Author Topic: Personal Treasury of a Regent  (Read 11198 times)

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Offline Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde)

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Re: Personal Treasury of a Regent
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2013, 01:28:26 AM »
I really don't see the point of giving rulers any salary. Everything in the domain is the rulers. To pay him a salary is to reduce him to a hired person and imply that he doesn't have control of his own treasury.
If your regent hungers for personal wealth, then let him use finances to convert some of HIS treasury into personal wealth.

Convert wealth is used to gain specific items from your GB, not coins you can use at a later date.

You are paying your hirelings and all your other expences in GB, not GB worth of personal wealth, so any salary you gain would still have to be converted with a finance action to become personal wealth.
If not, then the action becomes moot as GB gets automatically exchanged into personal wealth when distributed, but are GB when collected from holdings. And why have an action to take care of something that happens automatically?

Finances is an action with advantage(guild), so yet again I feel you are trying to give guild domains a bonus, as they will have the least problems converting GB back and forth.

Players have enough reason to use the Finance action as is... Hardly a turn went by in RoEII without me using, or contemplating using it if I had enough actions.

But if we really want to look at making Finance(convert wealth) more used, then this is what I propose:
Let salary paid in GB's worth of personal wealth to hirelings count double than what salary paid in pure GB does. And remove advantage guild from the convert wealth part of the Finance action.
That way rulers would want to run the action without being reduced to hirelings, and we don't strengthen the guilds more than other domains.

If we are looking to make some of the least used actions appear more in submitted turns, then why not look at Disband(holding) or Relocate?

I don't know how we could force/sweeten Disband(holding) to be used more, but Relocate has the following flavor text: "Nomadic Rjurik clans move their courts in accordance with the seasons for example – if they do not they will suffer penalties to variable income rolls."

Perhaps looking into that flavor text is more relevant for a Rjurik campaign, than looking into an action used way more than Relocate.

[Following is added in the edit]
I know that there can be roleplay reasons why you would want to convert wealth. That is why I view this action as a tool for players to roleplay their regents, and I like that.

The suggested change to Finance I wrote should be viewed as an acceptable compromise, and not as a desire to change the current rules.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 01:49:15 AM by Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde) »
Thuriene Donalls.
Thane of Talinie.
Supreme Hierarch of the Northern Imperial Temple of Haelyn.

"Those who hear the word of Haelyn and obey are like plants rooted in rich, fertile soil.
They will thrive, grow and be the most beautiful flowers in the garden of man."

Offline X-Points East

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Re: Personal Treasury of a Regent
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2014, 07:45:41 AM »


Should a regent generally receive a salary from the domain, which he rules, thereby potentially bringing personal treasuries and the finances (convert wealth) action more into play?


Or should a regent perhaps receive a salary from the domain, which he rules, when possessing qualities (such as mastery), for which an able assistant might demand additional payment?



The convert wealth section of the finances action and any precise tracking of the personal treasuries of regents could simply be eliminated from the rules/game.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 07:54:35 AM by X-Points East »

Offline Talinie & NIT/TD (Linde)

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Re: Personal Treasury of a Regent
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2014, 09:59:59 AM »


Should a regent generally receive a salary from the domain, which he rules, thereby potentially bringing personal treasuries and the finances (convert wealth) action more into play?


Or should a regent perhaps receive a salary from the domain, which he rules, when possessing qualities (such as mastery), for which an able assistant might demand additional payment?



The convert wealth section of the finances action and any precise tracking of the personal treasuries of regents could simply be eliminated from the rules/game.

I think the action is nice for converting gb into personal wealth when giving a wedding gift or something like that to another regent.  The action give the players a tool to acquire such gifts or convert them back to gb with a minimum of fuss.
I see no need to remove the action completely, I just don't see the need to add an extra layer of bookkeeping to the system in order to force the action to be used more.
Thuriene Donalls.
Thane of Talinie.
Supreme Hierarch of the Northern Imperial Temple of Haelyn.

"Those who hear the word of Haelyn and obey are like plants rooted in rich, fertile soil.
They will thrive, grow and be the most beautiful flowers in the garden of man."

Offline Wanderer (Garth)

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Re: Personal Treasury of a Regent
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2014, 11:59:59 PM »
Maybe actions and bookkeeping shouldn't matter when giving a gift.

Isn't it the thought that counts?