RoE General > The Herald (DM announcements)

Turn 60.5

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As you well know, turn 1 in RoE II will be called turn 61 to avoid any confusion with RoE and cuz it would have been turn 61 had RoE continued to run.

We are about ready to start now, with a few players waiting for their domains, but by and large we are ready. Soon I'll post the Stats Report and then you will be given the opportunity to busy yourself with a 'pre-turn' or turn 60.5 if you will.

Exact guidelines will follow tomorrow, but in essence every player will be allowed one regent action, and one regent action only (plus the usual free dispatches for IC communication). No gold or regency will need to be paid, and no influence can be used.

With this action you could for example agitate to improve prosperity, cast a spell, rule/contest a holding, engage in diplomacy etc. And with the free dispatches you can chat away with the other players as well. I hope this will make you happy AND keep you off my back until I can get the rest of this beast in place :)

But as I said, more on this tomorrow...

You are now allowed to send each other IC dispatches (yes, that even applies if you haven't gotten your domain yet, but you might want to wait if you're uncertain what your regent is like). Try avoiding dispatching the DM Team overly much, since we're busy readying the game to launch.

The one regent action allowed is to be e-mailed to me before the game starts. Exact date to follow.

X-Roesone/ARR (Robert):
When are we supposed to email this action? I'm looking for info in my email but I may have missed it

Before the start of turn 61. Not set date yet, but not too far away now.

Turn 60.5 single regent action must be e-mailed to the DM Team no later than Wednesday December 10th.

Subject: RoE II: DO #60.5 - Domain name

And remember that there is no GB/RP cost associated with this action, but you can't use RP/GB to influence thet dice roll either. So its a flat roll against the DDC; so be smart and don't go for something that will give you a 19+ DDC!!!


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