RoE Development > RoE PbeM Whiteboard
New campaign Rules I would like if I am to DM
X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde):
Setting and area: Where players want to play and where I can get enough reading material to form a good idea of the area.
Domains: Any domain viable in that setting
Characters: Simple skill point point by characters with simple choices of skills and blood abilities... Levels are an option, greater power can just be more skill points and class can be a bonus SP in a skill. The number of points a character is given can also be the base for the DDC to hire him with a hire help action.
Actions: Well defined actions that allow players to do most calculation before handing in the DO.... Just as now
Magic and spells: LESS than RoE.
Units and combat: A combat system where the outcome of battles depend on strategy and units more than on the roll of a dice...
Agendas: Agendas will be used.. Same as in RoE to help you win the game. But VP gain from agendas and other actions will be defined and available.
Winner(s): All of us since we are going to have many years of fun.. but the winner of the game will also be the domain with most VP at end.
Feel free to post suggestions or comments. I will try to elaborate my statements in the following days.
X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde):
Just found some old rules I made a couple of years ago... Ill post them here in raw form for inspiration and input
Character Generation Draft:
Creating a character comes in 4 steps.
1. Choose Classes.
2. Choose Skills
3. Choose blood strength & power
4. Choose blood abilities & Special powers
Each character starts with a number of character creation points (CCP). On your domain secrets document the number of CCP available to your regent and other characters will be noted.
No more than 50% of your characters total CCP may be spent on each step.
1. Choose Classes:
A character can have any number of classes gaining the full benefit of each class. You must buy at least one class for your character. If your character has less than 40 CCP total he can only choose from the basic classes that cost 10CCP. (Note: If two of your classes grant the same benefit you only gain the benefit once)
Guilder. Cost 10 CCP. Your character gain the following benefit: +1 Commerce. & Full Regency for Guild
Warrior. Cost 10 CCP. Your character gain the following benefit: +1 prowers. & Full Regency for Law
Magician. Cost 10 CCP. Your character gains the following benefit: +1 Sorcery. & Full Regency for Sources
Cleric. Cost 10 CCP. Your character gains the following benefit: +1 Theology & Full regency for Temples
Noble. Cost 15 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: Diplomacy is a free action. Half regency for law & Guild.
Rogue. Cost 15 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +1 Commerce, +1 stealth, Full Regency for Guilds & half regency for law.
Fighter. Cost 15 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +1 Prowers, +1 law, Full Regency for Law & half regency for Temples.
Wizard. Cost 15 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +1 Sorcery, +1 Politics, Full Regency for Sources & half regency for Guilds
Priest. Cost 15 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +1 Theology, +1 Sorcery, Full Regency for Temples & half regency for Sources.
Assassin. Cost 20 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +2 Commerce, +3 stealth, Full Regency for Guilds & half regency for law.
Knight(Paladin). Cost 20 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +1 Prowers, +2 law, Full Regency for Law & Temples.
Sorcerer. Cost 20 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +3 Sorcery, +2 Politics, Full Regency for Sources & half regency for Guilds
Devotee. Cost 20 CCP. Your character gains the following benefits: +2 Theology, +1 Sorcery, Full Regency for Temples & Sources.
2. Choose Skills:
These are the skills available to characters in the game:
Sorcery: (Sor) Fighting with arcane might and casting arcane realm magic.
Theology: (The) Fighting with divine might and casting divine realm magic.
Prowers: (Pro) Fighting with physical might and surviving battles
Commerce: (Com) Administrating funds and modifier on some domain actions
Politics: (Pol) Etiquette, diplomacy, negotiations ect
Law: Knowledge of legal code ect.
Strategy: (Str) Useful when commanding an army.
Knowledge: (Kno) Knowing stuff not covered in other skills.
Stealth: (Ste) Useful in battles & some domain actions
Outdoors: (Out) Survival in the wilderness.
Seamanship: (Sea) Knowledge and knowhow of sailing vessels.
Skills cost as shown by the following table:
Exponent Cost in CCP
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5 15
6 21
7 28
8 36
9 45
10 55
3. Choose Bloodline strength & power:
Bloodline strength cost as follows:
Strength Minimum Power Cost in CCP
Weak 5 5
Minor 15 10
Major 25 15
Great 40 25
Bloodline power costs as follows:
Power Cost in CCP
5 1
10 3
15 6
20 10
25 15
30 21
35 28
40 36
45 45
50 55
4. Choose Blood Abilities & Special powers:
Special powers:
Ability to cast divine realm magic: 15CCP. Your character can cast realm magic. Choose 3 battle spells. Choose divine realm spells equal to your theology skill. You know those spells and can learn more with the research action.
Ability to cast Arcane realm magic: 15CCP. Your character can cast realm magic. Choose 3 battle spells. Choose arcane realm spells equal to your sorcery skill. You know those spells and can learn more with the research action.
Blood abilities Table of cost:
Strength of Power Strength of Character Cost in CCP
Minor Weak 15
Minor Minor 10
Minor Major+ 5
Major Weak NA
Major Minor 20
Major Major 15
Major Great+ 10
Great Minor- NA
Great Major 25
Great Great 20
Great True 15
Bloodlines and Blood Abilities
Blood abilities are intentionally written to mostly grant characters personal powers rather than domain-wide effects. They are essentially roleplaying tools. This is to encourage characters to add a personal touch to the activities of their domains, and blood abilities can have many different effects depending on the situation - be creative! Note that a character must personally oversee and become involved in a domain action in order to use his blood abilities in conjunction with it.
Blood Ability Allowed Derivations Strength Effects
Alertness Az, Ba, Br, Re Minor +10 to domain initiative.
Alter Appearance Az, Br, Vo Minor Scion can alter his appearance via illusion magic (but cannot copy a specific person's appearance). +1 stealth
Animal Affinity All Minor Scion can communicate with a type of animal based on his bloodline derivation (Anduiras - lion, Azrai - snake, Basaia - eagle, Brenna - cat, Masela - dolphin, Reynir - wolf, Vorynn - owl) and can detect them within 1 mile radius. At major bloodline, can also gain the service of such an animal as an ally (not as unthinking slave). At great bloodline, can shapechange into such an animal.
Battlewise An, Az Major Scion adds + 1 morale to up to one friendly unit per point of Strategy skill. These units must be close to the scion or commanded by him to receive this bonus.
Berserkers Blood Az, Vo Great +2 to Prowess skill. Opponents meeting the scion in melee are more likely to be killed.
Blood History Br, Ma, Vo Minor +1 to Knowledge skill. Scion can recall memories from all of his ancestors. A regent may use Ceremony as a free action without being present, as long as all parties are willing.
Bloodform Az Major This ability cannot be taken. Its appearance results through in-game roleplaying and heralds the transformation into an awnshegh.
Bloodmark All Minor Scion elicits respect and can gain bonuses (+ 1) when using skills such as Commerce or Politics with nonhostile targets. He is easily recognizable, which may hinder certain applications of Stealth skill.
Bloodtrait An, Ba, Br, Ma, Re, Vo Major This ability cannot be taken. Its appearance results through in-game roleplaying and heralds the transformation into an ehrshegh.
Character Reading Ba, Br, Vo Major After speaking with another character for at least one minute, scion may form a good sense of the other's motivations and personality.
Charm Aura Az, Ba, Br Major Scion can charm nearby nonhostile beings or cause confusion in the minds of hostile beings; up to one target per 5 points of bloodline score can be affected at once. Targets check their defense against magic to avoid this. At great bloodline, the effect is stronger and harder to resist. The ability is even more effective if stacked with Persuasion.
Courage An Minor Scion is completely immune to normal or magical fear. At major bloodline, the effect extends to all nearby allies. At great bloodline, the effect extends to a single military unit led by the scion, giving it +5 morale.
Death Touch Az Minor Scion can secrete virulent poison from his skin. (+1 assassinate) At major (+2 assassinate) and great (+4 assassinate)
Detect Lie An, Ba, Br, Ma, Re, Vo Minor Scion can discern whether a single individual is speaking the truth as he believes it. Must be able to hear and understand the individual speaking.
Detect Life All Minor Scion can detect any nearby animal (including sentient creatures) or plant life by concentrating.
Detect Illusion Az, Ba, Br, Ma, Re, Vo Minor Scion always sees through illusions, including Alter Appearance ability.
Direction Sense Ma, Re Minor Scions with the derivation of Reynir can always tell direction in the wilderness, while those with the derivation of Masela have the same ability at sea.
Divine Aura All Major Nearby non-blooded characters are easily impressed by the scion and can be enthralled if desired. At great bloodline, nearby hostile non-blooded targets are affected by fear (+2 morale to a single unit and + 1 Politics).
Divine Wrath An, Ba, Ma Major When fighting an enemy who has somehow greatly wronged the scion or those he cares about, the scion gains +1 sorcery/prowers/theology, and causes fear with his gaze. What "greatly wronged" means can vary and strongly depends on roleplaying; fighting some random gnolls is not enough to trigger the effect.
Elemental Control An, Ba, Ma, Re Great Scion can summon an elemental of appropriate type (Anduiras - air, Basaia - fire, Masela - water, Reynir - earth) once per week. The elemental will serve the scion faithfully and is a tough ally; in battle it uses the same stats as Summoned Monsters, but this is not necessarily the only way to use it. Additionally, the scion gains a special power based on derivation: scions of Anduiras can control winds, scions of Basaia are immune to fire, scions of Masela can walk on water, and scions of Reynir can pass through earth and stone.
Endurance An, Ba, Ma, Re Minor Scion never becomes tired or fatigued from any physical activity. He is more likely to survive personal combat and assassination attempts. (+1 prowess or + 1 survival. Chosen when the ability is taken)
Enhanced Sense All Major Scion gains a special sense based on derivation. Scions of Anduiras can detect evil and supernatural creatures. Scions of Azrai can see in poor light and can spot sneaking beings more easily. Scions of Basaia can see and spot details at a much greater distance and are more effective with ranged weapons. Scions of Brenna can see in darkness and have very acute hearing. Scions of Masela can see and hear normally through any weather conditions. Scions of Reynir can follow tracks and spot things in wilderness environments much more easily. Scions of Vorynn are able to transfer their senses of sight and hearing to a known location up to one mile away.
Fear Az Minor Scion can cause magical fear by touch, and is himself more resistant to fear.
Forest Walk Re Minor Scion can move through any forest without slowing down or leaving any tracks. At major bloodline, scion cannot be magically detected or scried when in a forest. At great bloodline, scion can travel through any contiguous forest terrain at the rate of one province per hour.
Healing An, Ba, Re Minor Scion can heal a wound, potentially preventing someone's death. At major bloodline, scion can also cure a disease, paralysis, blindness, or deafness. At great bloodline, scion can cure poisoning and his wound healing ability completely heals all the target's normal wounds. The ability can be used once per day, regardless of which effect is chosen.
Heightened Ability All Minor Grants a +1 bonus to one skill, based on derivation. Anduiras - Law or Strategy, Azrai - Sorcery or Politics, Basaia - Law or Knowledge, Brenna - Commerce or Stealth, Masela - Knowledge or Seamanship, Reynir - Outdoors or Prowess, Vorynn - Sorcery or Outdoors. This ability can only be selected once.
Home Hearkening Br Major A regent scion can feel when one of his provinces or holdings is threatened or covertly acted against in some way, though he does not necessarily know the source. At great bloodline, the regent can also relay his wishes and instructions to his holdings regardless of his location or state, as long as he is conscious. Non-landed scions with this ability have a similar sense of danger to their home province, provided they have lived there at least for the previous six months.
Iron Will An, Az, Re Minor Scion is harder to kill and has greater resistance against hostile magic.
Light of Reason Ba Minor Scion can generate light around himself at will. At major bloodline, scion can create a flash of light that causes temporary blindness in nearby enemies, and is immune to any kind of blindness himself. At great bloodline, this flash of light is equivalent to sunlight and greatly damages nearby undead.
Long Life All Minor Scion will never age beyond young adulthood and never die of old age. His health will never deteriorate naturally.
Mebhaighl Sense Vo Minor Scion can sense whenever an arcane spell is cast within half a mile radius, or whenever an arcane realm spell is cast within the same province. At major bloodline, scion can also sense the exact type of spell cast. At great bloodline, scion can also sense if arcane magic has been used in his immediate area within the last three months, or if an arcane realm spell was cast within the same province in the last three months.
Persuasion Az, Br Major Scion can influence a sentient target with a magical suggestion, as long as they share the same language. The ability is even more effective if stacked with Charm Aura.
Poison Sense Az, Re Minor Scion can automatically detect any poison nearby, effectively rendering certain assassination attempts ineffective.
Protection from Evil An, Ba, Br, Ma, Re, Vo Major Scion is constantly protected against evil or supernatural creatures, who cannot voluntarily touch him. At great bloodline, the effect extends to nearby allies.
Resistance All Minor Scion gains a resistance against certain forms of attack, dependent on derivation. Anduiras - charms and mind control, Azrai - necromancy, Basaia - light and fire, Brenna - magical restraint, Masela - water-based attacks and can breathe water, Reynir - cold and weather, Vorynn - direct damage magic. Major and great bloodlines increase the resistance.
Sea Song Ma Major Scion can communicate with bodies of water by touching them.
Shadow Form Br, Az Great Scion can change himself into living shadow for a short time, becoming nearly undetectable and immune to most forms of damage. He cannot attack or manipulate physical objects in this form.
Touch of Decay Az Great Scion can disintegrate non-living matter composed of metal, stone, or wood with a touch.
Travel Az, Ba, Br, Ma, Vo Great Scion and up to one companion per 5 points of bloodline score can teleport once per day, using a specific method dependent on derivation. Scions of Azrai can travel via the Shadow World between sunset and sunrise. Scions of Basaia can teleport between fires large enough to engulf their body. Scions of Brenna can teleport from any point of a road or path to any other point on any connected path. Scions of Masela can travel to any point within the same body of water they are standing in. Scions of Vorynn can teleport to any destination, but only during moonrise and moonset each day. The teleport destination must be known to the scion.
Unreadable Thoughts All Major Scion is completely protected against mind-reading or intention-discerning effects, including Character Reading ability. Such abilities simply fail to detect any information.
Wither Touch Az Major Scion can wither living tissue with a touch, causing damage, limb dessication and loss of physical strength. If not healed magically, the damage may be permanent. At great bloodline, the ability is more damaging and harder to resist.
Increasing Bloodline Score and Strength
Bloodline score can be increased in several ways:
By spending RP equal to the current bloodline score +1. This is a free action that can only be done once every three rounds and will increase the bloodline score by 1. Only characters who possess RP can do this; usually meaning only regents.
If a scion dies as a result of another scion piercing him through the heart (bloodtheft), the slayer's bloodline increases by 1 if it was stronger or equal to the victim's, or by 2 if it was weaker; the victim's RP reserve is completely lost in any case, but his domain passes to his heir normally. If the victim was the last of his line, the slayer instead gains 1/5 of the victim's bloodline score as well as all his RP; the victim's domain still passes to the heir. If the bloodtheft is performed with a tighmaevril weapon, the slayer gains half of the victim's bloodline score and all his RP; the victim's domain becomes uncontrolled even if there was an heir.
An unblooded character may become blooded if he kills a scion in personal combat where the victim's blood is spilled. This is more likely if the slaying involved bloodtheft, and also more likely if the victim had an Azrai bloodline.
Alignment is not used in this game as such. However, characters with certain codes of behavior, such as paladins, are expected to follow them or suffer possible consequences.
Characters may start with any non-magical equipment they wish that is available. Magical heirlooms are subject to the DM's whim.
X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde):
Need modification... mostly stolen from another pbem.... the next few posts are from the same rules. I will try to edit them to make them readable before monday.
Rules of the Game
The Most Important Rule
The most important rule of this game is that things usually happen logically and for a reason. A realm has many interconnecting factors affecting it and fiddling with any of them can have positive or negative repercussions on something else. While the rules on this page form the basic framework, the DM reserves the right to tweak individual things in cases where an outcome based on rules alone doesn't make sense. This will be done with fairness and realism in mind, and you are always allowed to appeal the DM's rulings in such matters.
Game Time and Turn Resolution
This game is run one round at a time. Each round is equal to a month; there are three rounds in a turn, which is equal to one season. There are no separate war moves. Players submit their actions for one round at a time.
Actions are resolved according to the following order.
1. Domain initiative is determined by rolling 1d20 (the Alertness blood ability adds +10 to this roll). There is no bonus for early turn submission, though late submissions may carry a penalty. Regents can choose to delay their actions until later in the round, but must specify the event that they will act upon (even if it is simply waiting for someone else to act).
2. Province loyalty is adjusted where necessary, if it is the start of a new turn.
3. Domain collections are gained if it is the start of a new turn.
4. Domain expenses are paid if it is the start of a new turn.
5. Domain and other actions are resolved for each domain in the initiative order.
6. Battles are resolved, if necessary.
Province Loyalty
Province loyalty can be high, average, poor, or rebellious. Provinces in rebellion produce no tax income, and all of the ruler's holdings in them are considered contested (this can only be countered via raising the loyalty).
Loyalty is adjusted at the beginning of each turn according to a d20 roll as follows:
New Mood
Initial Mood Rebellious Poor Average High
Rebellious <20 20-34 35-49 50+
Poor <11 11-24 25-39 40+
Average - <1 1-24 25+
High - - <9 10+
Various bonuses and penalties can affect this roll, as follows:
Bonus or Penalty Example
+3 Ruler successfully dealt with a major event in the province last turn
+1 Per point of Politics skill of the ruler
+1 Ruler successfully dealt with a minor event in the province last turn
+1 Per GB of decreased province collection
-1 Per GB of increased province collection
-1 Per unit of levies mustered in the province during the previous turn
-2 For each holding hostile to the ruler in the province
-2 Ruler did not successfully deal with a minor event in the province last turn
-2 For each Warding or an ongoing hostile realm spell affecting the province
-5 Ruler did not successfully deal with a major event in the province last turn
-10 Province is occupied by military forces
Domain Collections
Domains collect income at the beginning of each turn.
Regency Points are collected according to total domain power or the ruler's bloodline strength, whichever is lower. Provinces and holdings generate RP based on the ruler's character class. A ruler can have no more than two times his bloodline score carried over from one turn to the next; anything in excess of this is lost.
Temples, guilds and provinces produce income of 1 GB per level. Law and source holdings produce no GB.
Province GB collection can be increased or decreased via the Decree action once per round. Each Decree action will modify the collection from any or all of the regent's provinces by any amount up or down, up to the ruler's Law skill +1 per Decree; this will apply from next turn. Province collection can be decreased all the way to zero or up to 50% higher than normal (rounded up to the next full GB, fractions are not used in province taxation). A single Decree action can also be used to restore normal base collection.
Law holdings can claim part of the income of other holdings. This should be specified in round 3 of each turn and is done during the subsequent collection. A law holding can extract taxes from temples, guilds, and trade routes in the same province, as well as the province itself if it is ruled by someone else. The claiming law holding must be of at least level 1. It can claim up to half of its own level in GB from each desired temple, guild, trade route connected to the province, or the province itself. Less than the maximum can be taken if desired, with increments of 0.1 GB. The claimed amounts are subtracted from the targets' income; no more than half the actual income produced can be claimed by a single law holding.
Domain Expenditures
Domain expenses are subtracted at the same time as income is collected.
Regency points can be paid in a vassalage agreement, by transferring an agreed amount of RP to one's liege lord; this is done automatically with no actions. A standard vassalage agreement usually stipulates the transfer of 1 RP per province and holding held in vassalage, but there can be many variations.
GB expenditures can be any of the following:
Military maintenance: total of maintenance cost of all units.
Naval maintenance: total of maintenance cost of all ships. Ships that have spent the entire previous round in port have their maintenance halved.
Asset maintenance: A fixed GB cost based on the total of your number of holdings (not holding levels), total number of trade routes, total fortification levels, and total building levels, divided by 5. Level 0 holdings and provinces are counted for maintenance. For example, a domain that owns 4 provinces, 4 law holdings, 2 guild holdings, 2 highways, a level 3 fortification, and a level 2 palace has total assets of 17, paying 3,4 GB in maintenance.
If the regent does not have enough GB to pay all his maintenance costs, the costs are reduced in the following order:
1. Unit maintenance. Any normal army unit whose maintenance costs are not paid is automatically subject to morale check with a DC of 15, disbanding if it fails. The regent may spend RP to modify this DC, separately for each unit. Mercenary units that are not paid disband immediately.
2. Ship maintenance, starting with ships not in port. Any ship whose maintenance costs are not paid takes 1 damage and is unusable until paid for (ships not in port stagger into the nearest friendly one). Ships that reach 0 hits fall into complete disrepair and disband.
3. Asset maintenance, starting with buildings, then highways, then fortifications, then holdings. Buildings that are not paid for no longer grant their effects and may lose levels. Fortifications still provide protection but lose a level and are easier to siege and assault. Highways are destroyed. Trade routes are removed. Holdings lose a level. Provinces lose a level of loyalty.
Sources and ley lines also cost maintenance, according to the total number of source holdings and ley lines from the above table; however, RP is paid instead of GB. Level 0 source holdings are also counted for maintenance.
A regent's court level is equal to the level of his largest non-source holding plus the level of his biggest palace, if any. In addition, the regent may pay extra GB in round 1 of each turn to increase the court level. Maximum total court level cannot exceed 10.
The court affects the number of possible court actions that the regent can perform in a single round. All these court actions must be used in the same round, you cannot save them for later use. Courts also grant a modifier to the Politics skill of the regent and all his lieutenants, but only for the purpose of domain actions (not province loyalty or other rolls). This modifier cannot increase the skill above 10 but it can decrease it below 0.
Court Level Description Court Actions Skill Modifier
0 Minimal court. The regent, and perhaps allies or a few hirelings paid from the regent's personal finances, administer the domain when and where they can. The regent must always use the Oversee action in conjunction with his domain actions. 0 -3
1 Quaint court. The regent has a primary base of operations equal to a common inn with only a few servants. The regent has a local reputation within a province, but no courtiers of any note. Common folk expect to deal with the regent directly and may be put off by retainers claiming to speak in the regent's name. 1 -3
2 Quaint court. The regent has a primary base of operations equal to a common inn with several servants. The regent has a local reputation within a province, but few courtiers of any note. Common folk expect to deal with the regent directly and may be put off by retainers claiming to speak in the regent's name. 1 -2
3 Average court. The regent's court is mostly functional with a scattering of trusted retainers and a few specialized servants such as musicians, tutors, a huntsman, etc. The court is capable of hosting occasional affairs of state and small festivals. The regent's retainers and agents are well-known and the common folk begin to interact with the regent's courtiers rather than the regent himself for most day-to-day matters. 1 -1
4 Average court. The regent's court is fully functional with sevaral trusted retainers and some specialized servants such as musicians, tutors, a huntsman, etc. The court is capable of hosting occasional affairs of state and festivals. The regent's retainers and agents are well-known and the common folk begin to interact with the regent's courtiers rather than the regent himself for most matters. 1 +0
5 Good court. The regent's court becomes established and administered by its own bureaucracy. The court has good facilities, many servants and retainers, and regular feasts or festivals. People consider the regent's court to be agents of an authority (legitimate or otherwise). The common folk of the regent's holdings interact with the regent's courtiers for all but the most pressing of issues, and courtiers are assigned to carry out the regent's orders unassisted. 2 +0
6 Good court. The regent's court becomes established and administered by its own bureaucracy. The court has good facilities, plentiful servants and retainers, and regular feasts or festivals. People consider the regent's court to be agents of an authority (legitimate or otherwise). The common folk of the regent's holdings interact with the regent's courtiers for all but the most pressing of issues, and courtiers are assigned to carry out the regent's orders unassisted. 2 +1
7 Excellent court. The regent's court is large and capable. Courtiers exist for every major function in the realm, and many have a staff of lesser bureaucrats that report to them directly. The court is capable of hosting balls and major galas regularly. 2 +2
8 Excellent court. The regent's court is large and capable. Courtiers exist for every major function in the realm, and most have a staff of lesser bureaucrats that report to them directly. The court is capable of hosting balls and major galas regularly, and does so. 3 +2
9 Opulent court. The regent's court is a major center of power, the envy of nearby realms. Art, literature, and sports are celebrated. Guests are waited on hand and foot. The regent's court handles all but the most critical matters and common folk are rarely allowed (or need) to speak with the regent directly. 3 +3
10 World-class court. The regent's court is a thing of wonder spoken of in far-off lands. Art, literature, and sports are celebrated. Guests are waited on hand and foot, and head and neck. Every day brings a festive event of some kind. The regent is expected to do almost nothing and is almost entirely unaccessible except to other powerful regents. Decree actions are now free rather than court. 4 +3
Wizards also gain a number of court actions as if they had a court level equal to their highest source holding. These court actions can only be used on actions related to sources and ley lines, granting gold, and building source-related buildings. Wizards can also maintain a regular court in addition if they pay for it, have a non-source holding, or build a palace.
X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde):
Actions can be of any of the following types:
Domain action (D). One domain action can be performed per round. R indicates the action can be done as a realm action. See below for details.
Court action (X). As many of these as the domain's court level allows can be performed per round.
Character action (C). The regent and every available lieutenant can each perform one of these each round.
Free action (F). Any number of these can be performed during a round, within reason.
Realm actions are domain actions targeting several holdings at once. These actions can simultaneously affect any number of provinces or holdings, though both the costs and the success rolls are separate for each, and a court action must be expended for each additional province or holding affected. The actions that can be extended in this manner, as well as which skills are relevant for them, have this noted in their description.
Once every round, one lieutenant may perform a lieutenant action, which is a court action; the lieutenant automatically oversees this action. No additional RP can be spent to improve its success (but additional GB can be, if the specific action allows it).
If a lieutenant is not used for a lieutenant action on any given round, he may perform a character action. Any/all lieutenants not performing a court action can be assigned to a character action every round. No extra RPs can be added to such actions, either.
All actions available in this game are listed below (if it's not listed, it's not available). DC modifiers in the descriptions are bonuses or penalties applied to the base success number of the action; a d20 roll needs to be equal to or greater than this number to succeed. Note that a natural 1 is always a failure but a natural 20 is not always a success. Common DC modifiers that apply to all actions are as follows:
Relevant skill decreases the DC of the action if it is overseen by the character. The relevant skill can also increase the DC of hostile actions targeting holdings that are overseen by the character.
Province loyalty modifies the DC of actions by all regents in the province: -1 for high, +2 for poor, +4 for rebellious.
Regency points can be spent to raise or lower the DC by any regents with holdings in the province where the action takes place, provided they could support or oppose otherwise.
Take ten: If the regent or lieutenant overseeing the domain action has at least 5 in the relevant skill, then you may expend a court action to take ten instead of having the DM roll the dice.
You cannot take ten on court or free actions.
Action Type Base Cost Base DC Relevant Skill Notes
Adventure C None - Various This action can be used to do things that require personal involvement by a group of characters. Adventures will be strictly regulated and in general are allowed no more than once per turn. Each adventure must have a very specific goal and plan detailed for it. They are not duplicates for domain actions and normally cannot achieve similarly spectacular results. There will be no player involvement once a turn is submitted, so remember that if you are going on an adventure you are putting your character's life in the DM's hands!
Agitate DR 1 GB/province, 1 RP/province 10+ Politics Used to raise or lower province loyalty. Only law, temple, and guild holdings can be used to agitate.
DC Modifiers:
If the level of the holding used to agitate is lower than the province level, the difference is applied as increase to DC.
All law holdings in the province can support or oppose regardless of which holding type is used to agitate.
Other temple holdings in the province can support or oppose.
GB can be spent to modify the DC in the same manner as RP.
DC is decreased by additional 5 points if the province is in poor mood and the action is aimed at lowering it to rebellious.
Build X Var 0+ Law This action can be used to build various constructions in a province, as well as ships in provinces that have a shipyard. This action is also used to repair ships; this costs 2 GB for each hit suffered by the ship and counts against the shipbuilding capacity.
Each Build action gives the ability to spend GB in one province, equal to the province level. This GB can be spent on any building projects in the province as desired. Each province can only have one Build action affecting it each round.
The province ruler and any law holdings in the province can modify the DC. If nobody opposes it, this action always succeeds; the DC is only used if there is opposition.
Special: Military units, including prisoners, can be utilized to build province fortifications (and only those). This still requires using a Build action, but each unit contributes an additional 1 GB to the base provided by the action. This allows building fortifications in level 0 provinces. The units cannot move or attack during the round, but will defend themselves if attacked.
Cast Realm Spell F Var Auto - Used to cast realm spells previously prepared. Regents with the appropriate special ability can cast realm spells. Lieutenants can use the lieutenant action to cast realm spells through the regent's temples. Wizard lieutenants must be given use of a source holding via Ley Link action in order to cast realm spells through them.
Note: Lieutenants need the appropriate special ability too to cast spells on behalf of the regent.
Ceremony D 1 GB Auto/0+/10+ Politics Ceremony requires at least a priest regent with a temple (1) in any province to perform the ceremony (except for designation). This counts as a court action for the priest performing the ceremony. Divestiture or transfer of guilds or source holdings does not require the services of a priest. Likewise, the elves do not employ divine aid for any of their ceremonies.
The various types of Ceremony are described below:
Coronation. You become the lawfully recognized head of an unclaimed domain or a domain held temporarily through designation. Only blooded scions may receive coronation. DC is 0+the size of the domain you are attempting to invest (i.e. its total number of holdings and provinces) if any regents oppose the coronation, otherwise success is automatic. Regents who have a holding in any province in which the invested domain has holdings may spend RP to oppose the investiture. This action can be used to formalize a heir during the ruler's lifetime by crowning him co-ruler; in this case, the heir does not take over the domain until the current ruler dies and need not be crowned again.
Designation. A regent designates a heir or heirs, who will inherit the domain upon his death; this action is automatically successful. Only blooded scions may be designated heirs. If the regent later dies or abdicates, the heir assumes temporary control of the domain, gaining only half the RP from it until a ceremony of Coronation is performed. If there is no designated heir for the domain, anyone with a reasonable claim or enough power can claim it, gaining no RP until a Coronation ceremony is performed.
If the ruler has sons, the eldest son is automatically considered the designated heir and no ceremony is needed unless the regent wishes to disinherit him or will part of his domain to others.
If the realm or domain has an elective government (such as some non-family-operated guilds), heir designation is not necessary, as a new regent will be elected when needed. However, a regent may attempt to overthrow an elective government if he wishes to establish hereditary rule.
Transfer. A willing transfer of one or more holdings or provinces to another regent. Both regents must be physically present at the ceremony (via Oversee action) and willing, though this willingness may be coerced physically or magically. Both regents must spend a domain action at the same time to transfer. Success is automatic. Transfer is not considered a realm action regardless of how many provinces or holdings are transferred.
Divestiture. A province or holding can be divested under certain conditions. The divesting regent must either have occupied the province, or must have successfully contested it. Holdings can be forcibly divested in an occupied province, provided they are subject to the occupation (i.e. fortified holdings must be taken separately). Only a single province can be divested per action, unless the target regent is present at the ceremony (willing or not); however, even if you hold the regent prisoner, you can only divest those provinces that you could under normal conditions. DC for divestiture is 10+level of the province you are attempting to claim (rolled separately for each province). Regents who have holdings in the affected province may spend RP to modify the DC. Like Transfer, Divestiture of multiple provinces or holdings is not considered a realm action. Forced divestiture against a fellow Khinasi is usually considered highly dishonorable and such transfers normally only take place in a ceremony of Transfer after a peace treaty; for non-Khinasi and nonhumans no such considerations exist.
Vassalage. Used to accept the sworn vassalage of another regent. Once sworn, this ceremony provides the liege with a seasonal tribute of regency from the vassal subject. This tribute can be any amount, but does not generally exceed 1 RP per province or holding that the vassal holds in the lieges name. Both regents involved must take the Ceremony action in the same round. Vassalage can be canceled by either part with a Decree action.
Bloodline Investiture. A blooded scion can voluntarily transfer his bloodline to another person. Both must be present during the entire ceremony. If the recipient was unblooded, he gains the same bloodline strength and derivation, but may choose different blood abilities. If the recipient was already blooded, he instead gains 1 point to his bloodline score, and the giver's bloodline strength and derivation may also be transferred if they are stronger. In any case the giver becomes unblooded and can no longer retain or gain RP.
Several ceremonies between the same two regents can be combined into a single action, provided that it makes sense to combine them.
DC Modifiers:
DC of Coronation and Divestiture can be modified by the Politics skill of any regents who are otherwise able to affect the roll.
Contest Holding DR 1 GB/holding, 1 RP/holding 10+ Law, Theology, Commerce, or Sorcery (based on the holding being contested) You must have a holding in the same province as the one you want to contest; the province ruler can instead use his province level to contest. One successful contest will make the target holding contested and unable to produce any RP or GB. A second successful contest will reduce the contested holding to zero. Only contesting a zero-level holding will totally eliminate it (in fact this is the only way to eliminate zero-level holdings). Can be done as a realm action. Source holdings can only be contested by province rulers and other source holdings.
DC Modifiers:
Contesting holding level decreases the DC.
Level of holding being contested increases the DC.
The province ruler and any law holdings in the province can support or oppose regardless of which holdings are contesting each other.
A holding that is contested once can be divested by the contesting regent via Ceremony action. A holding that is contested once can be restored to normal if its owner performs a successful Rule Holding action on it (this will not raise the holding's level).
Contest Province D 1 GB, 1 RP/province level 10+ Law A province can be contested if its ruler has at most a 0-level law holding in it, and the province loyalty is poor or rebellious. At that point, any regent with a holding in the province can attempt to contest it. A regent who has successfully contested a province can then use Ceremony to divest it. A province ruler can end the contest either by getting a law holding of at least level 1 in it, or by raising loyalty to at least average.
DC Modifiers:
Contesting holding level decreases the DC.
Province level increases the DC.
Any holding in the province can modify the DC.
Contest Trade Route D 1 GB, 1 RP 10+ Commerce One successful contest will destroy the target trade route. A trade route can be contested by any law or guild holding in either province that the route is connected to.
DC Modifiers:
Contesting holding level decreases the DC.
GB value of the trade route increases the DC.
Any guild holdings in the same province as the contesting holding can support or oppose.
Convert Holding D 2 GB, Var RP 10+ Law, Commerce, Theology, or Sorcery (based on the holding type converted) Attempts to convert one holding level of a target to the regent's own holding of the same type. Success causes the target holding to lose 1 level and the ruler's own holding to gain a level. Only holdings of the same type can be converted. RP cost is 1 per target holding level plus 1 per current level of the converting holding.
DC Modifiers:
Converting holding level decreases the DC.
Level of holding being converted increases the DC.
Other holdings of the same type may support or oppose
Any law holdings in the province may support or oppose.
Create Holding D 1 GB 10+ Law, Commerce, Theology, or Sorcery (based on the holding type created) Creates a holding (0). Only regents able to cast arcane realm spells may create source holdings, and must always use the Oversee action in conjunction.
DC Modifiers:
Other holdings of the same type may support or oppose.
The province ruler can modify the DC, regardless of what holding is being created.
Create Ley Line D 1 GB, 1 RP/province crossed 10+ Sorcery Creates a ley line between two provinces. Only regents able to cast arcane realm spells may create ley lines. The creating regent must specify which provinces he wants the ley line to pass through; it need not be a straight line, but each province crossed, including start and end provinces, is a further 1 RP.
Ley lines must start from a source, but can end in a province in which the wizard holds no sources. However, ley lines attached to only one source last only until the end of the turn, dissipating afterwards, unless the wizard creates a source on the other end before the ley line disappears. Ley lines can also be attached to other ley lines; if the "anchoring" ley line dissipates, all others attached to it do likewise.
DC Modifiers:
Can be supported or opposed by levels of any source holdings in any province passed by the ley line.
Create Province D 1 GB or 3 GB 20+ Law This action can only be taken after the regent has successfully prepared a wilderness province for settlement. The province then loses its wilderness status and becomes part of the regent's realm. The cost is 3 GB if the province is not adjacent to the regent's existing holdings. Only the scion who is to claim the province may take this action.
DC Modifiers:
Can be supported or opposed by any holdings that exist within the province.
Create Trade Route D 1 GB 10+ Commerce Creates a trade route between two guild holdings. Trade routes generate GB each turn equal to the average level of the connected guild holdings.
Trade routes can be land or sea; the holding pages show which type of trade routes are available in each province.
Trade routes must be created between provinces with different resources; there are no terrain requirements.
The regent creating the trade route must have guild holdings in both provinces, or negotiate an agreement with another guild that has a holding in the desired province.
Land trade routes must have an uninterrupted path overland through provinces that contain highways. If any province the trade route passes through loses its highways, is occupied, or otherwise blocked, the trade route must find an alternate path or be destroyed.
Sea trade routes must be created between two coastal or river provinces, at least one of which must be level 4 or higher. Ships are not assigned to sea trade routes specifically, but the regent must have ships with the total cargo capacity at least equal to the income from his sea trade routes. These ships are considered to be out at sea.
Land and sea trade routes can have additional ships or units assigned to them for protection from attacks, but they might need permission from landed regents to operate along the entire route.
DC Modifiers:
Any law or guild holding in either of the two provinces connected by the trade route can support or oppose.
Decree X or F 1 GB or None Auto - This action is used to pass laws, make official announcements, declare war, etc. It usually cannot affect another regent's domain in any way except indirectly. Decrees are generally more effective if you control a higher proportion of law holdings in a province. Example decrees include change in province taxation, granting of a title or position to a vassal, declaration of a public holiday, etc. This action can also be used to cancel agreements negotiated via the Diplomacy action or the Ceremony of vassalage. Decree is a free action if you have a level 10 court for at least the previous three rounds.
War Declaration. This action is used to declare war on another regent. Once this action is performed, the two regents are considered to be at war with each other. They can attack each other freely from that point on, without needing to spend additional actions. War can be declared on any number of enemy domains in a single action. Regardless of any alliances, a regent cannot join a war unless he performs this action separately (example: A and B are allied, C declares war on A; now either B must declare war on C or C must declare war on B before B is able to join the war). The only exception to this is that liege lords and vassals can (but are not forced to) automatically join any war to help the other. War declaration costs no GB to make.
X-Brosengae [Cloene] (Linde):
Diplomacy X or F 1 GB Auto - When a diplomatic agreement is signed, all involved parties must use the Diplomacy action, though it can be performed by lieutenants; it should also be specified where the meeting takes place (the action's cost includes the cost of travel to another realm if need be). Any domains not part of the original treaty can join it later by using this action and receiving the permission of all other treaty members. Here are some examples of what can be achieved with a Diplomacy action, though they are by no means the only ones:
alliance (exact terms can be negotiated)
marriage agreement between members of two families (often includes an alliance)
betrothal agreement (marriage will take place as soon as both bride and groom are of marriageable age; alliance is not necessarily included until marriage takes place)
rights of passage for military forces (can be temporary or permanent)
formal trade agreement between two guilds (allows them to create trade routes between each other's holdings)
response to an event such as feud or unrest
peace treaty (see below)
Several diplomatic agreements can be combined into a single action, as long as they are held in the same place between the same regents and it makes sense to combine them. Diplomacy is considered a free action if it involves purely internal matters of the realm (not including vassal realms), such as responding to an event or marriage agreement with a lesser noble. It is also a free action if youre a Noble.
Peace Treaty: All concerned regents (who are presumably at war) must perform this action during the same round. Afterwards, all participating regents are considered to be at peace with each other and can no longer attack each other until war is redeclared. The terms of the peace treaty are, of course, negotiated in advance via normal communications. Peace treaties should also specify the time for which they are in effect (commonly several turns); during this time, any regent who attacks another with whom he has a peace treaty experiences a loss of regency.
Disband F or X None Auto/10+/20+ - This action disbands military units, castles, or holdings. Disbanding mercenary units has a DC of 10, with failure indicating that the mercenaries become brigands. Ships have a sale value of 30%-80% of their base cost (rolled randomly); fortifications and other buildings have a scrap value of 10% of their base cost. Disbanding holdings or castles is a court action; it also has a DC of 20 unless the regent is personally present (this does not inhibit his other actions, but he can only personally oversee the disbanding of assets in one province in a round).
DC Modifiers:
Any law holdings in the same province can support or oppose disbanding mercenary units, holdings, or castles.
Embargo DR 3 GB/province, 3 RP/province 10+ Commerce Prerequisite: Guild regent must have a monopoly in a province or establish a coalition.
With this action, a guilder brings to a halt all economic activity within a province. Refusing to sell goods to the landed regent or to maintain contracts with said regent, the guilder plays havoc with a landed regent's treasury. If this action is successful, then tax collection in the province is decreased by 2, and the embargoing guild holdings cannot be law claimed. Every turn that a province remains under an embargo, there is a negative modifier to loyalty as the powerful merchants and guild leaders in the province lose their faith in the regent and their coffers dry up. An embargo remains in effect until the guilder lifts it, or the embargoing guild holding is contested or destroyed.
If a guilder lacks the prerequisite monopoly in a province, he can seek a coalition. If the guilder persuades another guilder to take the same domain action at the same time, then the embargo will be in effect. If one of the guild parties ends the embargo, the entire embargo ends.
DC Modifiers:
Any law and guild holdings in the same province can support or oppose.
Espionage D 1 GB Varies Politics This action covers various subterfuge activities (use your imagination), with various effects. The DC can vary anywhere from 5 to 30+, depending on the difficulty of the mission.
Create Spy Network: You can set up a spy network in a province in which you are present or own at least a level 0 holding, with a base DC of 20; a spy network is considered an asset for purpose of maintenance, but allows the owner to perform Espionage in that province as a court action with a -2 bonus to the DC.
Counter-Espionage: A regent can put RP or GB into his counter-espionage pool, each round (there is space on the turn submission sheet for that). This pool will be used to oppose any espionage actions done against that regent. Resources cannot be taken back from the counter-espionage pool, and the regent will not know exactly how big his current pool is; however, regents will be informed if their pool runs extremely low.
DC Modifiers:
The spying regent and the target apply both their law and guild holdings in the target province as modifiers to the DC; regents not involved in the espionage cannot affect it.
Level of the target province reduces the DC.
DC is increased by 1 per separation of target province from one of spying regent's holdings (i.e. espionage into adjacent province increases DC by 1).
GB can be spent to modify the DC in the same manner as RP.
For purposes of Espionage targeted more widely against a realm, its capital is considered to be the target province.
Exploratory Trade D 1 RP/ship, 1 GB/ship 20+ Commerce Sends out a naval trade expedition. This is a complex action; see section on Exploratory Trade for details.
Grant X None Auto - This action is used to grant a sum of gold to another domain. Regency points can also be granted between lieges and vassals (court wizards and state religions are considered vassals).
The GB granted to another domain must be transported, in effect working as a one-time trade route. This transportation can be by land or sea, combined as needed to reach the destination. If transported by water, ships of appropriate type with sufficient cargo space must be assigned to transport the grant. Land transportation requires highways towards the destination. Any hostile law holdings along the transport path have a chance to intercept the grant, with a base chance of 5% per holding level, subject to situational modifiers. Units may be sent along with the shipment to protect it, but may require permission to pass through all realms on the way. Ships do not require permission but can still be intercepted.
Note that the grant can be transferred between any two holdings of at least level 1 belonging the regents in question. Grants between holdings in the same province can still be intercepted by law holdings in that province.
This action can also grant mercenary units to another domain. Non-mercenary units cannot be granted.
Improve Unit D Var 20+ Strategy Trains a veteran unit, adding or improving its skills. See section on Improving Units for details.
Ley Link X 1 RP Auto - This action allows a wizard regent to temporarily transfer the control of any number of his sources and/or connected ley lines to another wizard. The recipient must be either a regent himself, or a lieutenant of the owner. The link lasts for two rounds, starting with the one when it is performed (if the recipient wishes to use the linked sources in the same round, he must wait until the link is performed). The original owner cannot use the linked sources and ley lines himself during this time, but may use another Ley Link action to retake control before time is up. A wizard lieutenant who is given control of sources via this action may use his lieutenant action to cast any realm spells he knows through them (still only once per turn, as with any lieutenant action).
Lieutenancy D 1 GB Auto - This action is used to acquire a new lieutenant. Success is usually automatic unless you want a lieutenant with a very specific set of skills. Wizards are especially rare.
The maximum number of lieutenants a regent can have at one time is equal to his Politics skill, plus 1 if he has a Minor bloodline, 2 if a Major bloodline, 3 if a Great bloodline, and 5 if a True bloodline.
Move Ships F None Auto - Ships committed to movement can be recalled to their origin for 1 GB. When moving ships, you should give a rough course for your ships to sail and specify it along with your action (see the province map for sea and ocean zone borders and numbers). Ships can travel up to 4 times their sail rating in sea zones per round; each coastal and riverside province is considered to have its own adjacent travel zone, and ocean zones take up more than one sailing point, as indicated on the map.
In open sea, ships rarely encounter each other unless they have orders to actively seek other ships or patrol a specific area. On rivers and along coasts, ships are almost certain to encounter each other. When moving on rivers, at least one river bank must be friendly (not necessarily allied); permission must be asked from non-allied regents. When moving along a coast, permission must be gained from the regent who rules the coastal provinces, if any of them are ports (level 4 or higher).
Move Troops X or F 1 GB per 10 unit/provinces
Or 1 GB per 5 unit/provinces Auto - Moves troops across friendly provinces. Friendly provinces are defined as those ruled by the regent, his vassals, his allies (subject to alliance terms), and regents who granted him rights of passage. During wartime, enemy provinces occupied by friendly forces are also considered friendly. Movement costs 1 GB per 10 unit/provinces; e.g. 1 GB could move one unit across 10 provinces of 10 units across one province. The regent can recall units to their original province, but any GBs spent on movement are forfeited. Terrain movement costs do not affect the GB cost for this action; moving 10 units one province will always cost 1 GB, whether that province has plains or mountains.
Units can move 4 times their base movement rating in a single round without ill effect. Those moving further (up to 8 times base movement rating) must make morale checks with DC 5 + the number of provinces traveled over the limit; if this check fails, the units disband due to exhaustion. A highway in a province reduces its movement rating cost by half. Each unit can always move at least one province during a round regardless of movement costs. Units moving across a river must stop immediately and cannot move further this round. An army that encounters a hostile force must stop immediately; however, it may be able to continue some of its movement if the enemy is defeated quickly enough or does not offer much resistance. An army that encounters a hostile fortification must besiege it before any units can move past it into the next province (holding fortifications must be besieged only if directly attacked).
Non-mercenary units that have just been mustered cannot move in the same round.
Move troops as a free action works exactly the same, except the cost is 1GB per 5 units per province moved.
Move Troops by Sea F 1 GB per 5 units Auto - Moves troops on own or friendly ships (combined with a Move Ships action). If another regent's ships are used, that regent must mention this fact in his turn submission. Cost is 1 GB per 5 units (or part thereof), regardless of distance. Mounted units (type Cav) are counted as two units each and can be carried by two different ships traveling together. Units must embark and disembark in a coastal or river province. This action can be used to land troops in enemy provinces; the transported units will fight any hostile forces at the destination, but cannot move further until the following round.
Muster Armies X Total muster cost Auto - Musters military units for their listed cost. Each court action can be used to muster units for up to 10 GB.
A regent must have access to military resources to muster a unit, and can muster an army unit in a province only if he controls a holding in the province listed as a requirement for the unit. The total number of non-mercenary units mustered in any one province per turn may not exceed the province level. Mustered regular units are available only on the next round after they are mustered, but can defend the province they are mustered in.
Mercenary units differ from regular units in several ways. They are available immediately upon mustering and can move or attack in the same round. They can also be hired by anyone from any holding except in realms with which the mustering regent is currently at war.
If the province mood is rebellious, only mercenaries can be mustered in it.
Permission from the province ruler is not required to muster units. However, doing so without permission may be seen as a hostile act.
Occupy Province F 1 GB Auto - A province can be occupied by a regent's military units which must spend the entire round doing so. If they are involved in any battle during that round or are moved elsewhere, the occupation fails. An occupied province generates no RP for its ruler; its taxation is reduced by 1 GB per occupying unit, which goes to the occupying regent; any decrees increasing or reducing the taxation of the province are temporarily suspended. The occupying units act as a law holding whose level is equal to their number; existing law holdings are temporarily reduced by the same amount. Once initiated, occupation lasts until units leave the province or their owner orders them to stop the occupation.
Province occupation has the following additional effects:
province loyalty drops to poor immediately upon occupation
greater chance of drop in loyalty
any holdings in the province can be forcibly divested via Ceremony action
the province will not gain any growth levels if it remains occupied for longer than a turn
A province ruler can also occupy his own provinces; in this case, he still receives normal taxation and RP from his province, but loyalty can still drop depending on the size of the occupied holdings.
Fortified holdings are not affected by occupation unless the occupying army has also taken the fortification in question; source holdings cannot be occupied at all. Also, pillaging a province does not require occupation, but can be done simultaneously with occupation.
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