the army’s momentum. It came down to that… or storm their position.
With the vanguard roaming to pick out those stragglers, too intent on raiding to get to safety, Kaven himself rode along the ridge, looking for weak spots in the fortification, as well as trying to determine how many units with ranged capability the gnolls had. Scouts where dispatched to Seaward keep, seeking to establish contact with the belaguered governor.
It was evident, that the gnolls had ample ranged weapons; probably more than those few Medorean bowmen, and Diemean crossbowmen, that the army had brought along. And although perhaps not as good as Anuirean longbowmen they looked to be formidable nonetheless.  Most of the gnoll units bristled with throwing spears and javelins as well.

Calling the commanders together Kaven lays out his assesment. "Any suggestions as to the next approach? It could take weeks to besiege this fortification, weeks we might not have, as well as it will cost us too dearly to assault it.
Splitting forces at this juncture could be unwise, yet holding everything back here will spell the doom of Seriene... and there is the Valley of Mists to take into consideration too, if the High Priestess the Eastern Temple is right...”

“They seem to be stalling,” was the only response forthright from one of the minor nobles.

Kaven sighed audibly.
"Yes, well, the obvious facts aside, does anyone have any ideas that does not involve months of counter-sieging, or throwing ourselves against a fortified gnoll position?"

The witch, Hermedhie spoke.
“With time, realm magic, could bring the walls down--but the same is true also of a siege.  It seems unlikely that we will be able to draw them out--the Red Wind apparantly has no intention of such--and while the gnolls are surely fodder, they are useful fodder at the moment.
Serien cannot hold much longer--I bet the plan of the gnolls is twofold.  This fortified position is supposed to be here to slow us down, and, they will take Serien and use it as another fortified position and staging area for these two purposes it is an ideal location.
Not only men will fight this battle, I and my friend will use sword and magic to make sure we can soon get on to the mind behind this evil. We will fight where we see our weakest front.”

While waiting for a response from the rest, Kaven pondered about this dilemma, then looked at the gathered.
"The idea of feigning retreat might not be so bad, where it not for the fact that they are more mobile than us... if they really are attempting to stall us here, as High Priestess Marie suggests, they would have to engage us, should we actually turn about and march away from them or resume their siege, thus leaving their fortified position.
Our vanguard will kill all scouts looking for the main army, blinding them from our position... comments to this idea?"

Ser Estavan shook his head.
“The element of surprise is lost. If they knew we were comming and had time to prepare their position, they have surely sent messengers to Serien as well; and those we cannot overtake.
So the options limit themselves to the following; Let me lead the attack on the gnoll position immeidately with all available units. Alternatively the main army can remain here to siege the gnolls, while I take the van and head to Serien - where they can hopefully do at least some good."

Kaven sighed.
"Assesments everyone? Baron Geren, Ser Cereval, Ser Guy, Brother Anduval? I do not doubt that we can take them, but the costs will be severe... flaming arrows and oil? Magics? I would almost prefer anything to a direct assault, and we do not have the time or manpower for the construction of circumvallation..."

Ser Guy added his voice to the general murmur at that point.
“My background is as a siege commander and a cavalry commander.  I prefer strong rolling and grinding approaches.... but since time is of the essence, and we have stronger numbers, discipline, and intellect... We should plan an assault... We need to make sure it is Ingenious, and clever... but we cannot siege if time is not on our side.”

For a long moment the tent fell into silence, as all eyes fell on the Baron-General while he studied the hill, listening to the taunts and jibes from the Gnoll forces in their fortified position.
"We shall advance under the cover of darkness, getting close enough for the warriors to press on without losing breath, well outside range of their archers though. We assault, at first light... our attack shall be preceded by two volleys from the bowmen, with burning rags attached to the arrow heads. Hopefully a little fire will help cause panic through their ranks.
The Green knight will lead the charge, but it will be with the RCS templars, and myself hot on his heels. Hopefully we can press an advantage and breach well enough inside to get more men in, armsmen take front, regulars come in after, wedge and spread out inside.”

Kaven turned to look at the commanders in turn.
“Ser Cereval you will be leading the troops on my left, Count Duwhile, the right, stick close and put your swords to good use.
Count Shoel, you will ride with the Vanguard. Circle about and run down those that attempt to escape.
Ser Guy, i leave you with the archers and crossbowmen... I want arrows and bolts flying over my head untill the very second we attempt to breach the wall, get them to keep their head down and minimize fire upon us as we ascend. “

The Knight-Lieutenant nodded, as Kaven moved on.
“Brother Anduval, though I know the knights by far prefer to ride into battle, should the situation demand it, I ask that you lead the knights to assist where the situation is most dire.  If you see an opening, utilize it to get the knights inside and wreak havoc, Haelyn protects! “
“Haelyn protects,”
Anduval Geren, High Inquisitor of the Orthodoxy and uncle to the Baron of Geren replied, clasping a fist to his heart and nodding his consent to the order recieved. 

The Baron next turned to his nephew, who gave him a level eyed stare.
“Baron Geren, you will lead the rear, or reserves if you will, should our men falter anywhere, I trust you to discover it and send people to plug the hole.
Sir Estevan and I will seek their commanders, and vanquish them in personal combat, hopefully spreading more confusion.  It is imperative that we break their morale as well as their backs. This will not be an easy fight.”

Stepping back, and looking at the commanders as a whole, Kaven let out a little sigh.
“Gentlemen, get some rest, position guards and prepare for the morning, Haelyn willing we shall control that hill by noon tomorrow, with no gnoll alive anywhere near Seaward. We shall keep the sun in our back when the sun strikes, let them see us in all our glory, and tremble! Gentlemen, Haelyn guide your hand, morning come!"