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Forum upgrade

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Forum upgrade finished.

Some tweaks may be implemented.

If you miss a feature/have ideas for a new one, please post here.


Some new stuff:

- you can turn OFF notifications (profile --> notifications)
- added sections for articles, downloads and image gallery (plus a link page that MAY be removed, not sure yet)
- news tab that allows list view of all news items

I also intend to use the calendar more.

Note to self: The recent post feature seems to be still missing. I'll look into it.

Recent posts re-added.

X-Osoerde (Alan):
Hey B, maybe this was intended, but it appears that chat is working. I get a message: "You are not allowed to access chat."


--- Quote from: Osoerde/William Osoer (Alan) on July 18, 2011, 02:32:37 PM ---Hey B, maybe this was intended, but it appears that chat is working. I get a message: "You are not allowed to access chat."

--- End quote ---

Err, only admins can access the chat...don't know why yet. Checking.

Ursus (Test user):
Found the parsing error. Had left out the part giving me access to actually give membergroups permission to see/use chat/shoutbox. Silly of me.

Fixed now.


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