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X-Points East:
X-Points East:
Part the First: Regiments and Flotillas
On the domain level of play, the basic unit of terrestrial warfare is the regiment. A fresh regiment is composed of 1,000 troops; but this number may vary over the course of time, with the vicissitudes of injury, sickness, recovery, and death. Generally, each regiment has a certain character, based on its composite skills and the nature of its equipment; and there are eight standard types of regiments to reflect various differences in the quality thereof.
On the domain level of play, the basic unit of naval warfare is the flotilla, which is composed of a number of warships and their crews. Generally, each flotilla has a certain character, based on the nature of its vessels and the composite skills of its crews; and there are four standard types of flotillas to reflect various differences in the quality thereof.
The following table, REGIMENTS & FLOTILLAS I, lists the eight standard types of regiments and the four standard types of flotillas, along with related data, which describe their effectiveness, limit their acquisition, or detail the cost of maintaining them on active status.
Standard Regiments & FlotillasMovement
CargoLight Infantry246434 GB2 GB—Medium Infantry208848 GB4 GB—Heavy Infantry16812512 GB6 GB—Élite Infantry161016616 GB8 GB—Light Cavalry486838 GB4 GB—Medium Cavalry40816416 GB8 GB—Heavy Cavalry32824524 GB12 GB—Élite Cavalry321032632 GB16 GB—Light Flotilla48 / 3248316 GB2 GB3 GBMedium Flotilla56 / 24816432 GB4 GB8 GBHeavy Flotilla64 / 161224548 GB6 GB15 GBÉlite Flotilla72 / 81632664 GB8 GB24 GB
Like characters, regiments and flotillas have levels, and those levels are based on EXP. EXP for each regiment/flotilla level can be found in the following table, REGIMENTS & FLOTILLAS II, which also includes various modifiers, which are applied to the statistics of regiments and flotillas at the several regiment/flotilla levels, as well as extra seasonal pay (in GB), which especially experienced regiments and flotillas demand.
Experience & Modifiers
ModifierRaw {0}00–2–4Green {1}1-20–1–2Able {2}3-50+0+0Veteran {3}6-91+1+2Crack {4}10-142+2+4Epic {5}15-203+3+6Legendary {6}21-274+4+8Fabulous {7}28-356+6+12Mythical {8}36-448+8+16Paramount {9}45+10+10+20
A regiment may not acquire a combat bonus from experience in excess of ½ of its base combat rating, and a flotilla may not acquire a combat bonus from experience in excess of ¼ of its base combat rating: upon reaching its maximal combat bonus from experience, then, a regiment or a flotilla has reached its maximal level and no longer gains EXP.
Movement Rating
A regiment’s movement rating indicates the maximal cost of overland movement, which it might cover in a single month. Each province has two overland movement costs, based on its primary terrain: one for infantry and one for cavalry. These overland movement costs limit entrance into a given province; and, so, a group of regiments (such as a field army) enters a given province at the rate of the regiment(s), whose rate of entry into the province is slowest.
A flotilla’s movement rating indicates the maximal cost of overseas movement, which it might cover in a single month. Neritic sea areas have an overseas movement cost of 2, whereas larger, oceanic sea areas have a cost of 6. These overseas movement costs limit departure from a given sea area; and, so, a group of flotillas (such as a task force) departs a given sea area at the rate of the flotilla(s), whose rate of departure from the sea area is slowest.
Each flotilla has two movement ratings: one for sailing and one for rowing. Rowing movement is generally employed when wind conditions are adverse. In the table, REGIMENTS & FLOTILLAS I, the number before the slash indicates maximal movement via sailing, whilst the number after the slash, via rowing.
Integrity Rating
The integrity rating of a regiment or a flotilla indicates its overall damage resistance. When the integrity rating of any regiment or flotilla reaches 0, it is destroyed. Above 0, there are three integrity categories: whole, impaired, and broken. A regiment/flotilla with more than two thirds of its full integrity is whole and functions normally. A regiment/flotilla with more than one third of its full integrity but no more than two thirds is impaired: such a regiment suffers negative modifiers to movement and combat, as a reflexion of its weakened state. A regiment/flotilla with an integrity rating above 0 but no more than one third of its full integrity is broken: such a regiment suffers even worse modifiers to movement and combat than does an impaired regiment. The following table, REGIMENTS & FLOTILLAS III, lists the modifiers, which are applied to the statistics of regiments and flotillas at impaired integrity and at broken integrity.
Integrity & ModifiersIntegrity
ModifierImpaired2/3 of Full–4–2Broken1/3 of Full–8–4
Combat Rating
A regiment’s combat rating indicates its general prowess in terrestrial battle and is a significant factor in calculating a battle score, toward the resolution of large-scale terrestrial combat.
A flotilla’s combat rating indicates its general prowess in naval battle and is a significant factor in calculating a battle score, toward the resolution of large-scale naval combat.
X-Points East:
Part the Second: Conscription
One way to acquire regiments or flotillas is via conscription. However, in a given province, only the domain, which rules the province, may conscript, unless it has empowered some other domain(s) to do so via formal diplomacy. Conscripted regiments and flotillas cost nothing to acquire, although they must be maintained in subsequent seasons according to their type.
Army Conscripts
All army conscripts, sometimes called levies, are organised into regiments of light infantry.
It is impossible to raise army conscripts in a wild province {0}. In more settled places, the effects of a conscription (army) action vary according to civilisation, as per the following table, CONSCRIPTION I. A domain may of course choose to raise less regiments than the maximal conscription, when employing conscription (army).
Army Conscripts & Province LevelMaximal
TimeRemote Province {1-2}1 Regiment / Action1 SeasonRural Province {3-5}1 Regiment / Action1 MonthUrban Province {6-9}2 Regiments / Action1 MonthMetropolitan Province {10-14}3 Regiments / Action1 Month
The levy may not be called without some control of the conscripting power of a province’s manors: this control may be direct, or it may be accessed indirectly via diplomatic arrangement. (Indirect control requires direct control of, at minimum, a relevant holding {0}.) Control of a collection of manor levels, in this context, enables conscription of a maximal number of regiments equal to the effective manor level (EML) of that collection, in a twelve-month span; and, furthermore, EML determines the level and EXP of any newly conscripted regiment, as per the following table, CONSCRIPTION II.
Army Conscripts & EMLRegiment
EXPEML {1-2}Raw {0}0EML {3-5}Green {1}1EML {6-9}Able {2}3EML {10-14}Veteran {3}6
When a domain conscripts a regiment of levy, its EML, for the purpose of conscription, immediately drops by one point, which point automatically replenishes after one year. Until a domain runs out of EML, there is no limit to the number of conscription (army) actions, which it might take in a given season.
Example: Via a single conscription (army) action in spring, a domain with a manor {3} in a province {6} could conscript one regiment at EML {3} and a second at EML {2} and, assuming success, thereby acquire one green regiment and one raw regiment at the end of one month, leaving the domain’s conscription potential at EML {1} (presumably until the following spring, when the other two points of EML would again be available).
Navy Conscripts
All navy conscripts, sometimes called leidang, are organised into light flotillas.
It is impossible to raise navy conscripts in a wild province {0} or a remote province {1-2}, as such a province lacks a port. In more settled places, the effects of a conscription (navy) action vary according to civilisation, as per the following table, CONSCRIPTION III. A domain may of course choose to raise less flotillas than the maximal conscription, when employing conscription (navy).
Navy Conscripts & Province LevelMaximal
TimeRural Province {3-5}1 Flotilla / Action1 MonthUrban Province {6-9}2 Flotillas / Action1 MonthMetropolitan Province {10-14}3 Flotillas / Action1 Month
The leidang may not be called without some control of the conscripting power of a province’s guilds: this control may be direct, or it may be accessed indirectly via diplomatic arrangement. (Indirect control requires direct control of, at minimum, a relevant holding {0}.) Control of a collection of guild levels, in this context, enables conscription of a maximal number of flotillas equal to the effective guild level (EGL) of that collection, in a twelve-month span; and, furthermore, EGL determines the level and EXP of any newly conscripted flotilla, as per the following table, CONSCRIPTION IV.
Navy Conscripts & EGLFlotilla
EXPEGL {3-5}Raw {0}0EGL {6-9}Green {1}1EGL {10-14}Able {2}3
When a domain conscripts a flotilla of leidang, its EGL, for the purpose of conscription, immediately drops by one point, which point automatically replenishes after one year. No matter its EGL, a domain may conduct no more than one conscription (navy) action in a given season.
Prosperity & Province Growth
A province’s populace does not view conscriptions favourably, and each conscription action therefore causes a –1 penalty to prosperity.
Raising levy or leidang also weakens the economy of a province. For each conscripted regiment, a province suffers a –8 penalty to province growth; for each conscripted flotilla, a –16 penalty.
Conscripts may be discharged at any time. With a successful discharge action, the conscripts return home and even provide a temporary boost to the economy of their home province: a +4 bonus to province growth, via discharge of a regiment; a +8 bonus, via discharge of a flotilla. A domain’s effective manor or guild level (for the purpose of conscription) is also increased by one point for each successfully discharged regiment or flotilla, respectively, unless the point related to that regiment or flotilla has already been automatically replenished, over the course of time.
It is more difficult to discharge conscripts away from their home province or sea area. When elsewhere, the DDC increases by 5 in their home realm (for regiments) or the territorial waters thereof (for flotillas), or it increases by 10 further abroad. With a failed action, the conscripts still leave the discharging domain’s army but do not return home.
X-Points East:
Part the Third: Commission
A second way to acquire regiments or flotillas is via commission. Commissioned regiments and flotillas cost GB to acquire and must be maintained in subsequent seasons according to their type.
All army and navy commissions, sometimes called musters, are organised through the commissioning power of a province’s manors, temples, or guilds: control of such commissiong power may be direct, or it may be accessed indirectly via diplomatic arrangement. (Indirect control requires direct control of, at minimum, a relevant holding {0}.) The maximal number of regiments, as well as the maximal number of flotillas, which might be commissioned each season via a given collection of manor, temple, or guild levels in a province, varies according to the collection’s effective holding level (EHL), as per the following table, COMMISSION I.
Commissions & EHLMaximal Army
CommissioningMaximal Navy
CommissioningEHL {3-5}1 Regiment / Season1 Flotilla / SeasonEHL {6-9}2 Regiments / Season2 Flotillas / SeasonEHL {10-14}3 Regiments / Season3 Flotillas / Season
Maximal commissioning of musters applies per holding type; so, in a given province, a domain may have the ability to commission regiments and flotillas from more than one collection of holding levels.
Army Commissions
Via temple or guild muster, a domain may only commission light infantry. Via manor muster, a domain may commission any one of the eight standard types of regiments. A province-ruling domain has an advantage (which may not be shared via diplomatic arrangement), when conducting manor musters, as it may add one virtual manor level to the collective level of its controlled manors, for the purpose of commissioning, in provinces under its direct rule.
It is impossible to commission a regiment in a wild province {0} or a remote province {1}, although a province-ruling domain may commission a regiment in a remote province {2}, when in control of the commissioning power of two manor levels (along with its virtual manor level) therein.
Each regiment has a muster cost, which must be covered before it reports for duty. A domain may spend from 1 GB to 16 GB per season on each commission (army) action.
Navy Commissions
Each flotilla has a muster cost, which must be covered before it reports for duty. Via manor or temple muster, a domain may only spend from 1 GB to 8 GB per season on each commission (navy) action. Via guild muster, a domain may spend from 1 GB to 16 GB per season on the same.
It is impossible to commission a flotilla in a wild province {0} or a remote province {1-2}, as such a province lacks a port.
A province’s populace does not view commissions favourably. In a given province, beyond a certain point of seasonal expenditure on all combined army musters, as well as on all combined navy musters, commissioning causes either a –1 or a –2 penalty to prosperity, as per the following tables, COMMISSION II and COMMISSION III. One penalty for army musters and a second for navy musters, in the same province, in the same season, stack.
Army Commissions & ProsperityProsperity
–2Province {2}1-4 GB5-8 GB9+ GBProvince {3-5}1-8 GB9-16 GB17+ GBProvince {6-9}1-16 GB17-32 GB33+ GBProvince {10-14}1-24 GB25-48 GB49+ GB
Navy Commissions & ProsperityProsperity
–2Province {3-5}1-16 GB17-32 GB33+ GBProvince {6-9}1-24 GB25-48 GB49+ GBProvince {10-14}1-32 GB33-64 GB65+ GB
Province Minimum
Each standard regiment or flotilla has a province minimum, which indicates the lowest level of province, in which a regiment or a flotilla of that type may be commissioned at standard cost. It is possible, however, for a domain to commission a regiment or a flotilla in a province, whose level is below that minimum: in such a scenario, the base cost of the action increases by 50% per level below the minimum.
Experience, Status, & Integrity
The overall experience of newly commissioned regiments and flotillas varies according to type. The following table, COMMISSION IV, lists the starting EXP of each of the standard regiments and flotillas (when commissioned).
Commissions & EXPStarting
EXPLight Infantry1Medium Infantry1Heavy Infantry2Élite Infantry2Light Cavalry1Medium Cavalry2Heavy Cavalry3Élite Cavalry4Light Flotilla1Medium Flotilla1Heavy Flotilla2Élite Flotilla2
A newly commissioned regiment or flotilla joins a domain on garrison status, with full integrity.
X-Points East:
Part the Fourth: Contract
A third way to acquire regiments or flotillas is via contract. Regiments so acquired are sometimes called mercenaries; flotillas so acquired, privateers. A regiment of mercenaries generally demands two times its standard upkeep for the period of its contract: half up front; half at contract’s end. A flotilla of privateers generally demands four times its standard upkeep for the period of its contract: half up front; half at contract’s end.
Standardly, regiments and flotillas are only available to be contracted in a capital province. The province ruler or any other domain with, at minimum, a non-source holding {0} therein may hire them via a contract action. When contracted, a regiment or a flotilla becomes available for action at the beginning of the following season in the same province or in an adjacent sea area, respectively, with either active or garrison status, depending on the terms of the contract.
In general, two factors significantly limit the availability of mercenaries and privateers in a capital province: the level of the province and the type of capital. The following table, CONTRACT I, lists the maximal number of mercenary regiments, as well as privateer flotillas, which might be found in a given province, at various combinations of these two factors. It is not possible to contract mercenaries or privateers in a wild province {0} or a remote province {1-2}.
Contract AvailabilityBaronial
CapitalProvince {3}135Province {4}246Province {5}357Province {6}468Province {7}579Province {8}6810Province {9}7911Province {10}81012Province {11}91113Province {12}101214Province {13}111315Province {14}121416
Normally, a mercenary regiment of medium infantry or light cavalry is not present in a province until the third available mercenary regiment; of heavy infantry or medium cavalry, until the sixth; of élite infantry or heavy cavalry, until the tenth; and of élite cavalry, until the fifteenth. Similarly, for navy contracting, whose availability is separate from that of army contracting, medium privateers are not normally present until the sixth available privateer flotilla; heavy privateers, until the tenth; and élite privateers, until the fifteenth.
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