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X-Points East:

X-Points East:
Part the First:  Character Level

Every character is born into a tier of prowess:—a representation of his core aptitudes and inherent talents.  The four tiers, from least to greatest, are Common, Adept, Expert, and Heroic.  A character’s tier of prowess does not change during his lifetime; but he may, over the course of time, develop his aptitudes and talents into a more refined whole, which development is expressed via experience (EXP) and character level.

EXP is composed of experience elements (EE).  1 EXP = 120 EE.  Characters can acquire EE in various ways, on a monthly basis.  Essentially (assuming success), a month of everyday living,—plying trade, travelling, etc.,—results in the acquisition of 1 EE, whilst focused training is worth twice that.  Successful adventuring is worth even more:—depending on risk/complexity (minimal, low, medium, high, or maximal, respectively), a character may gain 4, 12, 24, 40, or 60 EE, at the end of a single month.

Character level is a representation of accumulated EXP.  The various character levels can be described by, both, categories and numbers:—for example, a veteran character is also a character 3.  EXP for each character level can be found in the following table, CHARACTER LEVEL I.

Levels & Experience
EXPRaw {0}0Green {1}1-2Able {2}3-5Veteran {3}6-9Crack {4}10-14Epic {5}15-20Legendary {6}21-27Fabulous {7}28-35Mythical {8}36-44Paramount {9}45+

X-Points East:
Part the Second:  Character Class

Every character has a class:—either a generic class (GC) or a specific class (SC).  Class advancement is limited by character level and prowess, as per the following table, CHARACTER CLASS I.  A listing of GC indicates that a character has one of the four generic classes:—aristocrat, cleric, plebeian, or magician.  When class advancement allows 1 SC, the existing generic class may be upgraded to one of the specific classes, for which it is a prerequisite; and, when class advancement allows 2 SC (or 3 SC or 4 SC, etc.), either the rank in an existing specific class may be increased by one or a new specific class may be acquired independent of any prerequisite.

Class Advancement
HeroicRaw {0}GCGCGCGCGreen {1}GCGCGC1 SCAble {2}GCGCGC2 SCVeteran {3}GCGC1 SC3 SCCrack {4}GCGC2 SC4 SCEpic {5}GC1 SC3 SC5 SCLegendary {6}GC2 SC4 SC6 SCFabulous {7}1 SC3 SC5 SC7 SCMythical {8}2 SC4 SC6 SC8 SCParamount {9}3 SC5 SC7 SC9 SC
The following table, CHARACTER CLASS II, lists the various specific classes and their prerequisites (which latter are only relevant when selecting a character’s initial specific class); and it also indicates bonus class actions, to which regents or lieutenants of a certain class might have access at a minimum number of class ranks.

Prerequisites & Bonus ActionsGeneric
Prerequisite2nd Rank
Bonus Action3rd Rank
Bonus Action5th Rank
Bonus ActionBardAristocratDiplomacySpell ResearchManor ContestNobleAristocratWarDiplomacyLaw ContestTemplarAristocratDiplomacyAgitationManor ContestPriestClericAgitationDiplomacyTemple ContestPaladinClericWarAgitationLaw ContestMysticClericAgitationEspionageTemple ContestGuilderPlebeianEspionageAgitationGuild ContestFighterPlebeianWarEspionageLaw ContestRoguePlebeianEspionageSpell ResearchGuild ContestWizardMagicianSpell ResearchEspionageSource ContestRangerMagicianWarSpell ResearchLaw ContestDruidMagicianSpell ResearchDiplomacySource Contest
All characters generate full regency from provinces and half regency from law holdings.  Only characters with one or more specific classes generate additional regency from holdings, as per the following table, CHARACTER CLASS III, which indicates the species of half-regency generation for regents of a certain class at a minimum number of class ranks.  A character, who might generate half regency from a given species more than once, may generate full regency from that species.  Fighters, nobles, paladins, and rangers must choose between the two listed species of half-regency generation at the third class rank; at the fifth class rank, characters of these four classes receive the previously unselected species.

Regency Generation1st Rank
Half Regency2nd Rank
Half Regency3rd Rank
Half Regency4th Rank
Half Regency5th Rank
Half RegencyBardManorManorSourceLawSourceNobleManorLawSource/TempleManorSource/TempleTemplarManorManorTempleLawTemplePriestTempleTempleManorLawManorPaladinTempleLawManor/GuildTempleManor/GuildMysticTempleTempleGuildLawGuildGuilderGuildGuildTempleLawTempleFighterGuildLawTemple/SourceGuildTemple/SourceRogueGuildGuildSourceLawSourceWizardSourceSourceGuildLawGuildRangerSourceLawGuild/ManorSourceGuild/ManorDruidSourceSourceManorLawManor
Natural SC ArrayRangerDruidWizardBardRogueNobleFighterTemplarGuilderPriestMysticPaladin
Præternatural SC ArrayRangerDruidWizardBardRogueNobleFighterTemplarGuilderPriestMysticPaladin

X-Points East:
Part the Third:  Proficiencies

Proficiencies are a representation of a character’s ability to impact the domain level of play, although regents and lieutenants may impact it in other ways, as well.  All proficiencies fall within two general categories:—natural proficiencies and præternatual proficiencies.

Natural Proficiencies

There are two sub-categories of natural proficiencies:—civil proficiencies and martial proficiencies.

Civil proficiencies are employed via adventure (civil service) and directly modify domain actions.  Conceptually, there is a corresponding civil proficiency for every domain action, excluding character actions; and, in the case of domain actions such as holding rule, which is really a number of similar domain actions grouped under a single heading,—law rule, manor rule, temple rule, guild rule, and trade rule,—there is a corresponding civil proficiency for each of these variations.  Administration, agitation, enquiry, holding contest, holding creation, and espionage are other examples of domain actions, which are really a number of similar domain actions grouped under a single heading, with enquiry being especially diverse, each significant area of lore being a variation (with a corresponding civil proficiency).

Martial proficiencies are employed via adventure (martial service).  Unlike civil proficiencies, martial proficiencies do not directly modify domain actions; rather, a character, who employs adventure (martial service), participates in a martial endeavour and may provide a modifier to various situations, which arise during the course thereof.  The five martial proficiencies are naval command, naval warcraft, siegecraft, terrestrial command, and terrestrial warcraft.

Præternatural Proficiencies

There are only two præternatual proficiencies:—divine spellcraft and primordial spellcraft.  Each is relevant to a corresponding type of realm magic.

The rules for præternatural proficiencies differ significantly from those for natural proficiencies, in two ways.  Firstly, there is no adventure action associated with præternatural proficiencies, employed, as they are, in the course of realm magic supervision; and, secondly, when determining the modifier for a præternatural proficiency, only levels (or partial levels) in relevant (or partially relevant) classes are utilised.  The following table, PROFICIENCIES I, details class relevance for præternatural proficiencies.

Spellcraft & Class RelevanceDivine
Proficiency Points

A character must have at least one proficiency point in a proficiency to use it, as untrained checks are impossible; however, once proficient, he may become involved without penalty and provide a positive impact toward action success, as each proficiency point provides a +1 proficiency modifier.  Two factors are relevant to determining the number of general proficiency points, which a character possesses:—character prowess and EXP.  The following table, PROFICIENCIES II, lists the EXP, at which a character of each tier of prowess gains his first general proficiency point.  Thereafter, whenever a character gains 1 EXP, he gains an other general proficiency point.

First General Proficiency Point
Additionally, upon advancing to each character level above Raw {0}, all characters gain a basic proficiency point, although such basic points may only be assigned to administration and enquiry proficiencies.


A general proficiency point may be applied to any natural or præternatural proficiency,—and a basic proficiency point, to any administration or enquiry proficiency,—up to the level of mastery for the character in question.  The following table, PROFICIENCIES III, lists the mastery modifiers at the various character levels or, in the case of præternatural-mastery modifiers, at the various relevant character levels (aside from relevant character levels ending in .25 or .75, each of which has the same præternatural-mastery modifier as the level or half level, respectively, immediately less than it).

Character Level & MasteryMastery
ModifierRaw {0}+0{.5}+1Green {1}+2{1.5}+3Able {2}+4{2.5}+5Veteran {3}+6{3.5}+7Crack {4}+8{4.5}+9Epic {5}+10{5.5}+11Legendary {6}+12{6.5}+13Fabulous {7}+14{7.5}+15Mythical {8}+16{8.5}+17Paramount {9}+18

Cooperative stacking of proficiency modifiers is only possible when multiple characters employ the same civil proficiency toward the success of a given domain action:—in such a scenario, all relevant modifiers may be added together, up to the mastery modifier of the highest-level character(s) present.  Stacking martial-proficiency or præternatural-proficiency modifiers is impossible.


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