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Offline X-DM Jon

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The Chamberlain and the duel
« on: March 16, 2009, 12:50:51 PM »
As previously stated, all involved in the duel between the Green Knight and the Swordmage are asked to appear before Chamberlain Dosiere in his grand hall.

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 01:02:32 PM »
Baron Kaven is amongst the first to appear. The ceremonial armour is left behind and he instead wears a fine white doublet in a simple cut. His sword is once more tied with a peaceknot, though the scabbard has been replaced with one less ornate, his previous cut to shreds in the desperate fight against the Green Knight.

He strides forward and bows briskly before the Chamberlain, wincing slightly from still sore ribs, just recently healed.

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 01:12:47 PM »
In a elegant black leather doublet, with detail added in red silks and silver thread, it is the heavy bandaging and sling which engulfs his right arm that removes all style that would otherwise have been Duke Ghorien's pride. With slow and careful movement he enters the hall and finds his place in those requested to be present. Bound round his sword and dagger is a thick scarlet silken cord, keeping all in a peace knot.

His bow to the chamberlain is low and polite.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 01:25:37 PM by Ghieste & HOT/GH (Matt) »
His Grace Ghorien Hiriele,
Duke of Ghieste,
Grand-Maester of the Highland/Overland Traders,
Viscount of Whyrthe.
Down Right Evil Bastard!

Offline X-Roesone/ARR (Robert)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 01:18:49 PM »
The baron of Roesone slowly enters the hall. Although his wounds have been healed, he uses a crutch and favors his wounded side. He wears only a loose silk tunic, probably not to put too much pressure on his wounds. His sergeant accompanies him, giving him worried looks for each step the baron makes

He limps to his seat, nodding to the chamberlain

"Your Imperial Excellency"
Arvour Raemel, by the Grace of Haelyn Baron of Roesone etc, Champion of Cuiraecen

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2009, 01:28:40 PM »
Patriarch Rashid enters, leaving his constant escort of paladin guards at the doors, and takes his place.

He wears a high-necked brocade shirt and around his neck is further a scarf wrapped tight.
Formerly: His Grace, Patriarch Rashid ibn Daouta, Last Imperial Duke of the Eastern Marches, Duke of Elinie, Master of Sutren Hills, Holy Paladin of Avanalae, Light of Reason.

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2009, 01:43:59 PM »
The Swordmage enters as well, wearing a simple black gown. She nods to Duke Ghorien, then she sits down an arms distance from Arvour. By her side sits a single attendant.

She leans back in her seat with an impatient expression on her face.
Marya Tanar, The Sword Mage
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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2009, 01:51:46 PM »
The Pontiff appears for the Chamberlain unarmed and wearing a robe and give a curt bow to the Chamberlain.

"Your Imperial Excellency how may I be of assistance?"
His Holiness Wallac Isilviere, Pontiff of All Anuire, High Prefect of the Impregnable Heart of Haelyn

Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2009, 02:00:23 PM »
The Chamberlain nods back at the Pontiff.

 "Take a seat your Holiness and we shall attempt to make head and tail of this unfortunate business. For now I need your patience, while we await the arrival of the rest."

He gestures for a servant who shows the Pontiff to a seat. Then he nods at each arrival in turn.

The Chamberlain is tall, gaunt and most serious of visage. He's getting older, but clearly not an old man yet. As long as you all remember, he has been in this position, providing a sense of stability to all Anuire. Without him, the Sword & Crown could very well have seized to exist as a social gathering, but he has succesfully kept Anuire City free and independant throughout the decades.

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2009, 03:01:53 PM »
Archduke Osoer arrives with Baron Tshalen.  Osoer is finely dressed, in breastplate and mail, a bastard sword on his right hip (Osoer is left-handed) and a deep crimson cloak rest upon his broad shoulder.  A simple golden circlet rests on his head, partially obscured by the blond tufts of his hair.  His facade is slightly different than normal, for underneath his coldly calm demeanor, a sense of agitation is thinly veiled.
Baron Tshalen is old man nearing his 66th summer (b. 1471 HC). The lines of ages are beginning to streak his face, making him appear even older.  While next to the Archduke he might seem a shadow of a man, his steely expression hints to his intelligence and pride.
"Your Imperial Excellency," Archduke Osoer nods slightly, along with Baron Tshalen -- a dance that seems well choreographed. They take their seats.
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-DM Jon

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2009, 06:19:47 PM »
The Chamberlain nods back at the Archduke.

"Your Grace, you are welcome."

As all have found their seats, the Chamberlain stands up and adresses all present.

"A great tragedy nearly ecclipsed this fair Sword and Crown, a duel was held wherein I am told many great men almost lost their lives. A duel that broke several of Anuire city's ancient laws.

 So tell me, in good order, what happened?"

He looks around at all assembled. The floor is open.

Offline X-Roesone/ARR (Robert)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2009, 07:17:48 PM »
"Your Excellency, you will pardon me for not standing up. I am still feeling the effects of the Green Knight's blade.

It is very simple from my perspective at least. I'm sure the good High Marshal will provide you with a view that is more adequately grounded in legality, but I'll offer you my view as a noble."

He looks at baron Tshalen "The baron launched a series of insults at Duchess Tanar and.." he raises a hand "before anyone starts to protest, let me be clear on this. I recognize her title as duchess. Whether of Tornilen or of her native land is irrelevant now. She is a peer of Anuire by virtue of fact and dedication to the cause of Cuiraecen and the Conclave as well as by being a good regent of her people."

casting a glance at the patriarch of Elinie "And there is precedent for the recognition of foreign titles."

"Now, where was I. Ah yes, the duel. What happened is that the baron brought the Green Knights to substitute him, and as it turned out, Ser Estevan's sanity is highly questionable."

He shakes his head

"I owe everyone who participated in that ill fated duel a debt of gratitude, not only for what you did for my future wife and myself, but also because Ser Estevan is technically in my employ as mercenary. He did not obey me when I asked him not to fight, but still, I owe you all."

"As for the duel, Ser Estevan should have stopped when it became clear that he had the upper hand. No one doubts his skill at arms, but what he did there was not how a paladin should behave."

"You will ask why I interfered and some will claim that I had broken rules. If I did, I regret nothing. What was happening there was not honorable, and it was my duty to stop it. He did not fight to defend baron Tshalen's honor, he fought the duchess only to force her brother to face him. Seems he has this twisted notion of fighting any person of high skill in Anuire as some sort of training to prepare him for the eventual confrontation with the undead king Raenech. I had to prevent him from killing Her Grace. It would have been dishonorable had I not reacted."

He gasps and pauses to get some air

"But as you could see, I was no match for his skill and his blind fanaticism."
Arvour Raemel, by the Grace of Haelyn Baron of Roesone etc, Champion of Cuiraecen

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2009, 09:24:37 PM »
The Archduke listens to the Baron, and as he ends, William begins to speak.

“Your Imperial Excellency,” he begins.

“None here dispute the actions which precipitated this duel; your Imperial Excellency was present for such, this I will not dispute the veracity of your own eyes and ears,” he says.  “And while I do not condone this duel, or the lack of civility which gave it rise, a challenge was offered all the same, accepted in good faith and in full understanding of the possible implications.  In this regard, all here are judged guilty.”
“It leaves only the duel in which to speak, though I shall speak of the Sword Mage firstly.” Osoer says.

“In offering a challenge, the Sword Mage, by her very words, acknowledged that her ‘honor’ was so damaged that only by gaining some form ‘satisfaction’ from His Excellency, Baron Tshalen, would she be appeased and made whole.  While such did not necessarily require or demand death, it is often a reality in these events, and all n who would turn to the sword instead of his words, willingly accepts that he is wagering his life,” he says.
“She fought well and so with her I see no fault, only that next time, perhaps, she will show more wisdom in her challenges,” he says.

“Your Imperial Excellency, it was not until Baron Roesone interfered in the duel that this ancient of Anuirean traditions descended into little more than a brawl. Yet, Your Imperial Excellency, even in this, there are very clear distinctions to be made.”

“Until the duel was completed to whatever end deemed by the duelers, and in observance of Anuirean Tradition, no interference helpful or woeful, was to be given.  All circumstance from that point after continues to interference, until the interrupting by the Imperial Legion – furthermore, with the exception of Guildmaster Ghieste, all interfered with weapons brandished. By my judgment, when they did this, the Green Knight was now acting in his defense and all injury resulting from their ill-advised actions rests solely in their hands,” he says.

“I do not believe that the Green Knight is without fault, his abandon of self-control was very reminiscent of Baron Roesone’s, and while perhaps acceptable for the faithful Cuiraecen, and I’ve doubts on that, it was clearly unacceptable from both the precepts of Haelynic pillars: Honor, Justice and Courage”,  Osoer says.

“Even if his actions came as a result of the actions of others,” he says.

"Nonetheless, this event gave us a clear window into the state of Anuirean character.  I, for one, am not pleased by that looking glass.”

Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Roesone/ARR (Robert)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2009, 09:39:25 PM »
Arvour rolls his eyes at the archduke's words, his fists clenching. He maintains his calm, even if only barely.

After a few moments he looks at the Archduke and speaks with a tone kept carefully under control

"Please allow me to repeat myself, Your Grace. I do not regret interfering. As I have said, the Green Knight told me that he wants to kill the duchess in order to challenge her brother. That means that his participation in the duel was for ulterior motives and was thus dishonorable. I only regret not being able to stop him earlier."

"Also, I would pose the question as to why Baron Tshalen, your own vassal, chose to throw these accusations at the duchess when he had years to complain to either King Raenech or yourself."
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 09:46:11 PM by Roesone/ARR (Robert) »
Arvour Raemel, by the Grace of Haelyn Baron of Roesone etc, Champion of Cuiraecen

Offline X-Osoerde (Alan)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2009, 10:13:56 PM »
"Baron, it was the Sword Mage who offered the challenge, not the Green Knight.  As such, his motives are rather irrelevent, if not wholly inconsequential. His function in the duel is not at question, all you have given is the reason why he desired to fight on behalf of Baron Tshalen," William says.

"Truthfully, if ulterior motives the basis of dishonor, I doubt there would be a single honorable man amongst us."
Yes, wyrmling, the meat is made all the more tender by armor...

Offline X-Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten)

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Re: The Chamberlain and the duel
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2009, 10:32:13 PM »
"Your Imperial Excellency," Kaven begins.
"I agree for the most part with His Grace, Archduke Osoer's initial words. I would like to point out though, that at no point did my sword leave it's scabbard by my will. I have the battered swordsheath at my quarters if you need proof of this."

He shakes his head slightly.
"I will try not to comment on the politics leading up to this incidence... I am against duels to the death on principle, mainly because it is precisely deaths in these highly emotional circumstances, that lead to the strengthening of the shadows ranks. I only intervented, when I believed innocent people to be in immediate danger.
It was clear, very soon after the interruption, that a rage of sorts had overtaken Ser Estevan. Having fought besides the man before, I recognized none of his usual calm and cool, instead watching as the Knight flew into a whirlwind of frenzied movement. I admit, that I acted on military instinct rather than my noble upbringing at that point.
I was aware, that if nothing was done quickly, not only would the Baron find himself skewered by his foe, but innocent civilians might be next in line.

I am not aware, what took place, while I concentrated on guiding the immediate stray citizens away from the battle, but when I turned, more lay on the ground, Duke Ghorien among them. I moved to stand in front of Baron Arvour, my sword still sheathed, as I pleaded at Ser Estevan to calm and to pause. As Patriarch Rashid from Elenie became his next target, I felt myself forced to put myself in harms way and prevent further bloodshed, and keep Ser Estevan occupied long enough for others to get clear."

Kaven sighs.
"For me, it was a matter of casting the Celestial Spell, as the Ruornites put it: Actively prevent a thinning in the veil... in this instance, by stopping death and bloodsheding of innocents caused by rage, hatred or anger."
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 10:34:13 PM by Medoere & RCS/KE (Thorsten) »